Re: [NTG-context] Problem with Figures (Fixed)

----- Original Message -----
From: Henning Hraban Ramm
That's because you use \placefigure - it must know what your figure is.
In this case, this bug or typo ought to be fixed in the beginner's manual.

In this case, this bug or typo ought to be fixed in the beginner's manual.
Shall we collect all typos and errors in the manuals? as a start, please put it in: Patrick -- texshow-web: ConTeXt wiki:

Am 17.07.2004 um 17:08 schrieb
That's because you use \placefigure - it must know what your figure is. In this case, this bug or typo ought to be fixed in the beginner's manual.
It should work also if you write \startcombination (or %) directly after the caption braces, so that the combination is the next element. Grüßlis vom Hraban! ---

Hi all, for a very long dokumentation I use tables like {\start % \starttablehead \HL \NC Haus\crlf \tx Pos.~Nr.\NC Bewohner und Bemerkungen\crlf{\bf von \dots\ nach \dots\ }% \NC Natio\-nalität \NC\FR%\AR \HL \stoptablehead % \starttabletail \HL \stoptabletail % \starttables[|lp(0.11\textwidth)B|lp(0.7\textwidth)|lp(0.1\textwidth)I|] % % \NC R \hfill 39\index{Markt Türnau+Nr. 39} \NC {\bf Meierhof:} \index{Meierhof} \crlf\NC \NC\MR % leere Zeile \NC \NC 1910 Pächter Ing. Vanek \index{Vanek, Ing.} \NC ~C\NC\MR % \NC \NC 1919 Pächter Ing. Batik \index{Batik, Ing.} \NC ~C\NC\MR % \NC \NC 1939 Gutsverwalter Fritz Strik \index{Strik+Fritz}\crlf Ist in das Meierhofgebäude Nr.\,39 im Jahr 1939 eingezogen. [Vgl. \cite[HEIMATBUCH] S. 103] \NC \hfill D\NC\MR % \NC \NC \crlf Herr Batik wurde am 07.04.1940 zum Arbeitseinsatz nach \au\ beordert.\crlf Seine Familie lebte im Protektorat.\NC \NC\MR % % % and so on ... about 6 pages % % \stoptables \stop} Question: In some situations it would be fine, if I could force a new page; the NEW PAGE command does not work! Thanks for any help Bernd
participants (4)
Bernd Militzer
Henning Hraban Ramm
Patrick Gundlach