So, I'm still doing something wrong, because changing the translation of "figure" in "mult-def.lua" (in the part "variables"), only affect : 1- command "\startfigure \stopfigure" 2- "figure" in "\setuppageinjection" > alternative = figure buffer... You have to provide your modified mult-def.lua file, otherwise there is no way to check what's wrong.
Patch file : mult-def.lua.test1_figure.diff context --make fr context --interface=fr --global --result=setup-fr x-setups-overview.mkiv Then the pdf file shows - \demarrefigurefr as expected (p62) but - \placefigure instead of \placefigurefr (p190) - \demarreplacefigure instead of \demarreplacefigurefr (p72)
the translation of the variable "itemize" has no impact on the setup-fr.pdf file produced But, I just found that if I actually use the translated commands in a test.tex file, it just works. Same as above, provide your translations.
Patch file : mult-def.lua.test2_itemize.diff Input file : test2_itemize.tex context --make fr context --interface=fr --global --result=setup-fr x-setups-overview.mkiv context test2_itemize.tex setup-fr.pdf shows "\debutitemize ... \finitemize" page 41 instead of "\debutlister ... \finlister" but the input file, with "\debutlister ... \finlister", works great.
There shouldn't be a problem with fonts because they use \s!file or \s!name which aren't translated (unless you made the mistake and have \c!file in your typescripts). It's possible there is a bug somewhere but you have to provide a minimal example.
Understood, I am going to check.