Hi gang, Ok, I figured out a solution and have posted it here (bottom of page): http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Headers_and_Footers I have never edited the wiki before so I hope the maintainer will check to make sure I did not do something wrong-) If there is a way to improve my solution please let me know! I think this is a nice sample file... Best Idris ================================================ Dear gang, I am having difficulties with heading placement. Consider the following sample file: =================headings.tex================== % output=pdf interface=en \setuppapersize [A5][A4] \setuplayout[width=middle, height=middle, footer=3\bodyfontsize, header=0pt, headerdistance=\bodyfontsize, bottom=3\bodyfontsize, location={middle,doublesided}, marking=on] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided, location={footer,middle}] \setupbottomtexts[pagenumber] \setupbottom[style=\tf,state=high] \setupfootertexts% [][section][chapter][] \setupfooter[style=\tf, state=high] \setuptexttexts% [margin][][section][chapter][] \setuptext[style=\tf, state=high] \setupinmargin[align=inner, style=\tfx\setupinterlinespace] \showframe \starttext \chapter{Ch. Knuth Knuth} \section{Sec. Knuth Knuth} \dorecurse{20}{\input knuth\par\ } \stoptext =============================================== This file should compile fine. Problem 1: I would like the headings in the footer to be flush with the top of the footer space instead of at the bottom; Problem 2: After making the footer headings flush with the top of the footer space, I would now like to mid-align the headings so each is just above the page number in the footer space (I thought this would be trivial but it's apparently not); Problem 3: I would like to have marginal headings: how do I i) keep the headings boxed within the margin width; ii) raise (or lower) the box containing the margin headings? Thnx in advance for helping me solve these problems! Best Idris ============================ Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523