Am 13.07.2011 um 16:09 schrieb Jaroslav Hajtmar:
Thanx Wolfgang,
It looks very interesting... It can be used this method for example for macro definitions?
It depends what you want to achieve, while you try to create many commands in the form \MacroXXX where each command contains some content i define only one command which takes the content only when requested.
When I will return to the subject of this mail: Can also be used for the council said Hans macros with multiple parameters?
For example macros without parameter is no problem: context.setvalue('printline',calling.luafunction(),tex.par) I assume that for a more parameters cannot be used context.setvalue (...) ..
But how to use multiple parameters when defining the macro as follows: context([[\\def\\paramcontrol#1#2{%s}]],thirddata.scancsv.paramcontrol('#1', '#2'))
Look into cldf-int.lua where you can see a method to create TeX commands without optional arguments from Lua. Wolfgang