MISSING TARGET Makeing in the metapost/manual directory (metapost-1.102) after a distclean reports missing target: make: *** No rule to make target `grdemo.pdf', needed by `pdf'. Stop. This is strange because I have an older manual set with the same Makefile that typesets ok. MISSING [pdftex] Makeing other manual parts like mpboxes.pdf have their figures missing allthough the .mps files are generated. In mpboxes I had to add [pdftex] to \usepackage{graphics} because \usepackage[pdftex]{graphics} was needed. Can this be fixed in all files of the distribution? DISAPPERARED FILE I noticed that with respect to the earlier distribution the followings file has disappeared in the metapost-1.102 distribution: mpintro.tex But adding it didn't change a thing. met vriendelijke groet Hans van der Meer
participants (1)
Hans van der Meer