16 Apr
16 Apr
1:27 a.m.
2008/4/16, Suno Ano
You want to pick a font family which has entire support for mathematical glyphs like for example - Computer Modern Roman or
That's Latin Modern (LM) nowadays.
- Lucida Bright
AFAIK there are also math fonts for Palatino (px), Times (tx?), Helvetica (hx? and commercial) and the Euler fonts that work with different serif fonts. And soon (I hope) we'll get math support for the TeXGyre fonts as well. I'd suggest a readable serif as body font, I like e.g. TeXGyre Schola (Century Schoolbook) - it's a bit conservative and ill suited for titling sizes - and perhaps a sans-serif for titlings, e.g. LM Sans or TeXGyre Heros (Helvetica). Greetlings, Hraban