Hi Hans! I'm in trouble with this method. (I supose the error is mine). I can draw the MP graphic using \useMPgraphic, but when i use
\defineoverlay[bihotzak][\useMPgraphic{bihotz}] \setupbackgrounds[paper][background=bihotzak]
I get the following error systems : randomizer starts with 150693575 [MP to PDF] (./mpgraph.1) layout : calculating backgrounds [MP to PDF] (./mpgraph.4000 ! Dimension too large. \handleMPboundingbox ... 2 \advance \dimen 0 #4bp \dimen 0=\MPxscale \dimen ... l.2 %%BoundingBox: -6 -141 --32768 --32768
strange, it works here; anyhow, you use very smalls numbers and (0.017mm) on the one end and big ones later on, and somehow you end up with a boundingbox of 32K bp which is pretty large, The solution is in changing some dimensions: roughly design at the size you want and use xysized(..,..) to scale thing sto proportions Hans