When I started to do my syllabus again but in ConTeXt, I also began to set up an index. Readily it became a nuisance to type each time: in this sentence \index{sentence} etc. Making this into a macro I am now typing: in this \indexed{sentence} etc. It is a small difference but not only is it less typing, it also keeps the text more readable. I coded this macro: \def\indexed#1{\index{#1}#1} Note, \index{#1} preceeds typesetting of the text #1, otherwise the next space is eaten by \index. Of course the full macro would be something like \indexed[whatever] {sentence}, and all the other options in \index[]{}. However if have not enough experience with the way such things are cooked in ConTeXt and do not want to pollute the code with halfbaked code of my own. Maybe Hans and Taco feel this suggestion useful enough to pick it up. yours sincerely, dr. H. van der Meer
participants (2)
Hans van der Meer
Taco Hoekwater