Hello all, I hope you are well. This is my first time posting. So if I do so erroneously, I apologize. There is a LaTeX package called citation-style-language, backed by some software called citeproc-lua. The github page for the software is here: https://github.com/zepinglee/citeproc-lua It is an excellent piece of software. There was previous discussion about potentially integrating the software into Context. The following link should show a discussion that took place about the topic. https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=ntg-context@ntg.nl&q=subject:%22Re%5C%3A+%5C%5BNTG%5C-context%5C%5D+Citeproc%5C-lua%22&o=newest I'm just wondering if there is more news about its potential integration with Context. Thank you, devs, for your hard work on making the software.

Hi, On Tue, 2024-06-11 at 11:38 +0000, hdanielhixson@gmail.com wrote:
There is a LaTeX package called citation-style-language, backed by some software called citeproc-lua. The github page for the software is here: https://github.com/zepinglee/citeproc-lua
I'm just wondering if there is more news about its potential integration with Context.
A *very* quick and hacky implementation. First, clone the repository plus all its submodules, then apply two small patches for Lua 5.5 compatibility: diff --git a/citeproc/citeproc-latex-core.lua b/citeproc/citeproc-latex-core.lua index 3057c5d..95c917a 100644 --- a/citeproc/citeproc-latex-core.lua +++ b/citeproc/citeproc-latex-core.lua @@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ end local function parse_latex_seq(s) local t = {} for item in string.gmatch(s, "(%b{})") do + local item = item item = string.sub(item, 2, -2) table.insert(t, item) end diff --git a/luaxml-mod-xml.lua b/luaxml-mod-xml.lua index d40b761..bf09830 100644 --- a/luaxml-mod-xml.lua +++ b/luaxml-mod-xml.lua @@ -524,6 +524,7 @@ local function getAttributes(k,v) level = level or 0 local spaces = string.rep(' ', level*2) for k,v in pairs(tb) do + local k = k if type(v) ~= "table" then local ct = k if type(k)=="number" then Then, install all the files somewhere where ConTeXt can find them. The following layout seems to work: $ tree -a $TEXMFHOME /home/max/Projects/citeproc-lua/texmf/ ├── scripts │ ├── citation-style-language -> ../../citeproc/ │ └── lua-uca -> ../../submodules/lua-uca/src/lua-uca/ └── tex ├── generic │ └── unicode-data -> ../../../submodules/unicode-data/ ├── latex │ └── citation-style-language -> ../../../latex/ └── luatex ├── lua-uni-algos -> ../../../submodules/lua-uni-algos/ └── luaxml -> ../../../submodules/luaxml/ 12 directories, 0 files Finally, make a new file somewhere in the "examples/" folder with the following contents: \startluacode package.loaded.unicode = { utf8 = string } package.loaded.lualibs = {} kpse.find_file = function(name) local path = resolvers.findfile(name) if path == "" then path = nil end return path end local saved_require = require function require(name) return saved_require(name:gsub("^[^%.]+%.", "")) end require("util-jsn") local output = require("citeproc-output") local ConTeXtWriter = output.LatexWriter ConTeXtWriter.markups = { ["bibstart"] = [[\startitemize]], ["bibend"] = [[\stopitemize]], ["@font-style/normal"] = [[\normal{%s}]], ["@font-style/italic"] = [[\italic{%s}]], ["@font-style/oblique"] = [[\slanted{%s}]], ["@font-variant/normal"] = "[[\normal{%s}]]", ["@font-variant/small-caps"] = [[{\sc %s}]], ["@font-weight/normal"] = "[[\normal{%s}]]", ["@font-weight/bold"] = [[\bold{%s}]], ["@font-weight/light"] = "[[\normal{%s}]]", ["@text-decoration/none"] = false, ["@text-decoration/underline"] = [[\underline{%s}]], ["@vertical-align/sup"] = [[\high{%s}]], ["@vertical-align/sub"] = [[\low{%s}]], ["@vertical-align/baseline"] = false, ["@cite/entry"] = false, ["@bibliography/entry"] = [[\item %s]] .. "\n" } function ConTeXtWriter:write_escaped(str, context) return string.formatters["%!tex!"](str) end function ConTeXtWriter:write_link(inline, context) if inline.href == inline.value then -- URL return string.format([[\hyphenatedurl{%s}]], inline.value) elseif context.engine.opt.wrap_url_and_doi then return string.format([=[\goto{\hyphenatedurl{%s}}[url(%s)]]=], inline.href, self:write_escaped(inline.value, context)) else return self:write_escaped(inline.value, context) end end local engine interfaces.implement { name = "cslinit", public = true, arguments = "2 strings", actions = function(style_name, bib_file) local citeproc = require("citeproc") local latex_core = require("citeproc-latex-core") local citeproc_sys = latex_core.make_citeproc_sys { bib_file } local style = latex_core.read_file(style_name .. ".csl") engine = citeproc.new(citeproc_sys, style) engine.output_format = ConTeXtWriter end } interfaces.implement { name = "cslcite", public = true, arguments = "string", actions = function(key) context(engine:makeCitationCluster { { id = key } }) end } interfaces.implement { name = "cslbibliography", public = true, actions = function() local params, items = table.unpack(engine:makeBibliography()) context(params.bibstart) for _, item in ipairs(items) do context(item) end context(params.bibend) end } \stopluacode \cslinit{apa}{example.json} \starttext A \cslcite{ITEM-1} B \cslcite{ITEM-2} C \cslcite{ITEM-3} D \cslcite{ITEM-4}. \cslbibliography \stoptext I've only tested this with the exact example from the README, so it will probably break for anything even slightly more complex. Improving this is left as an exercise for the reader :) Thanks, -- Max
participants (2)
Max Chernoff