27 Mar
27 Mar
2:10 p.m.
On Mar 27, 2009, at 1:58 PM, Lutz Haseloff wrote:
2009/3/27 Wolfgang Schuster
Am 27.03.2009 um 13:37 schrieb Eythan Weg:
Hi, the following does not seem to use color. Am I missing something? Never used this feature before...
I use mkiv with luatex 0.36.
\startMPcode draw thelabel(btex RED etex, (0,0)) withcolor blue;
label(\textext{\red RED},origin) ; gives:
Undefined control sequence. <argument> label(\textext {\red RED},origin) ; \processMPgraphic ...zations ;\theMPrandomseed ;#1 ;\!!es , \@EA \@EA \@EA \!... l.7 \stopMPcode
I think what Wolfgang meant was label(textext("\red RED"), origin) Thomas