I have the minimals installed in ~/Applications/context/ Context works great. However, I'm having trouble with bibtex. [1] I export the following variables before using context. . ~/Applications/context/tex/setuptex ~/Applications/context/tex export TEXMFHOME='$HOME/Library/texmf' export TEXMF='{$TEXMFHOME,!!$TEXMFPROJECT,!!$TEXMFFONTS,!! $TEXMFLOCAL,!!$TEXMFCONTEXT,!!$TEXMFEXTRA,!!$TEXMFMAIN}'; (I added export PATH=/Applications/ConTeXtMinimals/tex/texmf-osx-intel/ bin:$PATH but that didn't seem to make a difference in a couple of quick trials) [2] The problem is that the minimal's bibtex can't find the bib file that I have stored in ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib/ It reports: "I couldn't open database file bib-name.bib" and "I found no database files---while reading file file-name.aux" [3] "which bibtex" yields the path to the bibtex installed with the minimals: /path-to-my-user-account/Applications/context/tex/texmf-osx-intel/bin/ bibtex [4] When I open a new shell session, "which bibtex" points to /usr/ texbin/bibtex. In this new shell, bibtex finds the bib file. It's a small thing, but if there's some other setting to make bibtex work in the same shell session that context does, that would be nice. Thanks! Michael