Hi everybody, There's my issue: If I switch a size of body font, the height of square root doesn't adapt well for letters exceeding a baseline (in my example "y"). Here is my code: \starttext \startformula \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \sqrt{x^2+a^2} \stopformula \switchtobodyfont[17pt] \startformula \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \sqrt{x^2+a^2} \stopformula \switchtobodyfont[23pt] \startformula \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \sqrt{x^2+a^2} \stopformula \stoptext If I compile it on http://live.contextgarden.net/, everything looks fine, but on my ConTeXt (2009.04.17 19:32 MKIV on Win Vista) I get the result in attachment. Do you have any ideas what's the problem and how can I fix it? Thanks, Tomas

Tomas Kisela wrote:
Hi everybody,
There's my issue: If I switch a size of body font, the height of square root doesn't adapt well for letters exceeding a baseline (in my example "y"). Here is my code:
\starttext \startformula \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \sqrt{x^2+a^2} \stopformula \switchtobodyfont[17pt] \startformula \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \sqrt{x^2+a^2} \stopformula \switchtobodyfont[23pt] \startformula \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \sqrt{x^2+a^2} \stopformula \stoptext
Do you have any ideas what's the problem and how can I fix it?
There is a bug in math-dim.lua: the \Umathradicalvgap parameters are not set up properly. Attached is an improved version. Hans, can you put the fix in the next beta? Best wishes, Taco if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-dim'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to math-ini.tex", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- Beware: only Taco really understands what these dimensions do so if you -- run into problems ... local abs, next = math.abs, next mathematics = mathematics or { } local defaults = { ['axis']={ ['default']={ "AxisHeight", "axis_height" }, }, ['accent_base_height']={ ['default']={ "AccentBaseHeight", "x_height" }, }, ['fraction_del_size']={ ['default']={ "0", "delim2" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "0", "delim1" }, ['display_style']={ "0", "delim1" }, }, ['fraction_denom_down']={ ['default']={ "FractionDenominatorShiftDown", "denom2" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown", "denom1" }, ['display_style']={ "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown", "denom1" }, }, ['fraction_denom_vgap']={ ['default']={ "FractionDenominatorGapMin", "default_rule_thickness" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, ['display_style']={ "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['fraction_num_up']={ ['default']={ "FractionNumeratorShiftUp", "num2" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp", "num1" }, ['display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp", "num1" }, }, ['fraction_num_vgap']={ ['default']={ "FractionNumeratorGapMin", "default_rule_thickness" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, ['display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['fraction_rule']={ ['default']={ "FractionRuleThickness", "default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['limit_above_bgap']={ ['default']={ "UpperLimitBaselineRiseMin", "big_op_spacing3" }, }, ['limit_above_kern']={ ['default']={ "0", "big_op_spacing5" }, }, ['limit_above_vgap']={ ['default']={ "UpperLimitGapMin", "big_op_spacing1" }, }, ['limit_below_bgap']={ ['default']={ "LowerLimitBaselineDropMin", "big_op_spacing4" }, }, ['limit_below_kern']={ ['default']={ "0", "big_op_spacing5" }, }, ['limit_below_vgap']={ ['default']={ "LowerLimitGapMin", "big_op_spacing2" }, }, --~ ['....']={ --~ ['default']={ "DisplayOperatorMinHeight", "....." }, --~ }, ['overbar_kern']={ ['default']={ "OverbarExtraAscender", "default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['overbar_rule']={ ['default']={ "OverbarRuleThickness", "default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['overbar_vgap']={ ['default']={ "OverbarVerticalGap", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['quad']={ ['default']={ "font_size(f)", "math_quad" }, }, ['radical_kern']={ ['default']={ "RadicalExtraAscender", "default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['radical_rule']={ ['default']={ "RadicalRuleThickness", "<not set>" }, }, ['radical_vgap']={ ['default']={ "RadicalVerticalGap", "default_rule_thickness+(abs(default_rule_thickness)/4)" }, ['display_style']={ "RadicalDisplayStyleVerticalGap", "default_rule_thickness+(abs(math_x_height)/4)" }, }, ['space_after_script']={ ['default']={ "SpaceAfterScript", "script_space" }, }, ['stack_denom_down']={ ['default']={ "StackBottomShiftDown", "denom2" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown", "denom1" }, ['display_style']={ "StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown", "denom1" }, }, ['stack_num_up']={ ['default']={ "StackTopShiftUp", "num3" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp", "num1" }, ['display_style']={ "StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp", "num1" }, }, ['stack_vgap']={ ['default']={ "StackGapMin", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "StackDisplayStyleGapMin", "7*default_rule_thickness" }, ['display_style']={ "StackDisplayStyleGapMin", "7*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['sub_shift_down']={ ['default']={ "SubscriptShiftDown", "sub1" }, }, ['sub_shift_drop']={ ['default']={ "SubscriptBaselineDropMin", "sub_drop" }, }, ['sub_sup_shift_down']={ ['default']={ "SubscriptShiftDown", "sub2" }, }, ['sub_top_max']={ ['default']={ "SubscriptTopMax", "abs(math_x_height*4)/5" }, }, ['subsup_vgap']={ ['default']={ "SubSuperscriptGapMin", "4*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['sup_bottom_min']={ ['default']={ "SuperscriptBottomMin", "abs(math_x_height)/4" }, }, ['sup_shift_drop']={ ['default']={ "SuperscriptBaselineDropMax", "sup_drop" }, }, ['sup_shift_up']={ ['cramped_display_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" }, ['cramped_script_script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" }, ['cramped_script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" }, ['cramped_text_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" }, ['display_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup1" }, ['script_script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup2" }, ['script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup2" }, ['text_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup2" }, }, ['sup_sub_bottom_max']={ ['default']={ "SuperscriptBottomMaxWithSubscript", "abs(math_x_height*4)/5" }, }, ['underbar_kern']={ ['default']={ "UnderbarExtraDescender", "0" }, }, ['underbar_rule']={ ['default']={ "UnderbarRuleThickness", "default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['underbar_vgap']={ ['default']={ "UnderbarVerticalGap", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['connector_overlap_min']={ ['default']={ "MinConnectorOverlap", "0.25*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['over_delimiter_vgap']={ ['default']={ "StretchStackGapBelowMin", "big_op_spacing1" }, }, ['over_delimiter_bgap']={ ['default']={ "StretchStackTopShiftUp", "big_op_spacing3" }, }, ['under_delimiter_vgap']={ ['default']={ "StretchStackGapAboveMin", "big_op_spacing2" }, }, ['under_delimiter_bgap']={ ['default']={ "StretchStackBottomShiftDown", "big_op_spacing4" }, }, } local styles = { 'cramped_display_style', 'cramped_script_script_style', 'cramped_script_style', 'cramped_text_style', 'display_style', 'script_script_style', 'script_style', 'text_style', } for k, v in next, defaults do for _, s in next, styles do if not v[s] then v[s] = v.default end end end -- we cannot use a metatable because we do a copy (takes a bit more work) -- -- local mt = { } setmetatable(defaults,mt) -- -- mt.__index = function(t,s) -- texio.write_nl("GETTING " .. s) -- return t.default or t.text_style or 0 -- end function mathematics.dimensions(dimens) if dimens.SpaceAfterScript then return { }, table.fastcopy(dimens) elseif dimens.AxisHeight or dimens.axis_height then local t = { } local math_x_height = dimens.x_height or 10*65526 local default_rule_thickness = dimens.FractionDenominatorGapMin or dimens.default_rule_thickness or 0.4*65526 dimens["0"] = 0 dimens["0.25*default_rule_thickness"] = default_rule_thickness/4 dimens["3*default_rule_thickness"] = 3*default_rule_thickness dimens["4*default_rule_thickness"] = 4*default_rule_thickness dimens["7*default_rule_thickness"] = 7*default_rule_thickness dimens["abs(math_x_height*4)/5"] = abs(math_x_height * 4) / 5 dimens["default_rule_thickness+(abs(default_rule_thickness)/4)"] = default_rule_thickness+(abs(default_rule_thickness)/4) dimens["default_rule_thickness+(abs(math_x_height)/4)"] = default_rule_thickness+(abs(math_x_height)/4) dimens["abs(math_x_height)/4"] = abs(math_x_height)/4 dimens["abs(math_x_height*4)/5"] = abs(math_x_height*4)/5 dimens["<not set>"] = false dimens["script_space"] = false -- at macro level for variable, styles in next, defaults do local tt = { } for style, default in next, styles do local one, two = default[1], default[2] local value = dimens[one] if value then tt[style] = value else value = dimens[two] if value == false then tt[style] = nil else tt[style] = value or 0 end end end t[variable] = tt end local d = { AxisHeight = t . axis . text_style, AccentBaseHeight = t . accent_base_height . text_style, FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin = t . fraction_denom_vgap . display_style, FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown = t . fraction_denom_down . display_style, FractionDenominatorGapMin = t . fraction_denom_vgap . text_style, FractionDenominatorShiftDown = t . fraction_denom_down . text_style, FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin = t . fraction_num_vgap . display_style, FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp = t . fraction_num_up . display_style, FractionNumeratorGapMin = t . fraction_num_vgap . text_style, FractionNumeratorShiftUp = t . fraction_num_up . text_style, FractionRuleThickness = t . fraction_rule . text_style, LowerLimitBaselineDropMin = t . limit_below_bgap . text_style, LowerLimitGapMin = t . limit_below_vgap . text_style, OverbarExtraAscender = t . overbar_kern . text_style, OverbarRuleThickness = t . overbar_rule . text_style, OverbarVerticalGap = t . overbar_vgap . text_style, RadicalDisplayStyleVerticalGap = t . radical_vgap . display_style, RadicalExtraAscender = t . radical_kern . text_style, RadicalRuleThickness = t . radical_rule . text_style, RadicalVerticalGap = t . radical_vgap . text_style, SpaceAfterScript = t . space_after_script . text_style, StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown = t . stack_denom_down . display_style, StackBottomShiftDown = t . stack_denom_down . text_style, StackDisplayStyleGapMin = t . stack_vgap . display_style, StackGapMin = t . stack_vgap . text_style, StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp = t . stack_num_up . display_style, StackTopShiftUp = t . stack_num_up . text_style, SubscriptBaselineDropMin = t . sub_shift_drop . text_style, SubscriptShiftDown = t . sub_shift_down . text_style, SubscriptTopMax = t . sub_top_max . text_style, SubSuperscriptGapMin = t . subsup_vgap . text_style, SuperscriptBaselineDropMax = t . sup_shift_drop . text_style, SuperscriptBottomMaxWithSubscript = t . sup_sub_bottom_max . text_style, SuperscriptBottomMin = t . sup_bottom_min . text_style, SuperscriptShiftUp = t . sup_shift_up . text_style, SuperscriptShiftUpCramped = t . sup_shift_up . cramped_text_style, UnderbarExtraDescender = t . underbar_kern . text_style, UnderbarRuleThickness = t . underbar_rule . text_style, UnderbarVerticalGap = t . underbar_vgap . text_style, UpperLimitBaselineRiseMin = t . limit_above_bgap . text_style, UpperLimitGapMin = t . limit_above_vgap . text_style, MinConnectorOverlap = t . connector_overlap_min . text_style, StretchStackGapBelowMin = t . over_delimiter_vgap . text_style, StretchStackTopShiftUp = t . over_delimiter_bgap . text_style, StretchStackGapAboveMin = t . under_delimiter_vgap . text_style, StretchStackBottomShiftDown = t . under_delimiter_bgap . text_style, } d.AccentBaseHeight = 0 --~ texio.write_nl(table.serialize(d)) return t, d -- this might change else return { }, { } end end

Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Tomas Kisela wrote:
Hi everybody,
There's my issue: If I switch a size of body font, the height of square root doesn't adapt well for letters exceeding a baseline (in my example "y"). Here is my code:
\starttext \startformula \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \sqrt{x^2+a^2} \stopformula \switchtobodyfont[17pt] \startformula \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \sqrt{x^2+a^2} \stopformula \switchtobodyfont[23pt] \startformula \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \sqrt{x^2+a^2} \stopformula \stoptext
Do you have any ideas what's the problem and how can I fix it?
There is a bug in math-dim.lua: the \Umathradicalvgap parameters are not set up properly. Attached is an improved version. Hans, can you put the fix in the next beta?
sure ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks a lot. Tomas ______________________________________________________________
Od: taco@elvenkind.com Komu: mailing list for ConTeXt users
Datum: 18.04.2009 10:12 Předmět: Re: [NTG-context] Height of square root Tomas Kisela wrote:
Hi everybody,
There's my issue: If I switch a size of body font, the height of square root doesn't adapt well for letters exceeding a baseline (in my example "y"). Here is my code: starttext startformula > sqrt{x^2+y^2} sqrt{x^2+a^2} stopformula switchtobodyfont[17pt] startformula > sqrt{x^2+y^2} sqrt{x^2+a^2} stopformula switchtobodyfont[23pt] startformula > sqrt{x^2+y^2} sqrt{x^2+a^2} stopformula stoptext Do you have any ideas what's the problem and how can I fix it?
There is a bug in math-dim.lua: the Umathradicalvgap parameters are not set up properly. Attached is an improved version. Hans, can you put the fix in the next beta?
Best wishes, Taco
if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-dim'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to math-ini.tex", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" }
-- Beware: only Taco really understands what these dimensions do so if you -- run into problems ...
local abs, next = math.abs, next
mathematics = mathematics or { }
local defaults = { ['axis']={ ['default']={ "AxisHeight", "axis_height" }, }, ['accent_base_height']={ ['default']={ "AccentBaseHeight", "x_height" }, }, ['fraction_del_size']={ ['default']={ "0", "delim2" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "0", "delim1" }, ['display_style']={ "0", "delim1" }, }, ['fraction_denom_down']={ ['default']={ "FractionDenominatorShiftDown", "denom2" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown", "denom1" }, ['display_style']={ "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown", "denom1" }, }, ['fraction_denom_vgap']={ ['default']={ "FractionDenominatorGapMin", "default_rule_thickness" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, ['display_style']={ "FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['fraction_num_up']={ ['default']={ "FractionNumeratorShiftUp", "num2" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp", "num1" }, ['display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp", "num1" }, }, ['fraction_num_vgap']={ ['default']={ "FractionNumeratorGapMin", "default_rule_thickness" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, ['display_style']={ "FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['fraction_rule']={ ['default']={ "FractionRuleThickness", "default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['limit_above_bgap']={ ['default']={ "UpperLimitBaselineRiseMin", "big_op_spacing3" }, }, ['limit_above_kern']={ ['default']={ "0", "big_op_spacing5" }, }, ['limit_above_vgap']={ ['default']={ "UpperLimitGapMin", "big_op_spacing1" }, }, ['limit_below_bgap']={ ['default']={ "LowerLimitBaselineDropMin", "big_op_spacing4" }, }, ['limit_below_kern']={ ['default']={ "0", "big_op_spacing5" }, }, ['limit_below_vgap']={ ['default']={ "LowerLimitGapMin", "big_op_spacing2" }, },
--~ ['....']={ --~ ['default']={ "DisplayOperatorMinHeight", "....." }, --~ },
['overbar_kern']={ ['default']={ "OverbarExtraAscender", "default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['overbar_rule']={ ['default']={ "OverbarRuleThickness", "default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['overbar_vgap']={ ['default']={ "OverbarVerticalGap", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['quad']={ ['default']={ "font_size(f)", "math_quad" }, }, ['radical_kern']={ ['default']={ "RadicalExtraAscender", "default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['radical_rule']={ ['default']={ "RadicalRuleThickness", "<not set>" }, }, ['radical_vgap']={ ['default']={ "RadicalVerticalGap", "default_rule_thickness+(abs(default_rule_thickness)/4)" }, ['display_style']={ "RadicalDisplayStyleVerticalGap", "default_rule_thickness+(abs(math_x_height)/4)" }, }, ['space_after_script']={ ['default']={ "SpaceAfterScript", "script_space" }, }, ['stack_denom_down']={ ['default']={ "StackBottomShiftDown", "denom2" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown", "denom1" }, ['display_style']={ "StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown", "denom1" }, }, ['stack_num_up']={ ['default']={ "StackTopShiftUp", "num3" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp", "num1" }, ['display_style']={ "StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp", "num1" }, }, ['stack_vgap']={ ['default']={ "StackGapMin", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, ['cramped_display_style']={ "StackDisplayStyleGapMin", "7*default_rule_thickness" }, ['display_style']={ "StackDisplayStyleGapMin", "7*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['sub_shift_down']={ ['default']={ "SubscriptShiftDown", "sub1" }, }, ['sub_shift_drop']={ ['default']={ "SubscriptBaselineDropMin", "sub_drop" }, }, ['sub_sup_shift_down']={ ['default']={ "SubscriptShiftDown", "sub2" }, }, ['sub_top_max']={ ['default']={ "SubscriptTopMax", "abs(math_x_height*4)/5" }, }, ['subsup_vgap']={ ['default']={ "SubSuperscriptGapMin", "4*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['sup_bottom_min']={ ['default']={ "SuperscriptBottomMin", "abs(math_x_height)/4" }, }, ['sup_shift_drop']={ ['default']={ "SuperscriptBaselineDropMax", "sup_drop" }, }, ['sup_shift_up']={ ['cramped_display_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" }, ['cramped_script_script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" }, ['cramped_script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" }, ['cramped_text_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUpCramped", "sup3" }, ['display_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup1" }, ['script_script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup2" }, ['script_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup2" }, ['text_style']={ "SuperscriptShiftUp", "sup2" }, }, ['sup_sub_bottom_max']={ ['default']={ "SuperscriptBottomMaxWithSubscript", "abs(math_x_height*4)/5" }, }, ['underbar_kern']={ ['default']={ "UnderbarExtraDescender", "0" }, }, ['underbar_rule']={ ['default']={ "UnderbarRuleThickness", "default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['underbar_vgap']={ ['default']={ "UnderbarVerticalGap", "3*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['connector_overlap_min']={ ['default']={ "MinConnectorOverlap", "0.25*default_rule_thickness" }, }, ['over_delimiter_vgap']={ ['default']={ "StretchStackGapBelowMin", "big_op_spacing1" }, }, ['over_delimiter_bgap']={ ['default']={ "StretchStackTopShiftUp", "big_op_spacing3" }, }, ['under_delimiter_vgap']={ ['default']={ "StretchStackGapAboveMin", "big_op_spacing2" }, }, ['under_delimiter_bgap']={ ['default']={ "StretchStackBottomShiftDown", "big_op_spacing4" }, }, }
local styles = { 'cramped_display_style', 'cramped_script_script_style', 'cramped_script_style', 'cramped_text_style', 'display_style', 'script_script_style', 'script_style', 'text_style', }
for k, v in next, defaults do for _, s in next, styles do if not v[s] then v[s] = v.default end end end
-- we cannot use a metatable because we do a copy (takes a bit more work) -- -- local mt = { } setmetatable(defaults,mt) -- -- mt.__index = function(t,s) -- texio.write_nl("GETTING " .. s) -- return t.default or t.text_style or 0 -- end
function mathematics.dimensions(dimens) if dimens.SpaceAfterScript then return { }, table.fastcopy(dimens) elseif dimens.AxisHeight or dimens.axis_height then local t = { } local math_x_height = dimens.x_height or 10*65526 local default_rule_thickness = dimens.FractionDenominatorGapMin or dimens.default_rule_thickness or 0.4*65526 dimens["0"] = 0 dimens["0.25*default_rule_thickness"] = default_rule_thickness/4 dimens["3*default_rule_thickness"] = 3*default_rule_thickness dimens["4*default_rule_thickness"] = 4*default_rule_thickness dimens["7*default_rule_thickness"] = 7*default_rule_thickness dimens["abs(math_x_height*4)/5"] = abs(math_x_height * 4) / 5 dimens["default_rule_thickness+(abs(default_rule_thickness)/4)"] = default_rule_thickness+(abs(default_rule_thickness)/4) dimens["default_rule_thickness+(abs(math_x_height)/4)"] = default_rule_thickness+(abs(math_x_height)/4) dimens["abs(math_x_height)/4"] = abs(math_x_height)/4 dimens["abs(math_x_height*4)/5"] = abs(math_x_height*4)/5 dimens["<not set>"] = false dimens["script_space"] = false -- at macro level for variable, styles in next, defaults do local tt = { } for style, default in next, styles do local one, two = default[1], default[2] local value = dimens[one] if value then tt[style] = value else value = dimens[two] if value == false then tt[style] = nil else tt[style] = value or 0 end end end t[variable] = tt end local d = { AxisHeight = t . axis . text_style, AccentBaseHeight = t . accent_base_height . text_style, FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin = t . fraction_denom_vgap . display_style, FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown = t . fraction_denom_down . display_style, FractionDenominatorGapMin = t . fraction_denom_vgap . text_style, FractionDenominatorShiftDown = t . fraction_denom_down . text_style, FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin = t . fraction_num_vgap . display_style, FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp = t . fraction_num_up . display_style, FractionNumeratorGapMin = t . fraction_num_vgap . text_style, FractionNumeratorShiftUp = t . fraction_num_up . text_style, FractionRuleThickness = t . fraction_rule . text_style, LowerLimitBaselineDropMin = t . limit_below_bgap . text_style, LowerLimitGapMin = t . limit_below_vgap . text_style, OverbarExtraAscender = t . overbar_kern . text_style, OverbarRuleThickness = t . overbar_rule . text_style, OverbarVerticalGap = t . overbar_vgap . text_style, RadicalDisplayStyleVerticalGap = t . radical_vgap . display_style, RadicalExtraAscender = t . radical_kern . text_style, RadicalRuleThickness = t . radical_rule . text_style, RadicalVerticalGap = t . radical_vgap . text_style, SpaceAfterScript = t . space_after_script . text_style, StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown = t . stack_denom_down . display_style, StackBottomShiftDown = t . stack_denom_down . text_style, StackDisplayStyleGapMin = t . stack_vgap . display_style, StackGapMin = t . stack_vgap . text_style, StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp = t . stack_num_up . display_style, StackTopShiftUp = t . stack_num_up . text_style, SubscriptBaselineDropMin = t . sub_shift_drop . text_style, SubscriptShiftDown = t . sub_shift_down . text_style, SubscriptTopMax = t . sub_top_max . text_style, SubSuperscriptGapMin = t . subsup_vgap . text_style, SuperscriptBaselineDropMax = t . sup_shift_drop . text_style, SuperscriptBottomMaxWithSubscript = t . sup_sub_bottom_max . text_style, SuperscriptBottomMin = t . sup_bottom_min . text_style, SuperscriptShiftUp = t . sup_shift_up . text_style, SuperscriptShiftUpCramped = t . sup_shift_up . cramped_text_style, UnderbarExtraDescender = t . underbar_kern . text_style, UnderbarRuleThickness = t . underbar_rule . text_style, UnderbarVerticalGap = t . underbar_vgap . text_style, UpperLimitBaselineRiseMin = t . limit_above_bgap . text_style, UpperLimitGapMin = t . limit_above_vgap . text_style, MinConnectorOverlap = t . connector_overlap_min . text_style, StretchStackGapBelowMin = t . over_delimiter_vgap . text_style, StretchStackTopShiftUp = t . over_delimiter_bgap . text_style, StretchStackGapAboveMin = t . under_delimiter_vgap . text_style, StretchStackBottomShiftDown = t . under_delimiter_bgap . text_style, } d.AccentBaseHeight = 0 --~ texio.write_nl(table.serialize(d)) return t, d -- this might change else return { }, { } end end
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net archive : https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net ___________________________________________________________________________________
participants (3)
Hans Hagen
Taco Hoekwater
Tomas Kisela