Problem with codelistings and linenumbers

Hi @all, I'm trying to put some codelistings into my ConTeXt file, but I don't get line numbers. Im using a resend version of ConTeXt: | ConTeXt ver: 2012.09.06 23:03 MKIV fmt: 2012.9.7 int: english/english Here is the setup for my code environment: | \definefloat [listing] [listings] | \setupfloat [listing] [topframe=on, bottomframe=on] | \setupheadtext [listings=Quellcodelistings] | | \defineblank [aroundcode] [medium] | \definetyping [code] | \setuptyping [code] | [option=color, bodyfont=8.0pt, margin=yes, | before={\blank[aroundcode]\startlinenumbering}, | after={\blank[aroundcode]\stoplinenumbering}] And here is an example, how I use it. I place it into a floating environment so I can have a nice Listion of my code sippets with \completelistoflistings. | \placelisting [here] [lst:bb] | {Beispiel eines bitbake Rezeptes (} | {\startcode | SUMMARY = "Zlib Compression Library" | DESCRIPTION = "Zlib is a general-purpose, patent-free, lossless data \ | compression library which is used by many different programs." | HOMEPAGE = "" | SECTION = "libs" | | LICENSE = "Zlib" | LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://zlib.h;beginline=4;endline=23;md5=94d1b5a..." | | SRC_URI = "${BPN}-${PV}.tar.bz2 \ | file:// \ | " | SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2ab442d1691..." | SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "49e2e9658df..." | | do_configure (){ | ./configure --prefix=${prefix} --shared --libdir=${libdir} | } | | do_compile (){ | oe_runmake | } | | do_install() { | oe_runmake DESTDIR = ${D} install | } | \stopcode} You can have a look at the result here: Besides the lack of the linenumbers you may notice the slightly bigger space between the top line and the code and the bottom line and the code. At the moment I'm adding the line numbers by hand ... Cheers, Markus
participants (1)
Markus Hubig