Hi, Just for fun, I ran the test myself. I do not have gm installed, so the inclusion of the tiff failed, and (perhaps not coincidentally) I have no artifacts in the png image in my output either. Best wishes, Taco
On 21 May 2019, at 09:52, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 5/17/2019 9:43 AM, Rudolf Bahr wrote:
On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 02:40:07PM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
The problem with artefacts in .png images is still unsolved for me. I can circumvent it by using .jpg or .tiff images instead of .png images as long as no transparent areas in the images are needed. As far as I know .jpg and .tiff formats cannot handle transparancy, do they?
Now in .log files messages like "luatex warning > pdfe: invalid 11 0 R object at offset 223611" can be seen. Please, what do they mean? Does that come from an pdf generated by image magick>? If so, the problem is
On 5/16/2019 12:21 PM, Rudolf Bahr wrote: there ... the last years I've seen lots of converted files with bogus pdf objects. (Kind of harmless but still.)
Hans No. I never use neither ImageMagick nor GraphicsMagick to generate images in .pdf-format. Even with my scanner software I produce always .jpg-images though it is capable to produce .pdf-output too. The only .pdf-files I'm doing are made by ConTeXt-LMTX!
ah, but you ask for an tiff image .. there is no native tiff support so that one gets converted to pdf beforehand ... you can see an m_k_i_v_* image in your path ... as gm is called that is the reason why you get the bad object: it really is in that pdf file