On Thu, 11 May 2006 00:11:47 +0200, Thomas A. Schmitz
Yes, that's strange. I just checked, and everything is golden on a linux system (gentoo, but I gues the same is true for other linux distros). So I really don't see why OS X should behave differently. Is there any debugging info that I could provide? How 'bout the other OS X users (I seem to recall there were quite a few of them): do you get the same error?
Strictly speaking it's not OSX, but i've a FreeBSD distro, which is close, and it works fine. Are you sure you have the permission to write in any of these paths? BTW, i find dangerous to do (kpse.formatpath method): # locate writable path if ! formatpath.empty? then formatpath.split_path.each do |fp| fp.gsub!(/\\/,'/') # remove funny patterns fp.sub!(/^!!/,'') fp.sub!(/\/+$/,'') fp.sub!(/unsetengine/,if enginepath then engine else '' end) if ! fp.empty? && (fp != '.') then # strip (possible engine) and test for writeability fpp = fp.sub(/#{engine}\/*$/,'') if FileTest.directory?(fpp) && FileTest.writable?(fpp) then # use this path formatpath = fp.dup break end end end end # needed ! begin File.makedirs(formatpath) ; rescue ; end ; If none of the paths from formatpath is valid, we keep the whole concat path in this variable... that then is used to create a directory tree. Thomas, maybe that you have ugly directories created starting with an hidden directory named ".:". You should check that. Regards, BG