Dear list, Motivated by this question on TeX.SX (https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/388963) I found that formulas do not honour the samepage option in spacebefore. I could track the issue down to the \strc_math_obey_depth macro where a vertical kern is inserted which apparently introduces a good breakpoint. MWE is below, the line is marked with an ASCII arrow. Please fix. Cheers, Henri --- \setupformulas[spacebefore={big,samepage},spaceafter=big] \unprotect \def\strc_math_obey_depth {\ifvmode\ifdim\prevdepth<\zeropoint\else\ifdim\prevdepth<\strutdp % maybe add a tracing option here \ifgridsnapping \directvspacing\v!depth \else \kern\dimexpr\strutdp-\prevdepth\relax % <----------- \prevdepth\strutdp \fi \fi\fi\fi} \protect \starttext \dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par} \startformula \exp(x)=\sum_{k=0}^{+\infty}\frac{x^k}{k!}. \stopformula \stoptext