Hello there, somehow texexec (in the latest minimal distribution) does not convert my bibtex-file correctly into an bbl-file. ------------------------- My bibtex file: @BOOK{Fowler2006, author = {Fowler, C. M. R.}, year = {2006}, title = {The Solid Earth. An Introduction to Global Geophysics}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, pages = {685}, edition = {2} } The resulting bbl-file: \setuppublicationlist[samplesize={Fow06},totalnumber=1] \startpublication[k=Fowler2006,t=book, a={{Fowler}},y=2006, n=1,s=Fow06] \author[]{C.~M.~R.}[C.~M.~R.]{}{Fowler} \pubyear{2006} \title{The Solid Earth. An Introduction to Global Geophysics} \pubname{Cambridge University Press} \edition{2} \stoppublication ---------------------------- As you can see, "pages" is omitted, and another problem is that I'd like to have "location" converted to "city"; is this possible? Can someone give me some hints as solve my problems, why does texexec not recognize the "pages" variable? regards, finkler