strange behavior with apa and apa-fr bibliographic styles

Hello, I have noticed that, for a reason I don't understand, dots after dates in the bibliography are not placed in the same manner. For example, I get (copy-paste from pdf) : Morales, I. (1997) . The mexican crisis and the weakness of the NAFTA consensus. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 550 :130-152. Morales, I.(1999). NAFTA : The governance of economic openness. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 565 :35-65. Robey, J. S. (1999) . Civil society and NAFTA : Initial results. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 565 :113-125. Totman, C. (1980) . From Sakoku to Kaikoku. The Transformation of Forei- gn-Policy Attitudes, 1853-1868. Monumenta Nipponica, 35(1) :1-19. So for the first entry, the point after (1997) is placed after a space, whereas it is not the case for the second entry (there is also no space between I. and (1999)). In some cases (when I add more entries), I even have the point before the parenthesis, though the bib file might be right (or in any cases, since the field are completed in the same manner, I didn't expected different behaviors in the result since it is automatized and all fields are articles). Here is the bib file : %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @article{conrad1980transformation, author = "Conrad Totman", title = "From {S}akoku to {K}aikoku. {T}he {T}ransformation of {F}oreign-{P}olicy {A}ttitudes, 1853-1868", journal = "Monumenta Nipponica", year = 1980, volume = 35, number = 1, pages = "1-19", publisher = "Sophia University", url = "", } @article{robey1999civil, author = "John S. Robey", title = "Civil Society and {NAFTA}: Initial Results", journal = "Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science", publisher = "Sage Publications, Inc.", year = 1999, month = "September", volume = 565, pages = "113-125", url = "" } @article{morales1999governance, author = "Isidro Morales", title = "{NAFTA}: The Governance of Economic Openness", journal = "Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science", publisher = "Sage Publications, Inc.", year = 1999, month = "September", volume = 565, pages = "35-65", url = "" } @article{morales1999mexican, author = "Isidro Morales", title = "The Mexican Crisis and the Weakness of the {NAFTA} Consensus", journal = "Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science", publisher = "Sage Publications, Inc.", year = 1997, month = "March", volume = 550, pages = "130-152", url = "" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% And here is what I have for bibliography setup : %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setupbibtex[database=biblio,sort=author] \setuppublications[alternative=apa-fr,sorttype=bbl,refcommand=authoryear] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Thanks for your help ! Cheers, Alexandre Krispin -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexandre KRISPIN 41 rue Guynemer | 93200 Saint-Denis | France tél : 06 28 76 69 34 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Alexandre Krispin