On Tue, 9 May 2006, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Peter Münster wrote:
Hello Taco and Hans,
in http://context.literatesolutions.com/collector/89 you write "Both Hans and me have documents that depend on \framed staying in vertical mode."
Could you give me an example please?
For instance in a recipe booklet, where one of the macros goes like this:
\def\startrecipe[#1]% {\getparameters[Recipe] [Title=,Summary=,Image=none,#1]% .. \framed{\tfd \RecipeTitle}% \externalfigure[\RecipeImage]% {\bf\RecipeSummary}% \blank }
I am not saying that that is the best way to write macros (and I certainly do not do it like that anymore) but changing the behaviour would break quite a lot of my existing documents, including some I have been payed for to do.
Hello Taco, I understand and accept your arguments. Even for me, it's no more problem to add here and there a \dontleavehmode, since I know it now. But for a beginner and a user without ambition to become a ConTeXt expert, the actual behaviour is annoying. He just sees a line break, where he does not expect it. There is a fundamental difference between bla \framed{bla} bla and \framed{bla} bla bla that is not understandable. It's much more straightforward and clear to add a \par (and perhaps \noindentation) if you really want this line break (for example in your macro \startrecipe).
Maybe Hans is willing to add a global switch that you can set at the top of your document(s).
Perhaps one day, I would like to convert some of my colleagues from M$-Word to ConTeXt, but if I have to teach them about things like \dontleavehmode there is no need for further efforts. So, such a switch would be very welcome (I would put it into cont-sys.tex)! Cheers, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/