9 May
9 May
8:47 a.m.
Am 06.05.10 22:16, schrieb Hans Hagen:
Also I would like to ask if file lang-spe.mkii have some equivalent in MkIV and where the language specifics are defined (in which file)? Or is it treated in enco files?
in mkiv we don't have (want) language specifics ... why do yoi need them?
languagespecifics are not needed but we need a method to load language dependend setups, e.g. for french you can have in lang-ger \startsetups [fr] [punctuation] \setcharacterspacing[frenchpunctuation] \stopsetups \startsetups [fr] [itemize] \setupitemize[symbol=2] \stopsetups and in your document you can load them with \setuplanguage[fr][setups={punctuation,itemize}] or \enablelanguagesetups[punctuation,itemize] Wolfgang