Background with rounded corners (Metafun)

Hello, I would like to have three corners rounded as in the figure. Thank you Fabrice \definecolor[MyColorA][r=0.8784, g=0.8784, b=0.8784] \definecolor[MyColorB][c=0.00,m=0.27,y=1.00,k=0.00] \startuseMPgraphic{MyFrame} path b ; picture p ; p := textext.rt("\bf\tfx\white\framedtextparameter{Title}") ; p := p shifted (.3EmWidth,OverlayHeight-.6EmWidth) ; b := boundingbox p enlarged .3EmWidth ; fill OverlayBox withcolor \MPcolor{MyColorA} ; fill b withcolor \MPcolor{MyColorB} ; draw p ; setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 2mm ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [MyFrame] [\useMPgraphic{MyFrame}] \defineframedtext [MyFrame] [frame=off, foregroundstyle={\switchtobodyfont[10pt]}, background=MyFrame, align={verytolerant}, height=fit] \definefloat [recipe] [figure] \setupfloat [recipe] [default={right,none}] \showframe \starttext \placerecipe{} {\startMyFrame[Title=Info,width=10cm] L'équivalent vingt pieds (EVP) est une unité de mesure de conteneurs (de longueur courante 20 pieds, soit environ \unit{6,1 meter}). 1 EVP représente environ \unit{38,5 cubic meter}. \stopMyFrame } \input knuth \stoptext

On Wed, 23 Aug 2017, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
Hello, I would like to have three corners rounded as in the figure.
Not sure if you had simplified your example or not. But if all you want is a rounded corner, you can consider using corner=number parameter of framed and framed text: Here is an example (that does not use metapost). \definecolor[MyColorA][r=0.8784, g=0.8784, b=0.8784] \definecolor[MyColorB][c=0.00,m=0.27,y=1.00,k=0.00] \defineornament [FrameTitle] [preset=lefttop] [ frame=off, foregroundstyle=\bfx, foregroundcolor=white, background=color, backgroundcolor=MyColorB, ] \defineframedtext [FramedText] [ offset=0.6em, toffset=\lineheight, background=color, backgroundcolor=MyColorA, foregroundstyle={\switchtobodyfont[10pt]}, align=verytolerant, frame=off, corner=01, ] \showframe \starttext \FrameTitle{Info}{\startFramedText[width=10cm] L'équivalent vingt pieds (EVP) est une unité de mesure de conteneurs (de longueur courante 20 pieds, soit environ \unit{6,1 meter}). 1 EVP représente environ \unit{38,5 cubic meter}. \stopFramedText} \stoptext

Hi Aditya,
I tried :
alternative=serried, % text wrapped
to have my text wrapped around the ornament as in the figure but it does
not work.
2017-08-23 1:20 GMT+02:00 Fabrice Couvreur

On 08/30/2017 06:07 PM, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
Hi Fabrice, sorry if I’m missing something, but I wonder whether the next sample is what you intend. \definecolor[MyColorA][r=0.8784, g=0.8784, b=0.8784] \definecolor[MyColorB][c=0.00,m=0.27,y=1.00,k=0.00] \defineornament [FrameTitle] [preset=lefttop] [ frame=off, foregroundstyle=\bfx, foregroundcolor=white, background=color, backgroundcolor=MyColorB, ] \defineframedtext [FramedText] [ offset=0.6em, toffset=\lineheight, background=color, backgroundcolor=MyColorA, foregroundstyle={\switchtobodyfont[10pt]}, align=verytolerant, alternative=serried, % text wrapped frame=off, corner=round, ] \definefloat [recipe] [figure] \setupfloat [recipe] [default={right,none}] \showframe \starttext \placerecipe{} {\FrameTitle{Info}{\startFramedText[width=10cm] L'équivalent vingt pieds (EVP) est une unité de mesure de conteneurs (de longueur courante 20 pieds, soit environ \unit{6,1 meter}). 1 EVP représente environ \unit{38,5 cubic meter}. \stopFramedText}} \input zapf \stoptext Just in case it helps, Pablo --

Hi Pablo,
I speak of the text in the frame as in the image
2017-08-30 22:45 GMT+02:00 Pablo Rodriguez
participants (4)
Aditya Mahajan
Fabrice Couvreur
Meer, Hans van der
Pablo Rodriguez