Am 29.10.2009 um 19:13 schrieb Hans Hagen:
Andreas Harder wrote:
Hello, I found another funny effect. Please look at the following example: \setuplayout[header=\lineheight,headerdistance=\lineheight] \setupinterlinespace[line=18pt] \setupdelimitedtext[blockquote][style={\tfx\setupinterlinespace [line=2.8ex]}] \setupheader[style=\tfxx] % strut=yes \setupheadertexts[chapter][section] % try this % \setupheadertexts[\setups{head}] % or this \startsetups[head] \framed [width=broad,strut=yes,height=\lineheight,framecolor=red] {\getmarking[chapter]\hfill\getmarking[section]} \stopsetups \starttext \showstruts \showframe[text] \chapter{ÄÖÜy} \section{ÄÖÜy} \dorecurse{3}{% \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte \par} \startblockquote \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte \par} \stopblockquote} \stoptext Can you see the header jumping? What can one do to avoid this behavior?
kind of tricky ... i uploaded a beta where you can say:
\setupdelimitedtext[blockquote][style={\tfx\switchtointerlinespace [line=2.8ex]}]
(analogue to \switchtobodyfont it is kind of local)
Thank you Hans, looks much better now. By the way, is grid typesetting still not working? If I try \setupdelimitedtext [blockquote] [before=\startgridcorrection, after=\stopgridcorrection, style={\tfx\switchtointerlinespace[line=2.8ex]}] the quote is alway kept on one page. Greetings, Andreas