Hans Hagen wrote:
in page-imp are some additional inclusion macros -)
Yes, i have seen some of them. I have a problem about stickers and imposition; i try to use/modify some of this macros for pagearrangement, but i consume all tex memory. Actually i have found a dirty solution using perl and sort; as soon as possible i will post some code.
\centerline {\dostepwiserecurse{1}{11}{2} {\expanded{\externalfigure[test][page=\recurselevel]}}}
Yes, syst-ext. and others syst-. I try to made a pdf-collection of useful module like syst-*, page-* core-box, supp-box, some module for fonts (open issue: turkish....), etc. (last entry: \startsetups in core-new..) In my head, i call this collection "context-foundation: core macros for context programmers" If you have some suggestions..... |) Also, i know some books/resources for tex programmers: (always The Book first :) ) texbytopic.pdf, cseq.html, The Advanced TEXBook (seem good; maybe i will buy it) etex-man.pdf Again, if you have some others... luigi