Hi, I use oldstyle digits with a typescript using variants such as "\Var[osf]" to get oldstyle digits. How do I get _all_ digits, including the page number in oldstyle? \setuppagenumbering[style={\Var[osf]}] would be a solution, but it looks more like a hack - I'd like to have a complete setup. This is my typescript: -------------------------------------------------- \starttypescript [map] [termes] [texnansi] \loadmapfile [termes.map] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [serif] [termes] [name] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [TeXGyreTermes-Regular] \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [TeXGyreTermes-RegularCaps] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [TeXGyreTermes-Bold] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldCaps] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldCaps] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [TeXGyreTermes-Italic] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalicCaps] [TeXGyreTermes-ItalicCaps] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalic] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalicCaps] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalicCaps] \definefontsynonym [SerifRegularOsF] [TeXGyreTermes-RegularOsF] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldOsF] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldOsF] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalicOsF] [TeXGyreTermes-ItalicOsF] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalicOsF] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalicOsF] \definefontvariant [Serif][osf][OsF] \definefontsynonym [SerifRegular] [Serif] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [serif] [termes] [texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-Regular] [TeXGyreTermes-Regular--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-RegularCaps] [TeXGyreTermes-Regular--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga--Fsmcp] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-Bold] [TeXGyreTermes-Bold--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-BoldCaps] [TeXGyreTermes-Bold--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga--Fsmcp] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-Italic] [TeXGyreTermes-Italic--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-ItalicCaps] [TeXGyreTermes-Italic--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga--Fsmcp] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalic] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalic--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalicCaps] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalic--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga--Fsmcp] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-RegularOsF] [TeXGyreTermes-Regular--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga--Fonum] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-BoldOsF] [TeXGyreTermes-Bold--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga--Fonum] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-ItalicOsF] [TeXGyreTermes-Italic--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga--Fonum] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalicOsF] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalic--texnansi--Fkern--Fliga--Fonum] [encoding=texnansi] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [termes] \definetypeface [termes][rm][serif] [termes][default][encoding=texnansi] \stoptypescript -------------------------------------------------- and this is my example file: -------------------------------------------------- \preloadtypescripts \setupencoding[default=texnansi] \usetypescriptfile[type-termes] \usetypescript[termes] \definetypeface [sample][rm][serif][termes][default][encoding=texnansi] \definebodyfontenvironment [termes][14pt][interlinespace=20pt] \setupbodyfont[sample,serif,14pt] \enableregime[utf-8] \setuptolerance [tolerant] \starttext \input tufte 0123456789 \Var[osf] \input tufte 0123456789 \stoptext -------------------------------------------------- Patrick

2007/7/4, Patrick Gundlach
I use oldstyle digits with a typescript using variants such as "\Var[osf]" to get oldstyle digits. How do I get _all_ digits, including the page number in oldstyle?
\setuppagenumbering[style={\Var[osf]}] would be a solution, but it looks more like a hack - I'd like to have a complete setup.
This is my typescript:
-------------------------------------------------- \starttypescript [map] [termes] [texnansi] [...] \stoptypescript --------------------------------------------------
and this is my example file:
-------------------------------------------------- [...]
Hi Patrick, this was answered only a few days ago in the thread ,,automatic oldstyle numerals`` http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2007/025795.html Wolfgang

I use oldstyle digits with a typescript using variants such as "\Var[osf]" to get oldstyle digits. How do I get _all_ digits, including the page number in oldstyle?
\setuppagenumbering[style={\Var[osf]}] would be a solution, but it looks more like a hack - I'd like to have a complete setup.
This is my typescript:
this was answered only a few days ago in the thread ,,automatic oldstyle numerals``
I guess you refer to the thread started from Alan? (I am currently offline.) My post is actually an attempt to use a slightly different approach, so I am perfectly aware of that thread. My point is, there should be a way to say 'before processing this document, switch to osf with \Var[osf] or something equivalent'. I don't want to deal with typescripts just for that. I have created a typescript already that includes oldstyle figures. IMO it should be possible to say \Var[<something>] for the whole document. Patrick

2007/7/5, Patrick Gundlach
I use oldstyle digits with a typescript using variants such as "\Var[osf]" to get oldstyle digits. How do I get _all_ digits, including the page number in oldstyle?
\setuppagenumbering[style={\Var[osf]}] would be a solution, but it looks more like a hack - I'd like to have a complete setup.
This is my typescript:
this was answered only a few days ago in the thread ,,automatic oldstyle numerals``
I guess you refer to the thread started from Alan? (I am currently offline.) My post is actually an attempt to use a slightly different approach, so I am perfectly aware of that thread.
My point is, there should be a way to say 'before processing this document, switch to osf with \Var[osf] or something equivalent'. I don't want to deal with typescripts just for that. I have created a typescript already that includes oldstyle figures. IMO it should be possible to say \Var[<something>] for the whole document.
The only method I know is the one I show in my former message with the termes-os typescipts. It would be nice to have something built-in to choose small caps, old style and tabular figures with \setupbodyfont and \switchtobodyfont like you can do with sans, mono ... fonts. For example: \setupbodyfont[fontname] for lining figures \setupbodyfont[fontname,os] for oldstyle figures ... Wolfgang

2007/7/4, Patrick Gundlach
I use oldstyle digits with a typescript using variants such as "\Var[osf]" to get oldstyle digits. How do I get _all_ digits, including the page number in oldstyle?
\setuppagenumbering[style={\Var[osf]}] would be a solution, but it looks more like a hack - I'd like to have a complete setup.
[...] change this: \starttypescript [map] [termes,termes-os] [texnansi] \loadmapfile [termes.map] \stoptypescript add this: \starttypescript [serif] [termes-os] [name] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [TeXGyreTermes-RegularOsF] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldOsF] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [TeXGyreTermes-ItalicOsF] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalicOsF] \stoptypescript change this: \starttypescript [serif] [termes,termes-os] [texnansi] ... \stoptypescript change this: \starttypescript [termes] \definetypeface [termes] [rm][serif][termes] [default][encoding=texnansi] \definetypeface [termes-os][rm][serif][termes-os][default][encoding=texnansi] \stoptypescript or add this: \starttypescript [termes-os] \definetypeface [termes][rm][serif][termes-os][default][encoding=texnansi] \stoptypescript
and this is my example file:
-------------------------------------------------- \preloadtypescripts \setupencoding[default=texnansi]
[...] \usetypescript[termes] \setupbodyfont[termes] % normal figures \setupbodyfont[termes-os] % oldstyle figures or \usetypescript[termes-os] \setupbodyfont[termes]
\enableregime[utf-8] \setuptolerance [tolerant] \starttext \input tufte 0123456789 \Var[osf] \input tufte 0123456789 \stoptext --------------------------------------------------
participants (2)
Patrick Gundlach
Wolfgang Schuster