12 Mar
12 Mar
1:31 p.m.
5. How I could use the superior and inferior shapes in my font---like for the footnotemarks, for example?
You have defined a font instance with superiors. To use it, set up your footnotes accordingly:
\setupfootnotes[textstyle=normal, textcommand={\switchtobodyfont[GaramondPremUpper]}, numbercommand={\switchtobodyfont[GaramondPremUpper]}]
Or: \definefontfeature [sups] [default] [sups=yes] \setupnote [footnote] [command=, % -> numbercommand textstyle=, % -> textcommand numbercommand=\setff{sups}, % use superscript-figures textcommand=\setff{sups}] So you don't have to define GaramondPremUpper. Greetings Andreas