On Tue, 23 Jul 2013 22:24:50 +0200
Hans Hagen
you use the wrong command and there is also the scope parameter
Can you clarify this? The syntax is confusing, probably because it has evolved. Currently, I use: \setupnotation [footnote] [way=bypage,numberconversion=set 2] for example, but maybe this is no longer the recommended syntax? Also, in order to restore gobbled space following,% \startfootnote \stopfootnote I use the following setup: \setupnote [footnote] [next={ }] So \setupnotation, \setupnote, \setupnotes is confusing. Of course, there is strc-not.mkvi:\let\setupnotes\setupnote so \setupnotes is just a synonym for \setupnote. And then there is also: strc-not.mkvi:\let\setupnotations\setupnotation From what I understand, footnotes can be handled using different mechanisms, and this is why it gets confusing for users. Alan