* I am converting some ITRANS documents with vedic accents to devanagari pdf files using Context. I tried both Chandas and Siddhanta fonts with it, I would prefer to use Siddhanta but in some cases the display is not coming correctly. *> >* eg. स॒र्वार्थ॑ in *>* स॒र्व॒म॒ङ्ग॒लमा॒ङ्गल्ये॑ शि॒वे स॒र्वार्थ॑ साधिके। *>* शर॑ण्ये त्र्यम्ब॑के दे॒वि॒ ना॒राय॑णि न॒मोऽस्तु॑ ते॥ *> >* does not display correctly when using Siddhanta font but it display correctly in Chandas. *> >* Please let me know if you need more details.
Thanks for your reply.
I am using a goodies file for coloring the accents.
I am attaching that as well as a MWE tex file and resulting pdf.
Chandas is not fully unicode compliant for some of the accents which
are encoded in PUA,
hence I would like to use Siddhanta which I understand is a completely
redesigned version
of Chandas fully compartible with Vedic Unicode
Fonts are available from:
Siddhanta: http://svayambhava.org/index.php/en/fonts
Chandas: http://www.sanskritweb.net/cakram/
Shree Devi
Am 07.12.2013 um 15:21 schrieb Shree Devi Kumar