Re: [NTG-context] suggestions for context documentation

While it would be nice to have an updated "ConTeXt the Manual", in my humble opinion the biggest hole in the documentation is a reference for each command. Texshow-web should fill this gap and this is where the community CAN contribute, and where the mechanism already exists. And because it's made up of small articles it could work. When I learn about a command I try to fill in a few words in texshow-web. If everyone added a few words each time they learn a new command, we would soon have a fantastic reference source.
P.S. One request for improvement to texshow-web: the source-file for each command is included in cont-en.xml, could this be displayed on the command web-page? It would make it easier to find the source if you need to.
I have promised to Taco that I will transfer the contents of texshow-web to the wiki this month. Then we can do everything the wiki can do now. Patrick

On Mar 5, 2010, at 11:01 AM, wrote:
No, not like those. I mean like a real manual. I read the book about Hasselt---a few examples without explanations.
I am absolutely gobsmacked (astounded, astonished) at some of the comments on this and other threads! "ConTeXt - an Excursion" and "ConTeXt the Manual" together are wonderful. I still consult them at least once a week after 4 year's use. If you actually tried the examples in the former, rather than just reading them, you would be an expert user within 2 days!
Hear hear! I couldn't agree more and am happy that a voice of reason appears in this somewhat meandering thread!
It would be nice to think that the community could construct documentation, but good, coherent documentation is much harder to produce than good code! It works for collections of small articles (WikiPedia etc), but I've never seen a good book written by a community.
also +1 Wasn't there this wonderful saying that a camel is a horse designed by committee? Thomas

I agree, too. I have praised the "Excursion" before -- an excellent one-author work -- and if you also consult the "Manual" you can do a lot. For special questions, there is always Wolfgang ... On 3/5/10 1:50 PM, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
On Mar 5, 2010, at 11:01 AM, wrote:
No, not like those. I mean like a real manual. I read the book about Hasselt---a few examples without explanations.
I am absolutely gobsmacked (astounded, astonished) at some of the comments on this and other threads! "ConTeXt - an Excursion" and "ConTeXt the Manual" together are wonderful. I still consult them at least once a week after 4 year's use. If you actually tried the examples in the former, rather than just reading them, you would be an expert user within 2 days!
Hear hear! I couldn't agree more and am happy that a voice of reason appears in this somewhat meandering thread!
It would be nice to think that the community could construct documentation, but good, coherent documentation is much harder to produce than good code! It works for collections of small articles (WikiPedia etc), but I've never seen a good book written by a community.
also +1 Wasn't there this wonderful saying that a camel is a horse designed by committee?
Thomas ___________________________________________________________________________________
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-- Prof. Jörg Hagmann-Zanolari MD University of Basel Department of Biomedicine Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics Mattenstrasse 28 CH-4058 Basel Switzerland Phone +41 (0)61 267 3565

On 5 Mar 2010, at 13:50, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
On Mar 5, 2010, at 11:01 AM, wrote:
No, not like those. I mean like a real manual. I read the book about Hasselt---a few examples without explanations.
I am absolutely gobsmacked (astounded, astonished) at some of the comments on this and other threads! "ConTeXt - an Excursion" and "ConTeXt the Manual" together are wonderful. I still consult them at least once a week after 4 year's use. If you actually tried the examples in the former, rather than just reading them, you would be an expert user within 2 days!
Hear hear! I couldn't agree more and am happy that a voice of reason appears in this somewhat meandering thread!
Indeed! I would sign this myself!
It would be nice to think that the community could construct documentation, but good, coherent documentation is much harder to produce than good code! It works for collections of small articles (WikiPedia etc), but I've never seen a good book written by a community.
also +1 Wasn't there this wonderful saying that a camel is a horse designed by committee?
+1 Willi
Thomas ______________________________________________________________________ _____________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : / ntg-context webpage : / archive : wiki : ______________________________________________________________________ _____________

\usemodule [abr-01] \setuplayout [width=middle, height=middle, footer=0cm, topspace=1.5cm] \setupbodyfont [palatino] \setupheader [state=high] \setupwhitespace [big] \starttext Hi all, As I was on the Dante 2010 meeting and as I could not access my mail last week, today I ran into the long thread about documentation. I will not reply to each mail but stick to this summary. Now, I understand that there is a lack of documentation but before one complains too loud about it, consider the following: \startitemize \startitem We started with \CONTEXT\ in the early 90's and it went public around 1995. So, we're 15 years down the road. Whatever comment one has on the system, including its documentation, has to be seen into this light: we're looking back at over 15 years of development and ahead at quite some more. \stopitem \startitem In all those years we've been writing a lot of code, not only for our own use, but also for users. Just to mention a few areas: specific language and font support is non trivial in traditional \TEX\ and took quite some time and backends change and being involved in the development also brings a price (in many aspects). \stopitem \startitem What started a system for our own use, is now used by others as well, and this brings not only the responsibility to fix bugs fast but also to monitor lists etc.\ Add to that quite some involvement in \TEX\ user groups, conferences, writing articles etc.\ In the process we also happen to come up with some manuals. Just wonder for a while where I find the time to do my regular work (the work that pays the bills). \stopitem \startitem Even an old manual can quite well describe functionality as much didn't change. It's only with \MKIV\ that some compatibility is dropped and only for obscure features. Of course I could trick users by regenerating a manual with a newer date. I often use the excellent book \quote {\TEX\ by Topic} which is already quite old and does not cover \ETEX, \PDFTEX, \LUATEX\ or whatever but what is told in it is still true. I never look at it thinking it being old. \stopitem \startitem As one can visually get all kind of output and as typographical elements can interfere the ultimate manual would show $n!$ variants and become quite unreadable. There is no easy way out of this. For other languages there's a lot of code googlable but I find myself always writing from scratch as each case seems to be different. Of course printed manuals can be of help (the \LUA\ book being a very good example of a manual) but writing one takes time. \stopitem \startitem More documentation would not help all users. Some are better of with a simple manual and some occasional help on the list. I've been using all kind of programming languages and the fact that some have huge (auto generated) documentation systems is no guarantee that they can be used. I find myself quite often just look in the source to see what is (not) happening and then probably feel as confused as users looking into \CONTEXT\ sources. \stopitem \startitem There are quite some options that were never meant for usage beyond our own, but as we ship the full product, they become visible. No, they are not documented apart from the source. Yes, if useful they should be documented but why by me? \stopitem \startitem Any comparison with \LATEX\ documentation is useless. One reason for starting to write \CONTEXT\ is that I didn't understand the \LATEX\ book that well as well as that for proper non English usage one had to patch unreadable code. When \CONTEXT\ came around the internet and mail were already replacing articles and books. Just look at how the content in user group journals changed from beginners explanations to more expert and niche topics. Also, the fact that new books about \LATEX\ are still written means that there is no perfect one yet. If you ever run into one of the authors of the companions, just ask them how much time it took \unknown\ close to a lifetime I bet. \stopitem \startitem There was some comment on me being the only developer. This might be true to a large extend but Taco, Wolfgang, Aditya, Mojca, Luigi (I mention just a few currently active developers and feel sorry for those I forget so feel free to amend me) know their way around the source quite well and contribute patches too. We don't have a formal team (as that would introduce the problem of adding|/|removing active members and I like to be more informal and users on the list know pretty well who are contributors. \stopitem \startitem There is no real cutting|-|out going on, it's just the way it evolved. On the other hand, as I use the system myself I would probably quit using it if anyone could push in code. It's hard to keep \TEX\ doing what you want it to do and breaking it is too easy due to interference. So, developers need some feeling about what side effects can occur. Even then we see bugs creep in. \stopitem \startitem Believe me: when some folks send me a patch it goes in without too much thinking. For instance, code that Wolfgang submits fits perfectly in the \quote {design} of the system and I trust any correction to math that Aditya sends me. At some point I want to make it easier for those to work on the code directly but it should not cripple my own workflows. \stopitem \startitem At the last Dante meeting there were a some talks about \LATEX. One was about how to let all those packages work together (hard and error prone and unsolvable). Others were about what package to use for what (similar) feature (without running into conflicts). Arbitrary contributions are fine, but can become a nightmare. Of course, for \CONTEXT\ one can write modules that work quite well, as long as one uses the hooks provided and not messes around with core commands. \stopitem \startitem Just look at the excellent tutorials by Willi, Thomas, Aditya and others (at \CONTEXT\ conferences for instance) and you will notice that there is more info than on our website. \stopitem \startitem Only the fact that we have a rather tight control over development makes it possible for us to keep doing this. I work at a quite small company and 75\% of my time goes into development and support of \CONTEXT\ (and \LUATEX). To that you can add rather specialized sub projects like the Oriental \TEX\ project where we're talking of years of work just for free. It's might be true that Taco and I are candidates for writing (and updating) manuals, but we both have single|-|core minds. \stopitem \startitem The user interface is indeed described in an \XML\ file. That info used to be spread over the source and actually in the 90's it was used in a help system in an editor that only we used. Eventually I might redistribute the \XML\ snippets over the code again, but I'm not sure about it. Anyway, it's manual work to keep that one up to date as we don't want experimental features to exposed too soon, and because of inheritance issues. \stopitem \startitem I don't use revision control in my source tree (after all, when we started revision control was not that wide spread, and I also don't have the patience for it) but all \CONTEXT\ releases are checked in eventually. I have been considering using svn and might eventually use git on my machine but I'll only do it when I do it for all \CONTEXT\ related code and that would mean that I have to sort out 15 years of manuals, presentations, articles, etc.\ I simply don't have time for that now (and it does not gain me that much in my case). \stopitem \startitem Concerning embedded documentation: this only makes sense when \TEX\ is processing it as we need typeset examples. Also, for me personally, I only work on a manual (or article or whatever) if it's fun to do. The \METAFUN\ manual took me close to a year of evenings (excluding the \MKIV update). Interesting is that with \MKIV\ writing manuals is more convenient as embedded \METAPOST\ runs are real fast now. \stopitem \startitem The only generic manual markup I'm willing to use is either \TEX\ or \XML\ (for multiple output). Of course others can use whatever they want. When writing manuals the biggest issue is not a bit of extensive tagging (so minimal markup is a no|-|go for me personally) but the fact that we need to be able to process code as examples which means that only \TEX\ (as \PDF) renderer) can be used. I'm occasionally thinking of an \HTML\ backend but as I don't need it I cannot spend time on it anyway. I might give those pads a change when they get some quality, speed and battery live. \stopitem \startitem We're in the transition from \MKII\ to \MKIV. Most of what applies to \MKII\ also applies to \MKIV\ but everything encoding related is gone. Quite some font related stuff is new but that's simply a side effect of going \OPENTYPE. Apart from that most in the manuals is still quite valid. There are two history documents (\type {mk.pdf} and \type {hybrid.pdf}) and they contain info useful for developers but they are not advocated as user manuals: they're test cases, historic overviews, development notes, explorations or whatever description suits them. \stopitem \startitem My experience is that \CONTEXT\ users are willing to move on, and that comes with a price: if you use experimental features you're mostly ok (as I use them myself interfaces are unlikely to change anyway), but there is not much documentation then. The documentation landscape would look less confusing if we'd kick out \PDFTEX\ and \XETEX\ support (read: \MKII). We should look forward. \stopitem \startitem Several attempts have been made to come up with a test suite (Sanjoy even implemented a test framework) but not that much ended up in there: why should users do it if what gets posted on the lists works okay? I am currently building a tree with test files (based on snippets that get posted on the list) but I need to sort it out before it gets into the source. So, we might revive that project. \stopitem \startitem Also, Luigi does a pretty good (and time consuming) job on keeping the sources processable into module documentation. The test suite will probably be part of Luigi's module documentation system too (but he doesn't know that yet). \stopitem \startitem Idris is writing a \CONTEXT\ book but even that cannot cover everything. It's up to him to elaborate on that. \stopitem \startitem You cannot compare a system with 20 years of history with one of a few years. I'm not going to rewrite history and for sure do things differently. Actually, the whole \LUATEX/\MKIV\ effort is sort of unique for the \TEX\ community as normally one tends to stick to the past. As Taco and I are also part of mainstream \TEX\ developments the users pay the price. \stopitem \startitem Off topic: there is an \HTML\ variant of the \type {cont-*.pdf} files, just run \typ {mtxrun --script server --auto}. \stopitem \startitem The \WIKI\ is a nice example of users contributions and there are some quite good explanations on it. As with all documentation, the more there is, the more confused users can get. Users normally respond quite well when asked to wikify a solution. I'm really grateful for all those user contributions and I hope that Patrick will keep gardening and harvesting forever. \stopitem \startitem The minimals are a nice example of an effort that moved from being our work to users (mostly Mojca but as she's multi|-|core, she counts for 10 users). I fear the moment when she will say \quotation {enough is enough}. \stopitem \startitem It has always been possible to add structured documentation to the commands in the \WIKI\ interface but somehow it never worked out well. Maybe a merge in the \WIKI\ will work out ok. But \unknown\ it's users who have to fill it, as I simply have no more time left. Also: write articles for the user group journals. \stopitem \startitem I have plans to put more manual code online. This starts making sense now that internet access gets comfortable but I will only do that with clean and properly coded documents so it needs checking and therefore time. I only put stuff online that makes me feel comfortable. Concerning the licences: these are either the one that covers \CONTEXT\ or some creative common's one (and then only a reference as I dislike wasting bytes (and time) on those licences). \stopitem \startitem Contrary to what users might think, a lot of code in any \TEX\ macro package is written for the sake of documentation: verbatim. Without verbatim much would look simpler (less exceptions due to catcodes for instance). So, writing documentation is no big deal: one only needs time. \stopitem \stopitemize \stoptext ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

On Monday 08 March 2010 13:31:28 Hans Hagen wrote:
As I was on the Dante 2010 meeting and as I could not access my mail last week, today I ran into the long thread about documentation. I will not reply to each mail but stick to this summary. Now, I understand that there is a lack of documentation but before one complains too loud about it, consider the following:
I was out of town for the last two weeks. I too saw this thread but did not have the time to read it all. I agree that the ConTeXt reference manual needs to be updated and completed, in particular concerning mkIV. Nevertheless, I have been able to get quite far using the (old) mkII manual and find it to be pretty good, even if not perfect. For this reason, I had contacted Hans and Taco to gain access to the source but have to date made only a few, minor corrections. This is a project that I try to work on in my "spare time". As none of us have much time to spare from our other responsibilities, documentation always proceeds too slowly. (Indeed, while traveling the last two weeks, I had hoped to have some time available to work more on this. However, I did not do anything!) Part of the problem with writing documentation is being expert enough to know all of the in's and out's of ConTeXt. Nevertheless, I believe that improvements can be done. Also, taking such initiative will motivate the real experts to eventually complete the holes (or give hints on what further to include). Alan P.S. Concerning LaTeX, whereas the User's Guide and Reference Manual (what we locally call "the lion") and the Companion (1st edition, what we call "the dog") are excellent starting points. I find that the second edition to be confusing and so hardly ever refer to it. The documentation of the diverse packages is of diverse quality.
participants (7)
Hans Hagen
Jörg Hagmann
Patrick Gundlach
Thomas A. Schmitz
Willi Egger