Settings made to \startembeddedxtable or \startxrow they will only work in the first call of the macro. In every further call the settings are ignored. On the other hand, settings made to \startxcell work for every call of the macro. I assume this is a bug. Regards Michael \unexpanded\def\Table#1{% \startembeddedxtable[height=5cm] \startxrow \startxcell #1 \stopxcell \stopxrow \stopembeddedxtable } \unexpanded\def\TableCell#1{% \startembeddedxtable \startxrow \startxcell[height=5cm] #1 \stopxcell \stopxrow \stopembeddedxtable } \starttext \Table{height is 5cm} \Table{height should be 5cm} \TableCell{height is 5cm} \TableCell{height is 5cm} \stoptext

Michael Eidenbenz mailto:eidenbenz@arch.ethz.ch 2. Dezember 2016 um 12:40 Settings made to \startembeddedxtable or \startxrow they will only work in the first call of the macro. In every further call the settings are ignored.
On the other hand, settings made to \startxcell work for every call of the macro.
I assume this is a bug. tabl-xtb.mkvi:
\unexpanded\def\tabl_x_embedded_start[#settings]#content\stopembeddedxtable - {\tabl_x_prepare{#settings}% - \clf_assignbuffer{embedded_x_table}{\detokenize{#content}}\catcodetable\relax + {\clf_assignbuffer{embedded_x_table}{\detokenize{#content}}\catcodetable\relax \bgroup + \tabl_x_prepare{#settings}% \let\tabl_x_start_table\tabl_x_process_buffer \edef\tabl_x_current_buffer{embedded_x_table}% \tabl_x_process} Wolfgang
participants (2)
Michael Eidenbenz
Wolfgang Schuster