Slides: uncover things piecewise

Hi, I use the »simpleslides« module for a presentation and I wonder if it is possible to uncover things piecewise. Take the following example: \usemodule [simpleslides] \starttext \SlideTitle {My Topic} \startitemize \item First % Visible by default \item Second % Gray by default \item Third % Gray by default \stopitemize \stoptext I want to achieve the following: The first item should be visible by default. The second and third items are not visible or grayed out. The by jumping to the (physically) next slide (for the audience it's still the same page) the second item will be displayed and so on... I've found some old pieces of code in the mail archive but didn't get it to work. Kind regards Marco

On Tue, Jun 01 2010, Marco wrote:
\usemodule [simpleslides] \starttext \SlideTitle {My Topic} \startitemize \item First % Visible by default \item Second % Gray by default \item Third % Gray by default \stopitemize \stoptext
Not gray, but white: \usemodule [simpleslides, pre-stepwise] \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \SlideTitle {My Topic} \startitemize \item First % Visible by default \StartSteps \item Second \FlushStep % Gray by default \item Third \FlushStep % Gray by default \StopSteps \stopitemize \stoptext Cheers, Peter -- Contact information:

On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 15:46:17 +0200, Peter Münster
On Tue, Jun 01 2010, Marco wrote:
\usemodule [simpleslides] \starttext \SlideTitle {My Topic} \startitemize \item First % Visible by default \item Second % Gray by default \item Third % Gray by default \stopitemize \stoptext
Not gray, but white:
\usemodule [simpleslides, pre-stepwise] \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \SlideTitle {My Topic} \startitemize \item First % Visible by default \StartSteps \item Second \FlushStep % Gray by default \item Third \FlushStep % Gray by default \StopSteps \stopitemize \stoptext
Cheers, Peter Thanks. This code looks promising and easy-to-use. But when I compile with
ConTeXt ver: 2010.05.23 15:03 MKIV luatex, version beta-0.60.1-2010042821 I get exactly the same result as with my code. All items on one page, no steps. Marco

On Thu, Jun 03 2010, Marco wrote:
ConTeXt ver: 2010.05.23 15:03 MKIV
My version 2010.05.24 13:05, but I don't think, that this matters.
I get exactly the same result as with my code. All items on one page, no steps.
Perhaps your pdf-viewer does not support javascript. I use acroread version 9.3.2 Cheers, Peter -- Contact information:

My version 2010.05.24 13:05, but I don't think, that this matters. I also don't think so.
I get exactly the same result as with my code. All items on one page, no steps.
Perhaps your pdf-viewer does not support javascript. I think that's the reason.
I use acroread version 9.3.2 At home I use xpdf 3.02 and at work sumatra (unknown version).

On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 17:02:24 +0200, Peter Münster
[...] Perhaps your pdf-viewer does not support javascript. I use acroread version 9.3.2
Cheers, Peter After short research I found out that most pdf readers don't support Java Script (so do xpdf and sumatra). So, this is not really a portable solution.
Any hints for achieving the same result in a portable way without Java Script appreciated. Kind regards Marco

On Thursday 03 June 2010 19:13:32 Marco wrote:
On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 17:02:24 +0200, Peter Münster
[...] Perhaps your pdf-viewer does not support javascript. I use acroread version 9.3.2
Cheers, Peter
After short research I found out that most pdf readers don't support Java Script (so do xpdf and sumatra). So, this is not really a portable solution.
Any hints for achieving the same result in a portable way without Java Script appreciated.
Yes, unfortunately this does not work with libpoppler (okular, evince) either. A (universal) solution would be to adapt \StartSteps\StopSteps to generate multiple PAGES that would be progressively filled. Not as sexy as javascript but it would work. Alan

On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 20:14:07 +0200, Alan BRASLAU
After short research I found out that most pdf readers don't support Java Script (so do xpdf and sumatra). So, this is not really a portable solution.
Any hints for achieving the same result in a portable way without Java Script appreciated.
Yes, unfortunately this does not work with libpoppler (okular, evince) either.
A (universal) solution would be to adapt \StartSteps\StopSteps to generate multiple PAGES that would be progressively filled. That would be the solution I am looking for. But it seems not yet to exist. Coding this is far behind my scope.
Not as sexy as javascript but it would work. I find a solution working in every reader more sexy than a solution heavily depending on the used P(ortable)DF reader. Java Script seems unlikely to be implemented in the majority of readers. It's the same issue with sound and video in PDF files.
Best regards Marco

Marco wrote:
A (universal) solution would be to adapt \StartSteps\StopSteps to generate multiple PAGES that would be progressively filled.
That would be the solution I am looking for. But it seems not yet to exist.
\usemodule[pre-50] Same interface as pre-60, but using pages (and a bit limited, iirc: all \FlushSteps end a paragraph, or something like that). Best wishes, Taco

On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 20:50:33 +0200, taco
Marco wrote:
A (universal) solution would be to adapt \StartSteps\StopSteps to generate multiple PAGES that would be progressively filled.
That would be the solution I am looking for. But it seems not yet to exist.
Same interface as pre-60, but using pages (and a bit limited, iirc: all \FlushSteps end a paragraph, or something like that). Thanks for this hint. That goes in the right direction, however it's not really working. Take this code:
\usemodule [simpleslides, pre-50] \starttext \SlideTitle {My Topic} \startitemize \item First \StartSteps \item Second \FlushStep \item Third \FlushStep \StopSteps \stopitemize \stoptext The first item is placed correctly on the first page. The second item is misplaced, it's also on the first page and (you're right Taco) a paragraph is superfluously introduced. The third item is placed correctly, after the second. Marco

On Thu, Jun 03 2010, Marco wrote:
The first item is placed correctly on the first page. The second item is misplaced, it's also on the first page and (you're right Taco) a paragraph is superfluously introduced. The third item is placed correctly, after the second.
You can also look here: and here: and here: and here: Cheers, Peter -- Contact information:

On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 21:44:45 +0200, Peter Münster
You can also look here:
and here:
and here:
and here: I tried all your suggestions. Here are the results: Compiling the example code on this page I get the error ! Use of \dospecialabout doesn't match its definition. Compiling the example code in the module itself I get the error ! Missing number, treated as zero. Compiling the first example on this page I get the error ! Undefined control sequence. [...] l.111 \StopSteps These examples brought me on the right track. It works almost. Using the following code you can see that the page counter is messed up. Compare the results compiled with
context test.tex # page counter messed up context --mode=nosteps test.tex # page counter OK \usemodule [rsteps] \usemodule [simpleslides] [style=ThickStripes] \startmode [nosteps] \let\StartSteps\relax \let\StopSteps \relax \def\FromStep [#1]#2{#2} \stopmode \starttext \SlideTitle {First Topic} \null \SlideTitle {Second Topic} \StartSteps \startitemize \FromStep[1]{\item 1st} \FromStep[2]{\item 2nd} \FromStep[3]{\item 3rd} \FromStep[4]{\item 4th} \stopitemize \StopSteps \SlideTitle {Third Topic} \null \stoptext The steps result is as I expected. I get 4 physical pages and I can step through the items. But the wrong page counter makes the it unusable since most simpleslides styles use them (on purpose). Maybe it's just a small fix. I wonder why I have to install the module manually. It is not included in the minimals. I think this functionality should be integrated into simpleslides (when the bug is fixed). It would make its use more simple. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Best regards Marco

On Fri, Jun 04 2010, Marco wrote: Compiling the example code on this page I get the error ! Use of \dospecialabout doesn't match its definition.
Strange, no problem here... Compiling the example code in the module itself I get the error ! Missing number, treated as zero. Compiling the first example on this page I get the error ! Undefined control sequence. [...] l.111 \StopSteps
When you use old code, it's worth the effort to try mkii. Cheers, Peter -- Contact information:

On Fri, 4 Jun 2010 16:34:25 +0200, Peter Münster
On Fri, Jun 04 2010, Marco wrote: Compiling the example code on this page I get the error ! Use of \dospecialabout doesn't match its definition.
Strange, no problem here... Sorry, my mistake. During copy-paste the $$ vanished. Compiles OK. Compiling the example code in the module itself I get the error ! Missing number, treated as zero. Compiling the first example on this page I get the error ! Undefined control sequence. [...] l.111 \StopSteps
When you use old code, it's worth the effort to try mkii. Yep. The example compiles with mkii. I didn't try since I always work with mkiv.

On Thu, 3 Jun 2010, Marco wrote:
On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 17:02:24 +0200, Peter Münster
wrote: [...] Perhaps your pdf-viewer does not support javascript. I use acroread version 9.3.2
Cheers, Peter After short research I found out that most pdf readers don't support Java Script (so do xpdf and sumatra). So, this is not really a portable solution.
Any hints for achieving the same result in a portable way without Java Script appreciated.
I think that a luatex solution should be easy (for Hans, hint hint). Collect everything on a page, and do some attribute magic to reveal it one by one (or change colors, etc). Personally, I occasionally use a primitive and ugly solution \StartSteps{4} \startitemize \item ... \2{\item ...} \3{\item ...} \4{\item ...} \stopitemize \StopSteps where \StartSteps collects its body, typesets it 4 times. In the first iteration, \1 = \donoting, everything else is \gobbleoneargument; in the 2nd iteration, \1 and \2 = \donothing and so on. Aditya

Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Thu, 3 Jun 2010, Marco wrote:
On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 17:02:24 +0200, Peter Münster
wrote: [...] Perhaps your pdf-viewer does not support javascript. I use acroread version 9.3.2 Cheers, Peter After short research I found out that most pdf readers don't support Java Script (so do xpdf and sumatra). So, this is not really a portable solution.
Any hints for achieving the same result in a portable way without Java Script appreciated.
I think that a luatex solution should be easy (for Hans, hint hint).
Collect everything on a page, and do some attribute magic to reveal it one by one (or change colors, etc).
I was thinking the same thing (including the Hans, hint hint bit :)) By hooking into the output routine using attributes, there would be no problems with environments and/or macro expansion, and even better, everything has to be typeset only once. Best wishes, Taco
participants (6)
Aditya Mahajan
Peter Münster
Taco Hoekwater