Dear ConTeXt folks, the filter module installed using $ ./first-setup.sh --extras="t-filter" does not work with the following example, which is also attached. \usemodule[filter] \defineexternalfilter[rest][filtercommand={pandoc -f rst -t context -o \externalfilteroutputfile\space \externalfilterinputfile}] \starttext There should be a table here. \startrest ========= ========= test table ========= ========= α b c d ======== ======== \stoprest \stoptext The output file `minimal-temp-rest.tex` is just empty. Replacing »α« by »a« solves the problem. Running `filtercommand` in a terminal produces the *correct* output though and no empty file. Is that a known problem? I also include a patch adding this example into `tests/` in [1]. Thanks, Paul [1] https://github.com/adityam/filter