On Tue, 2012-04-17 at 02:52 +0200, Jaroslav Hajtmar wrote:
Hello Kip. If you're interested, then I send you my "simple" AMS sorted solution ;-) - only for your inspiration your solution. It's certainly not a step in the right direction, but rather an emergency solution that helped me achieve a result which was strictly required by supervisor of thesis.
Here is link to my files: http://public.hajtmar.com/?cesta=JRsVFQdsBhwIWyAdFwQROwZWEh0hHhAfEzETCRgNcRk... (There is also a ZIP package) ..
with greetings Jaroslav Hajtmar
Wow Jaroslav, that looks pretty complex. It does work, but my main issue right now isn't so much with sorting as it is just getting citations to typeset properly. I do thank you for providing the zip though. These are the issues I am having lately: Using \cite[data][<key>] depicts a full citation which is what I'd like, but I just need it as a footnote. There is probably a way to do this by having \cite do this automatically, otherwise I would have to wrap each call to it using \footnote. I'd like data to be the default format. I tried \setuppublications[alternative=data], but now all I see is an [[error 2]] typeset in the document. Another thing too is it would still be great if any time there was a 'url' tag present in the BibTeX database, automatically the 'title' is typeset interactive such that clicking it invokes the url. I think that is pretty elegant as an ideal situation, but it sounds difficult to implement. -- Kip Warner -- Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com