All, At one time I had a style file that handled my abstract. \definebuffer[myAbstract] \startmyAbstract In this activity you will learn how to solve systems of linear equations using LU decomposition, with both forward and back substitution. In addition, you will also be introduced to function files and a number of \mat's control structures. {\em Prerequisites: Some knowledge of how to enter vectors and matrices in \mat. Familiarity with Gaussian elimination, elementary matrices, and LU decomposition.} \stopmyAbstract In my style file I have things like: \midaligned{\bf Abstract} \startnarrower[3*middle] \noindenting\getmyAbstract \stopnarrower At one time (long ago) this worked, but now it is throwing this error. ! Undefined control sequence. \getmyAbstract ->\dodoprocessTEXbuffer [myAbstract][def-2] l.218 \getmyAbstract What is the current workaround for this? Thanks. David