12 Apr
12 Apr
9:23 p.m.
in principle, I expect that with the following setup I should be able to click on a DOI or on a URL, however, somehow they do not seem to be interactive Another item one could make interactive is the ISBN number; contrary to
Tobias Burnus wrote: the DOI and the URL there is no true canonical place, however, WorldCat (as used below) is in my opinion a sensible choice. (WorldCat is operated by OCLC, in which 60,000 libraries from 112 countries are members.) \def\gotoISBN#1{\useURL[bibfoo1][#1]% \useURL[foo2][http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=kw:#1]% \goto{\url[foo1]}[url(foo2)]} Tobias