Hello, I have a question on (absolute) positionning of figures/images. I try to position my images in that way shown in the layout in this attachment (hope I can post images this way?). I try to do it with the following lines: \useexternalfigure[pic01][pic01] \useexternalfigure[pic02][pic02] \useexternalfigure[pic03][pic03] \useexternalfigure[pic04][pic04] \useexternalfigure[pic05][pic05] \placefigure[left][]{none} { \startcombination[2*3] %\startcombination[2*2] %the following 3 lines don´t work! %probably I can not use \placeexternalfigure in the \startcombination !??? {\placeexternalfigure[left] {Caption} {\externalfigure[pic01.jpg]}} {\externalfigure[pic02.jpg]}{} {\externalfigure[pic03.jpg]}{Caption} {\externalfigure[pic04.jpg]}{} {\externalfigure[pic05.jpg]}{} \stopcombination } So if I position the images with {\externalfigure[pic0001.jpg]}{} and so on, I don´t get the layout I want to have. I found floating objects, can I use these to position the pictures in the way I want to? ANY COMMENT IS USEFUL! Thank you very much!