Hi, The latest checkout has a problem with even the most trivial example of \startalign (taken from the wiki): \starttext \startformula \startalign \NC v \NC = u + at \NR \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR \stopalign \stopformula \stoptext % context --version mtx-context | ConTeXt Process Management 0.60 mtx-context | mtx-context | main context file: /opt/context-minimals/texmf-context/tex/context/base/context.mkiv mtx-context | current version: 2012.07.04 15:55 Output ***** ***** ConTeXt-IV output: ***** cd "/home/3shared/Source/prash/doc/context-trials" ***** context --nonstopmode demo.context ***** mtx-context | run 1: luatex --fmt="/home/prash/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/cont-en" --interaction="nonstopmode" --jobname="demo" --lua="/home/prash/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:input="./demo.context" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:nonstopmode "cont-yes.mkiv" This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.70.2-2012052410 (TeX Live 2012) \write18 enabled. (/opt/context-minimals/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-yes.mkiv ConTeXt ver: 2012.07.04 15:55 MKIV fmt: 2012.7.4 int: english/english system > cont-new.mkiv loaded (/opt/context-minimals/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv ) fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language en is active (demo.context{/opt/context-minimals/texmf-fonts/fonts/map/pdftex/context/mkiv-base.map} fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > typescripts > unknown: library 'loc' {/opt/context-minimals/texmf-fonts/fonts/map/dvips/lm/lm-math.map}{/opt/context-minimals/texmf-fonts/fonts/map/dvips/lm/lm-rm.map} fonts > virtual math > unable to resolve name mapsfromchar fonts > fallback modern rm 12pt is loaded ! Use of \expandafter doesn't match its definition. system > tex > error on line 4 in file demo.context: Use of ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 >> \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 \math_both_eqalign_no_aligned ...andafter \bgroup \the \scratchtoks \crcr <to be read again> \NC l.4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR ! Missing { inserted. system > tex > error on line 4 in file demo.context: Missing { inserted ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 >> \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 <to be read again> \crcr <to be read again> \NC l.4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR ! Missing # inserted in alignment preamble. system > tex > error on line 4 in file demo.context: Missing # inserted in alignment preamble ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 >> \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 <to be read again> \crcr <to be read again> \NC l.4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. system > tex > error on line 4 in file demo.context: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 >> \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 <template> \endtemplate \math_alignment_NC ->\aligntab l.4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. system > tex > error on line 4 in file demo.context: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 >> \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 <template> \endtemplate \NR ->\aligntab \dostoptagged \dodoubleempty \math_alignment_NR_indeed l.4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR ! Use of \expandafter doesn't match its definition. system > tex > error on line 5 in file demo.context: Use of ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 >> \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 \syst_helpers_inspect_next_optional_character ... \fi <to be read again> \NC l.5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. system > tex > error on line 5 in file demo.context: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 >> \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 <template> \endtemplate \math_alignment_NC ->\aligntab l.5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. system > tex > error on line 5 in file demo.context: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 >> \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 <template> \endtemplate \math_alignment_NC ->\aligntab l.5 \NC h \NC = ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR ! Use of \expandafter doesn't match its definition. system > tex > error on line 5 in file demo.context: Use of ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 >> \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 \frac ...acmode \expandafter \math_fractions_auto \or \expandafter \math_fra... l.5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac 12 gt^2 \NR ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. system > tex > error on line 5 in file demo.context: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 >> \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 <template> \endtemplate \NR ->\aligntab \dostoptagged \dodoubleempty \math_alignment_NR_indeed l.5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR ! Use of \expandafter doesn't match its definition. system > tex > error on line 6 in file demo.context: Use of ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 >> \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 \syst_helpers_inspect_next_optional_character ... \fi <to be read again> \stopalign l.6 \stopalign \stopformula ! Use of \expandafter doesn't match its definition. system > tex > error on line 6 in file demo.context: Use of ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 >> \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 \formulaparameter ...er \doformulaparentparameter \csname \??formula \curren... \stopinnermath ...stop \formulaparameter \c!align \endcsname \stopdisplaymath ->\stopinnermath $$\par \afterdisplayspace \par \egroup \strc_formulas_stop_formula ...native \v!formula } \dostoptagged \dostoptagge... l.6 \stopalign \stopformula ! Missing \endcsname inserted. system > tex > error on line 6 in file demo.context: Missing \endcsname inserted ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 >> \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 <to be read again> \422>:parent \formulaparameter ...ormula :\s!parent \endcsname {#1}\fi \endcsname \stopinnermath ...stop \formulaparameter \c!align \endcsname \stopdisplaymath ->\stopinnermath $$\par \afterdisplayspace \par \egroup \strc_formulas_stop_formula ...native \v!formula } \dostoptagged \dostoptagge... l.6 \stopalign \stopformula ! Use of \csname\endcsname doesn't match its definition. system > tex > error on line 6 in file demo.context: Use of ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 >> \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 <recently read> \422>:parent \formulaparameter ...ormula :\s!parent \endcsname {#1}\fi \endcsname \stopinnermath ...stop \formulaparameter \c!align \endcsname \stopdisplaymath ->\stopinnermath $$\par \afterdisplayspace \par \egroup \strc_formulas_stop_formula ...native \v!formula } \dostoptagged \dostoptagge... l.6 \stopalign \stopformula ! Display math should end with \Ustopdisplaymath. system > tex > error on line 6 in file demo.context: Display math should end with \Ustopdisplaymath ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 >> \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 \stopinnermath ...laparameter \c!align \endcsname \stopdisplaymath ->\stopinnermath $$\par \afterdisplayspace \par \egroup \strc_formulas_stop_formula ...native \v!formula } \dostoptagged \dostoptagge... l.6 \stopalign \stopformula ! Missing $ inserted. system > tex > error on line 6 in file demo.context: Missing $ inserted ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 >> \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 <inserted text> $ <to be read again> \normalpar \stopdisplaymath ->\stopinnermath $$\par \afterdisplayspace \par \egroup \strc_formulas_stop_formula ...native \v!formula } \dostoptagged \dostoptagge... l.6 \stopalign \stopformula ! Display math should end with $$. system > tex > error on line 6 in file demo.context: Display math should end with $$ ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \startformula \startalign 4 \NC v \NC = u + at \NR 5 \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR 6 >> \stopalign \stopformula 7 8 \stoptext 9 <to be read again> \normalpar \stopdisplaymath ->\stopinnermath $$\par \afterdisplayspace \par \egroup \strc_formulas_stop_formula ...native \v!formula } \dostoptagged \dostoptagge... l.6 \stopalign \stopformula backend > xmp > using file '/opt/context-minimals/texmf-context/tex/context/base/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1 ) ) mkiv lua stats > used config file - selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path - /home/prash/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e mkiv lua stats > resource resolver - loadtime 0.015 seconds, 0 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 45 found files, scanned paths: mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data - 306 modules, 65 tables, 371 chunks mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes - 41 nodes, 9 lists of 435 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage - 2 glue, 2 penalty, 9 attribute, 30 glue_spec, 3 attribute_list mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks - 6 unique task lists, 5 instances (re)created, 145 calls mkiv lua stats > used backend - pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns - en::2 mkiv lua stats > jobdata time - 0.000 seconds saving, 0.001 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks - 290 direct, 568 indirect, 858 total mkiv lua stats > randomizer - resumed with value 0.81745024575733 mkiv lua stats > lxml preparation time - 0.000 seconds, 0 nodes, 15 lpath calls, 0 cached calls mkiv lua stats > result saved in file - demo.pdf mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts - 33 files: stmary10.afm lmmono12-regular.otf lmmono8-regular.otf lmmono9-regular.otf lmroman12-bold.otf lmroman12-regular.otf lmroman7-bold.otf lmroman7-regular.otf lmroman9-bold.otf lmroman9-regular.otf lmsans12-regular.otf lmsans8-regular.otf lmsans9-regular.otf eufb10.tfm eufb7.tfm eufm10.tfm eufm7.tfm msam10.tfm msam7.tfm msbm10.tfm msbm7.tfm lmex10.tfm lmmi12.tfm lmmi7.tfm lmmi9.tfm lmmib10.tfm lmmib7.tfm lmsy10.tfm lmsy7.tfm lmsy9.tfm rm-lmr12.tfm rm-lmr7.tfm rm-lmr9.tfm mkiv lua stats > fonts load time - 0.240 seconds mkiv lua stats > luatex banner - this is luatex, version beta-0.70.2-2012052410 (tex live 2012) mkiv lua stats > control sequences - 34579 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > current memory usage - 46 MB (ctx: 47 MB) mkiv lua stats > runtime - 0.645 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.550 pages/second

Am 04.07.2012 um 18:24 schrieb Prashanth:
Hi, The latest checkout has a problem with even the most trivial example of \startalign (taken from the wiki): \starttext \startformula \startalign \NC v \NC = u + at \NR \NC h \NC= ut + \frac12 gt^2 \NR \stopalign \stopformula \stoptext
strc-mat.mkiv (I’m not sure if the first change after \dorecurse is correct) \def\math_build_eqalign {\scratchtoks\emptytoks - \dorecurse{\mathalignmentparameter\c!m}\def\math_build_eqalign + \dorecurse{\mathalignmentparameter\c!m}\math_build_eqalign_step \normalexpanded{\scratchtoks{\the\scratchtoks\the\c_math_align_c}}} \def\math_alignment_NR_indeed[#1][#2]% - {\donestedformulanumber{#1}{#2}% to be tagged (better an attribute) + {\strc_formulas_place_number_nested{#1}{#2}% to be tagged (better an attribute) \crcr \dostoptagged % finish row \noalign{\glet\math_alignment_NC\math_alignment_NC_first}} % noalign used for change state, conditional does not work here \def\math_align_NR_generic[#1][#2]% - {\donestedformulanumber{#1}{#2}\crcr} + {\strc_formulas_place_number_nested{#1}{#2}\crcr} Wolfgang
participants (2)
Wolfgang Schuster