A couple of setupcaptions questions revisited

On 2011-08-05, Wolfgang wrote with regard to section numbering not appearing in float captions when numbering is off for the section but called for by the chapter (http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context%40ntg.nl/msg57811.html): For the moment replace "number=no" with "incrementnumber=no". and later that day (http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context%40ntg.nl/msg57814.html): There is a bug but it takes time to find it, unless it is found and fixed use incrementnumber. BTW: A *minimal* example your problem is **this**: \setupformulas[way=bysection,prefixsegments=chapter] %\setuphead[subsection][number=no] \setuphead[subsection][incrementnumber=no] \starttext \chapter{Chapter 1} \chapter{Chapter 2} \section{Section} \subsection{Subsection} \placeformula \startformula a^2+b^2=c^2 \stopformula \stoptext This bug appears to still be with us. Has a solution since been proffered? If not, is a resolution in sight? -- Rik Kabel
participants (1)
Rik Kabel