packed slashes and hyphenate after slash in urls

Hans, I have the following sample: \setuppapersize[A8] %~ \enabledirectives[hyphenators.urls.packslashes] \sethyphenatedurlafter{/} \starttext \hsize\zeropoint \tt\hyphenatedurl{/home//user/Documents/}, \stoptext To prevent having http:// (or similar protocols) with one slash ending one line and other beginning the next one, I have to use the commented directive. But the directive only works if \setuphypenatedafter (or before) doesn’t contain the slide between its characters. The sample above shows, how not setting \setuphyphenatedurlafter{/}, may start the line with "/," Would it be possible that both options were available: packed slashes and hyphenation after (or before) the slash, both in urls? Many thanks for your help, Pablo --
participants (1)
Pablo Rodriguez