Hello all, Has anyone used ConTeXt to perform interlinearization? I need to typeset glosses similar in appearance to those produced by LaTeX's gb4e.sty http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/clmt/latex4ling/gb4e. For example, from the gb4e manual: \begin{exe} \ex \gll Wenn jemand in die W\"uste zieht ... \\ If someone in the desert draws and lives ... \\ \trans `if one retreats to the desert and ... ' \end{exe} is rendered: Wenn jemand in die Wuste zieht und lebt dort von if someone in the desert draws and lives there from Heuschrecken oder sich im Wald virirrt hat und nahrt grasshoppers or self in the woods errored has and nourisches sich van Wurzeln und Beeren, ... self from roots and berries, ... `if one retreats to the desert and lives there from grasshoppers or gets lost in the woods and lives off of roots and berries.' Any help would be greatly appreciated. With kind regards, Michael