Index formatting: column leaks over page margin

I have a tiny problem with the formatting of an index placed with \completeindex. When there are more than 14 or so page numbers for an entry and the entry is in the right hand column, the numbers leak over the page boundary. I haven't done any special formatting for these index pages - is there a command that says keep the columns for a \completeindex less than x cm wide or something?

On 2007-01-13, at 17:59.0, luigi scarso wrote:
On 1/12/07,
wrote: I have a tiny problem Can you post an example ?
Hi luigi - there's a draft at < development/introduction-to-newlisp-9.1.pdf> and there's an example of the problem on page 140. The source reads \completeindex...

hmm line "map 17, 33, 52, 69, 70, 70, 70, 71, 71," is too much right? I've played with index settings some time ago: I will refresh my memories. luigi

On 1/15/07, luigi scarso
hmm line "map 17, 33, 52, 69, 70, 70, 70, 71, 71," is too much right? I've played with index settings some time ago: I will refresh my memories. luigi
Ok, I hope these can help you. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setupcolors[state=start] %%%%%%%%%% Indeces %%%%%% Index \defineregister[Index][Indeces] \setupheadtext[en][IndexCode=Code Index] %% \def\ICTextCommand#1{% #1\hskip1ex% }%% end \ICTextCommand %% \def\ICPageCommand#1{% \gdef\registerpageseparator{,}% \hbox{#1}% }%% end \ICPageCommand %% \def\ICHeadLetterCommand#1{% \setbox100=\hbox{% \switchtobodyfont[8pt]% \framed[frame=off, width=1.5em,height=1em,after=0.5em, strut=no, background=color,backgroundcolor=black]% {\color[white]{\setnostrut{#1}}}\hfill}% \box100% }%%end \ICHeadLetterCommand %%%%% \setupregister[Index][n=2, align=yes, balance=no, symbol=, distance=0pt, expand=no, partnumber=no, indicator=yes, textstyle={\tfx},pagestyle={\tfx}, textcommand={\ICTextCommand}, pagecommand={\ICPageCommand}, command={\ICHeadLetterCommand},] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \starttext \dorecurse{100}{ boo\Index{boo} Boo\Index{Boo} foo\Index{foo} Foo\Index{Foo} goo\Index{goo} Goo\Index{Goo} \page }%% %% \completeIndex \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

On 2007-01-22, at 21:56.0, luigi scarso wrote:
On 1/15/07, luigi scarso
wrote: hmm line "map 17, 33, 52, 69, 70, 70, 70, 71, 71," is too much right? I've played with index settings some time ago: I will refresh my memories. luigi
Ok, I hope these can help you.
Wow - cool stuff! Thanks! Will study it today.
participants (2)
luigi scarso