Yes, I get it too. It's because booklet expects a publisher name; if you add a line publisher = {Publisher}, to the bibtex entry you can see this. I think this can be fixed in context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/bib/bibl-apa.tex by changing this function: \setuppublicationlayout[booklet]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{\insertthekey{}{. }{}}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}{}. }{}% \insertedition{ }{ edition.}{}% \insertpublisher{ }{.}{.}% \insertpages{}{p. }{}% \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } Alter the following line -- \insertpublisher{ }{.}{.}% to \insertpublisher{ }{.}{}% -- then I think you'll need to remake the formats (see http://wiki.contextgarden.net/ConTeXt_Minimals#Remaking_formats ). See http://dl.contextgarden.net/modules/bibmod-doc/doc/context/bib/bibmod-doc.pd... section 6 for some explanation of what's going on here. Sorry I don't have time to test any of this right now but it should point you in the right diretion at least. Pont