Text background regression in 20140316 beta

Hans and list, Previous to the 20140316 beta, we were able to prevent text backgrounds from bleeding over the footnote space with \chardef\kindofpagetextareas\plusone as you described in a 2008 list entry. While the problem it resolves is still there, the fix is now broken. The background on the following page is starts too far down the page (although it appears to have the proper depth). The following example demonstrates the problem. Sorry for its length. \setuppapersize[A6][A6] \definetextbackground[blockquotebackground] [ location=paragraph, background=color, backgroundcolor=gray, backgroundoffset=.25em, frame=off, ] \definedelimitedtext[BlockQuote] \setupdelimitedtext [BlockQuote] [ leftmargin=1pc, rightmargin=1pc, before={% \blank[halfline]% \startblockquotebackground% \setupindenting[next]% }, after={% \stopblockquotebackground% \blank[halfline]% }, ] \starttexdefinition startAttribution \setupnarrower[left=1pc] \startnarrower[left] \leavevmode\llap{{--\,}}% \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition stopAttribution \stopnarrower \stoptexdefinition %% The following prevents the background from overlaying %% footnotes. Found in a 2008 post, still not in the wiki. %% http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context%40ntg.nl/msg15681.html %% %% With the 20140316 beta, things have changed again. Now the %% problem without it is still there, but with it the background %% is misplaced on the second page of a two-page background. %% \chardef\kindofpagetextareas\plusone \starttext \startBlockQuote Honorar und Verbot des Nachdrucks sind im Grunde der Verderb der Litteratur. Writing for money and reservation of copyright are, at bottom, the ruin of literature. \startAttribution Arthur Schopenhauer, chapter {\sc xxiii} \quotation{Ueber Schriftstellerei und Stil} {\em Parerga und Paralipomena} page 420\footnote{Translation by Thomas Bailey Saunders, {\em The Art of Literature: A Series of Essays} page 3} \stopAttribution \stopBlockQuote Again. \startBlockQuote Honorar und Verbot des Nachdrucks sind im Grunde der Verderb der Litteratur. Writing for money and reservation of copyright are, at bottom, the ruin of literature. \startAttribution Arthur Schopenhauer, chapter {\sc xxiii} \quotation{Ueber Schriftstellerei und Stil} {\em Parerga und Paralipomena} page 420\footnote{Translation by Thomas Bailey Saunders, {\em The Art of Literature: A Series of Essays} page 3} \stopAttribution \stopBlockQuote Again. \startBlockQuote Honorar und Verbot des Nachdrucks sind im Grunde der Verderb der Litteratur. Writing for money and reservation of copyright are, at bottom, the ruin of literature. \startAttribution \leavevmode\llap{{--\,}}% Arthur Schopenhauer, chapter {\sc xxiii} \quotation{Ueber Schriftstellerei und Stil} {\em Parerga und Paralipomena} page 420\footnote{Translation by Thomas Bailey Saunders, {\em The Art of Literature: A Series of Essays} page 3} \stopAttribution \stopBlockQuote \stoptext
participants (1)
Rik Kabel