Example. Call with context —mode=FR - Uncomment the first commented lines. Compilation fails because mode FR is on so that works But I get English anyway. Uncomment the second commented part and it fails, but it should not because mode=EN is not turned on. %\startmode[FR] % \BLURBONE % \stopmode \startnotallmodes[FR,RU]% english is the default \enablemode[EN] \stopnotallmodes \startmode[EN] % \BLURBTWO \setuplanguage[en][patterns={en}] \setupexternalfigure[directory=../LMTX-Output/without-ids/en/ArchiMate 3.1 Metamodel ESv4] \stopmode \startmode[FR] \setuplanguage[fr][patterns={en,fr}] \setupexternalfigure[directory=../LMTX-Output/without-ids/fr/ArchiMate 3.1 Metamodel ESv4] \stopmode \startmode[RU] \setuplanguage[ru][patterns={en,ru}] \setupexternalfigure[directory=../LMTX-Output/without-ids/ru/ArchiMate 3.1 Metamodel ESv4] \stopmode Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda) R&A IT Strategy https://ea.rna.nl/ (main site) Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture https://ea.rna.nl/the-book/ Book: Mastering ArchiMate https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-iii/