Hello, Sorry to insist, but could anyone help me understand the problem I'm having in using Emacs with standalone context ? The following file compiles perfectly from a terminal : /home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux/context test.tex /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/context test.tex (latest beta) With Emacs, it compiles perfectly if you use the 2018 texlive context binary. If I want to use the latest beta context binary, I need to add this to my ~/.emacs file : (setenv "PATH" "/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/:$PATH" t) And there, I encounter a compilation problem : Running `ConTeXt Full' on `pouf' with ``context --purgeall --nonstop pouf.tex''resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' mtx-context | run 1: luatex --fmt="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en" --interaction="nonstopmode" --jobname="pouf" --lua="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./pouf.tex" --c:input="./pouf.tex" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:nonstopmode --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv" This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled. resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' job > passes > version mismatch: 1.3 <> 1.31 system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.20 17:47 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.20 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > files > jobname 'pouf', input './pouf', result 'pouf' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/pouf.tex' fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv' using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled' lua error > lua error on line 10 in file /home/aragorn/pouf.tex: ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: attempt to call a nil value (global 'getid') stack traceback: ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: in upvalue 'getexpansion' ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:343: in function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:338> ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:437: in local 'boxtomp' ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1894: in function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1891> (...tail calls...) 1 2 \startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} 3 draw outlinetext.f 4 ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") 5 (withcolor "lightgray") 6 ysized 50pt ; 7 \stopusableMPgraphic 8 9 \unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% 10 >> {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}} 11 12 \setuphead 13 [chapter] 14 [command=\HeadTitle, 15 headstyle=\ss, 16 numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber, 17 ] 18 19 20 \unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2% open source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' close source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' backend > xmp > using file '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 2, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/pouf.tex' close source > level 1, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' mkiv lua stats > used config file: selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path: /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.007 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 31 found files, scanned paths: /home/aragorn/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 437 modules (0.226 sec), 93 tables (0.015 sec), 530 chunks (0.241 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1328, freed: 5, unreachable: 1323 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 58 nodes, 9 lists of 455 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 kern, 2 penalty, 14 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 4 attribute_list, 2 temp, 2 user_defined mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 8 unique task lists, 6 instances (re)created, 55 calls mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output)mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: internal: 179, file: 180, direct: 2, late: 1, function 529, total: 891 mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: pouf.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 4 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-bold.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.104, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 9 instances, 3 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.238 seconds mkiv lua stats > metapost: 0.001 seconds, loading: 0.018, execution: 0.000, n: 1, average: 0.019, instances: 1, luacalls: 7, memory: 2.608 M mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.08 with functionality level 6731, banner: this is luatex, version 1.08.0 (tex live 2018) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 46533 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 61 MB (ctx: 61 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.613 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.631 pages/second mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 1 TeX Output exited abnormally with code 1 at Wed Aug 22 13:01:54 ######## test.tex ######## \startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} draw outlinetext.f ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") (withcolor "lightgray") ysized 50pt ; \stopusableMPgraphic \unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}} \setuphead [chapter] [command=\HeadTitle, headstyle=\ss, numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber, ] \unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2% {\framed [frame=off, bottomframe=on, width=broad, align={broad,nothyphenated,left}] {#1\blank[nowhite]#2}} \starttext \startchapter[title=First chapter] \input ward \stopchapter \stoptext Thanks Fabrice

Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-22 13:05:31 +0200]:
Hello, Sorry to insist, but could anyone help me understand the problem I'm having in using Emacs with standalone context ?
Check environment variables both in terminal and Emacs.
The following file compiles perfectly from a terminal :
/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux/context test.tex
/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/context test.tex (latest beta)
With Emacs, it compiles perfectly if you use the 2018 texlive context binary.
If I want to use the latest beta context binary, I need to add this to my ~/.emacs file :
(setenv "PATH" "/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/:$PATH" t)
Instead of this I use this (in my ~/.emacs): (eval-after-load "context" '(setq TeX-command-list (cons '("ConTeXt" "PATH=/usr/local/opt/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run context (MarkIV)") TeX-command-list)) )
And there, I encounter a compilation problem :
and I don't see any errors (note, that in my case the "target" in "ConTeXt", not "ConTeXt Full").
Running `ConTeXt Full' on `pouf' with ``context --purgeall --nonstop pouf.tex''resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' mtx-context | run 1: luatex --fmt="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en" --interaction="nonstopmode" --jobname="pouf" --lua="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./pouf.tex" --c:input="./pouf.tex" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:nonstopmode --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv" [...]
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- Old timer, n.: One who remembers when charity was a virtue and not an organization.

Thanks for your help but ...
Running `ConTeXt' on `vladimir' with
``PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context vladimir''
resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf'
mtx-context | warning: no (local) file './vladimir', proceeding
mtx-context | run 1: luatex
--no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir"
--c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018)
system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf'
open source > level 1, order 1, name
system >
system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.20 17:47 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.20
int: english/english
system >
system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded
open source > level 2, order 2, name
system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv
close source > level 2, order 2, name
system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result
fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded
languages > language 'en' is active
open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex'
fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage)
fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded
structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter
metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun'
and method 'default'
metapost > loading 'metafun' as
using method 'default'
metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled'
lua error > lua error on line 10 in file /home/aragorn/vladimir.tex:
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: attempt to
call a nil value (global 'getid')
stack traceback:
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: in
upvalue 'getexpansion'
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:343: in
function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:338>
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:437: in
local 'boxtomp'
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1894: in
function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1891>
(...tail calls...)
1 \startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead}
2 draw outlinetext.f
3 ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}")
4 (withcolor "lightgray")
5 ysized 50pt ;
6 \stopusableMPgraphic
8 \unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1%
9 {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}}
10 >>
11 \setuphead
12 [chapter]
13 [command=\HeadTitle,
14 headstyle=\ss,
15 numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber,
16 ]
19 \unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2%
20 {\framed
Le jeu. 23 août 2018 à 08:06, Vladimir Lomov
Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-22 13:05:31 +0200]:
Hello, Sorry to insist, but could anyone help me understand the problem I'm having in using Emacs with standalone context ?
Check environment variables both in terminal and Emacs.
The following file compiles perfectly from a terminal :
/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux/context test.tex
/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/context test.tex (latest beta)
With Emacs, it compiles perfectly if you use the 2018 texlive context binary.
If I want to use the latest beta context binary, I need to add this to my ~/.emacs file :
(setenv "PATH" "/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/:$PATH" t)
Instead of this I use this (in my ~/.emacs):
(eval-after-load "context" '(setq TeX-command-list (cons '("ConTeXt" "PATH=/usr/local/opt/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run context (MarkIV)") TeX-command-list)) )
And there, I encounter a compilation problem :
and I don't see any errors (note, that in my case the "target" in "ConTeXt", not "ConTeXt Full").
Running `ConTeXt Full' on `pouf' with ``context --purgeall --nonstop pouf.tex''resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' mtx-context | run 1: luatex
--interaction="nonstopmode" --jobname="pouf"
--no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./pouf.tex" --c:input="./pouf.tex" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:nonstopmode --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv" [...]
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov
-- Old timer, n.: One who remembers when charity was a virtue and not an organization.
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-23 10:48:42 +0200]:
Hi, Thanks for your help but ...
I checked again and it is fine. May be I was too unspecific. First, I changed a bit your example to this one: [test.tex] -------------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------ \setupsynctex[state=start] \startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} draw outlinetext.f ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") (withcolor "lightgray") ysized 50pt ; \stopusableMPgraphic \unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}} \setuphead% [chapter]% [command=\HeadTitle,% headstyle=\ss,% numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber] \unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2% {\framed% [frame=off,% bottomframe=on,% width=broad, align={broad,nothyphenated,left}]% {#1\blank[nowhite]#2}} \starttext \startchapter[title=First chapter] \input ward \stopchapter \stoptext %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: context %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: -------------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------ And second, I tweaked a bit my Emacs configuration: -------------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------ (setenv "TEXMFCNF" nil) (setenv "TEXROOT" "/usr/local/opt/context/tex") (setenv "TEXMFCACHE" (format "%s/.cache" (getenv "HOME"))) -------------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------ (I have to do that because I have both TeX Live and ConTeXt Standalone/Suite in parallel, and use mainly LaTeX.) You should check your Emacs configuration. This is my Emacs configuration: https://bitbucket.org/vp1981/scripts/src/master/config/emacs/ and I have Emacs: 27.0.50 (git) AUCTEX: 12.1 (git) [...] --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood, Stop up the access and passage to remorse That no compunctious visiting of nature Shake my fell purpose, not keep peace between The effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts, And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, Wherever in your sightless substances You wait on nature's mischief! Come, thick night, And pall the in the dunnest smoke of hell, That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, To cry `Hold, hold!' -- Lady MacBeth

Hi Vladimir,
Thanks for everything, it seems to work !
You are the only one who knew how to solve the problem.
Here is the content of my ~./emacs file that you probably need to improve :
-------------------------------- 8<
(eval-after-load "context"
'(setq TeX-command-list
(cons '("ConTeXt"
"PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context %s"
TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run context (MarkIV)")
(setq ConTeXt-mode-hook
(lambda () (setq TeX-command-extra-options "--purgeall")))
(add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook
(setq TeX-command-default "ConTeXt Full")))
-------------------------------- 8<
By cons if I add this :
-------------------------------- 8<
(setenv "TEXMFCNF" nil)
(setenv "TEXROOT" "/home/aragorn/context/tex")
(setenv "TEXMFCACHE" (format "%s/.cache" (getenv "HOME")))
-------------------------------- 8<
the compilation returns a damaged pdf file that I can not open.
I installed texlive 2018 and context standalone in my home directory and
emacs in the /usr/share/emacs directory with Arch Linux ; can that explain
my problems ?
Le ven. 24 août 2018 à 04:21, Vladimir Lomov
Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-23 10:48:42 +0200]:
Hi, Thanks for your help but ...
I checked again and it is fine. May be I was too unspecific. First, I changed a bit your example to this one:
[test.tex] -------------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------ \setupsynctex[state=start]
\startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} draw outlinetext.f ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") (withcolor "lightgray") ysized 50pt ; \stopusableMPgraphic
\unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}}
\setuphead% [chapter]% [command=\HeadTitle,% headstyle=\ss,% numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber]
\unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2% {\framed% [frame=off,% bottomframe=on,% width=broad, align={broad,nothyphenated,left}]% {#1\blank[nowhite]#2}}
\starttext \startchapter[title=First chapter] \input ward \stopchapter \stoptext
%%% Local Variables: %%% mode: context %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: -------------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------
And second, I tweaked a bit my Emacs configuration:
-------------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------ (setenv "TEXMFCNF" nil) (setenv "TEXROOT" "/usr/local/opt/context/tex") (setenv "TEXMFCACHE" (format "%s/.cache" (getenv "HOME"))) -------------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------
(I have to do that because I have both TeX Live and ConTeXt Standalone/Suite in parallel, and use mainly LaTeX.)
You should check your Emacs configuration.
This is my Emacs configuration: https://bitbucket.org/vp1981/scripts/src/master/config/emacs/ and I have Emacs: 27.0.50 (git) AUCTEX: 12.1 (git)
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov
-- Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood, Stop up the access and passage to remorse That no compunctious visiting of nature Shake my fell purpose, not keep peace between The effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts, And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, Wherever in your sightless substances You wait on nature's mischief! Come, thick night, And pall the in the dunnest smoke of hell, That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, To cry `Hold, hold!' -- Lady MacBeth
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-24 12:31:19 +0200]:
Hi Vladimir, Thanks for everything, it seems to work !
You are the only one who knew how to solve the problem.
Here is the content of my ~./emacs file that you probably need to improve :
-------------------------------- 8< ---------------------------------
(eval-after-load "context" '(setq TeX-command-list (cons '("ConTeXt" "PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run context (MarkIV)") TeX-command-list)) )
(setq ConTeXt-mode-hook (lambda () (setq TeX-command-extra-options "--purgeall")))
(add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook (lambda() (setq TeX-command-default "ConTeXt Full")))
Why did you set "ConTeXt Full" as your default command? The above 'setq' introduces "ConTeXt" command to process a context file. When I said that everything is OK I meant that I did C-c C-c, checked that in minibuffer the "ConTeXt" command is chosen and then hit Enter.
-------------------------------- 8< ---------------------------------
By cons if I add this :
-------------------------------- 8< ---------------------------------
(setenv "TEXMFCNF" nil) (setenv "TEXROOT" "/home/aragorn/context/tex") (setenv "TEXMFCACHE" (format "%s/.cache" (getenv "HOME")))
-------------------------------- 8< ---------------------------------
the compilation returns a damaged pdf file that I can not open.
I don't know why you get "damaged" pdf file (in fact how do you know that file is damaged?) but "TEXMFCNF" is special variable that I uses to tweak TeX Live configuration for my latex workflow but context (standalone and from TL) refuses to work if this variable is set (in terminal I do 'unset' while in Emacs I set its value to 'nil' because this is identical to "unset" it). The "TEXROOT" variable I found in update script, I'm not sure if context requires it to work but IMHO, it is harmless. And the last variable "TEXMFCACHE" I use to force context to use ~/.cache for "luatex-cache" directory and not "pollute" my home directory (without it the "luatex-cache" directory will be created in $HOME directory).
I installed texlive 2018 and context standalone in my home directory and emacs in the /usr/share/emacs directory with Arch Linux ; can that explain my problems ?
Not sure but I'll wait you answer about "ConTeXt Full" vs "ConTeXt" I mentioned above.
[...] --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- I'm serious about thinking through all the possibilities before we settle on anything. All things have the advantages of their disadvantages, and vice versa. -- Larry Wall in <199709032332.QAA21669@wall.org>

On 8/24/2018 3:48 PM, Vladimir Lomov wrote:
I don't know why you get "damaged" pdf file (in fact how do you know that file is damaged?) but "TEXMFCNF" is special variable that I uses to tweak TeX Live configuration for my latex workflow but context (standalone and from TL) refuses to work if this variable is set (in terminal I do 'unset' while in Emacs I set its value to 'nil' because this is identical to "unset" it). The "TEXROOT" variable I found in update script, I'm not sure if context requires it to work but IMHO, it is harmless. And the last variable "TEXMFCACHE" I use to force context to use ~/.cache for "luatex-cache" directory and not "pollute" my home directory (without it the "luatex-cache" directory will be created in $HOME directory).
context does listen to some of these variables but all lookups are done independent of kpse, basically you only need to set the path or run context / mtxrun with a full path, often from an editor <pathtomtxrun>/mtxrun --script context .... works ok Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------

Hello, ** Hans Hagen [2018-08-24 16:39:54 +0200]:
On 8/24/2018 3:48 PM, Vladimir Lomov wrote:
I don't know why you get "damaged" pdf file (in fact how do you know that file is damaged?) but "TEXMFCNF" is special variable that I uses to tweak TeX Live configuration for my latex workflow but context (standalone and from TL) refuses to work if this variable is set (in terminal I do 'unset' while in Emacs I set its value to 'nil' because this is identical to "unset" it). The "TEXROOT" variable I found in update script, I'm not sure if context requires it to work but IMHO, it is harmless. And the last variable "TEXMFCACHE" I use to force context to use ~/.cache for "luatex-cache" directory and not "pollute" my home directory (without it the "luatex-cache" directory will be created in $HOME directory).
context does listen to some of these variables but all lookups are done independent of kpse,
And I suspect this causes strange behaviour of context in my case. I have $ echo $TEXMFCNF /home/vladimir/.texlive2018/texmf-config/web2c: The last colon is kpse feature to use not only the first texmf.cnf (https://www.tug.org/texinfohtml/kpathsea.html#Config-files) but all others (I use personal texmf.cnf to adjust some TEXMF variables for my latex workflow). With that TEXMFCNF context can't find its files (this is for context from TeX Live: -------------------------------- 8< ----------------------------------- mtxrun | forcing cache reload resolvers | resolving | looking for regular 'texmfcnf.lua' on given path '/home/vladimir/.texlive2018/texmf-config/web2c:' from specification '/home/vladimir/.texlive2018/texmf-config/web2c:' resolvers | resolving | looking for fallback 'contextcnf.lua' on given path '/home/vladimir/.texlive2018/texmf-config/web2c:' from specification '/home/vladimir/.texlive2018/texmf-config/web2c:' resolvers | resolving | resolvers | resolving | warning: no lua configuration files found resolvers | resolving | no texmf paths are defined (using TEXMF) resolvers | resolving | mtxrun | the resolver databases are not present or outdated resolvers | resolving | using suffix based filetype 'lua' resolvers | resolving | remembering file 'mtx-context.lua' using hash 'lua::mtx-context.lua' resolvers | resolving | using suffix based filetype 'lua' resolvers | resolving | remembering file 'mtx-contexts.lua' using hash 'lua::mtx-contexts.lua' resolvers | resolving | remembered file 'mtx-context.lua' resolvers | resolving | using suffix based filetype 'lua' resolvers | resolving | remembering file 'mtx-t-context.lua' using hash 'lua::mtx-t-context.lua' resolvers | resolving | using suffix based filetype 'lua' resolvers | resolving | remembering file 'mtx-t-contexts.lua' using hash 'lua::mtx-t-contexts.lua' resolvers | resolving | remembered file 'mtx-t-context.lua' resolvers | resolving | using suffix based filetype 'lua' resolvers | resolving | remembering file 'context.lua' using hash 'lua::context.lua' mtxrun | unknown script 'context.lua' or 'mtx-context.lua' -------------------------------- 8< ----------------------------------- ). I didn't try to figure out how to "fix" this, I simply unset that variable when I use context (both standalone and from TeX Live).
basically you only need to set the path or run context / mtxrun with a full path, often from an editor <pathtomtxrun>/mtxrun --script context ....
works ok
context script do exactly that.
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- If you ever want to have a lot of fun, I recommend that you go off and program an imbedded system. The salient characteristic of an imbedded system is that it cannot be allowed to get into a state from which only direct intervention will suffice to remove it. An imbedded system can't permanently trust anything it hears from the outside world. It must sniff around, adapt, consider, sniff around, and adapt again. I'm not talking about ordinary modular programming carefulness here. No. Programming an imbedded system calls for undiluted raging maniacal paranoia. For example, our ethernet front ends need to know what network number they are on so that they can address and route PUPs properly. How do you find out what your network number is? Easy, you ask a gateway. Gateways are required by definition to know their correct network numbers. Once you've got your network number, you start using it and before you can blink you've got it wired into fifteen different sockets spread all over creation. Now what happens when the panic-stricken operator realizes he was running the wrong version of the gateway which was giving out the wrong network number? Never supposed to happen. Tough. Supposing that your software discovers that the gateway is now giving out a different network number than before, what's it supposed to do about it? This is not discussed in the protocol document. Never supposed to happen. Tough. I think you get my drift.

Hi Vladimir,
I use ConTeXt Full following this question asked on the forum
Then, if I compile with ConTeXt, the problem is not solved and the file
vladimir.log is empty !
This is the buffer vladimir.output with emacs
-------------------------------- 8<
Running `ConTeXt' on `vladimir' with
``PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context vladimir''
resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf'
mtx-context | warning: no (local) file './vladimir', proceeding
mtx-context | run 1: luatex
--no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir"
--c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018)
system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf'
open source > level 1, order 1, name
system >
system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.20 17:47 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.20
int: english/english
system >
system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded
open source > level 2, order 2, name
system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv
close source > level 2, order 2, name
system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result
fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded
languages > language 'en' is active
open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex'
system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime
fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage)
fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded
structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter
metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun'
and method 'default'
metapost > loading 'metafun' as
using method 'default'
metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled'
lua error > lua error on line 10 in file /home/aragorn/vladimir.tex:
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: attempt to
call a nil value (global 'getid')
stack traceback:
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: in
upvalue 'getexpansion'
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:343: in
function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:338>
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:437: in
local 'boxtomp'
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1894: in
function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1891>
(...tail calls...)
2 \setupsynctex[state=start]
4 \startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead}
5 draw outlinetext.f
6 ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}")
7 (withcolor "red")
8 ysized 50pt ;
9 \stopusableMPgraphic
10 >>
11 \unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1%
12 {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}}
14 \setuphead%
15 [chapter]%
16 [command=\HeadTitle,%
17 headstyle=\ss,%
18 numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber]
20 \unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2%
-------------------------------- 8<
But if I compile from a terminal without using emacs it works !
[aragorn@fab ~]$ /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/context
Are we sure it is context standalone that is used by emacs rather than
context texlive 2018 ?
When reading the file vladimir.log, I doubt a little ...
PS : Here is the content of the file ~/.profile :
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/context
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/bin
Le ven. 24 août 2018 à 15:48, Vladimir Lomov
Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-24 12:31:19 +0200]:
Hi Vladimir, Thanks for everything, it seems to work !
You are the only one who knew how to solve the problem.
Here is the content of my ~./emacs file that you probably need to improve :
-------------------------------- 8< ---------------------------------
(eval-after-load "context" '(setq TeX-command-list (cons '("ConTeXt" "PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run context (MarkIV)") TeX-command-list)) )
(setq ConTeXt-mode-hook (lambda () (setq TeX-command-extra-options "--purgeall")))
(add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook (lambda() (setq TeX-command-default "ConTeXt Full")))
Why did you set "ConTeXt Full" as your default command? The above 'setq' introduces "ConTeXt" command to process a context file. When I said that everything is OK I meant that I did C-c C-c, checked that in minibuffer the "ConTeXt" command is chosen and then hit Enter.
-------------------------------- 8< ---------------------------------
By cons if I add this :
-------------------------------- 8< ---------------------------------
(setenv "TEXMFCNF" nil) (setenv "TEXROOT" "/home/aragorn/context/tex") (setenv "TEXMFCACHE" (format "%s/.cache" (getenv "HOME")))
-------------------------------- 8< ---------------------------------
the compilation returns a damaged pdf file that I can not open.
I don't know why you get "damaged" pdf file (in fact how do you know that file is damaged?) but "TEXMFCNF" is special variable that I uses to tweak TeX Live configuration for my latex workflow but context (standalone and from TL) refuses to work if this variable is set (in terminal I do 'unset' while in Emacs I set its value to 'nil' because this is identical to "unset" it). The "TEXROOT" variable I found in update script, I'm not sure if context requires it to work but IMHO, it is harmless. And the last variable "TEXMFCACHE" I use to force context to use ~/.cache for "luatex-cache" directory and not "pollute" my home directory (without it the "luatex-cache" directory will be created in $HOME directory).
I installed texlive 2018 and context standalone in my home directory and emacs in the /usr/share/emacs directory with Arch Linux ; can that explain my problems ?
Not sure but I'll wait you answer about "ConTeXt Full" vs "ConTeXt" I mentioned above.
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov
-- I'm serious about thinking through all the possibilities before we settle on anything. All things have the advantages of their disadvantages, and vice versa. -- Larry Wall in <199709032332.QAA21669@wall.org>
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-25 01:23:28 +0200]:
Hi Vladimir, I use ConTeXt Full following this question asked on the forum https://mailman.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2017/089501.html Then, if I compile with ConTeXt, the problem is not solved and the file vladimir.log is empty !
I don't know what trigger this error, in my configuration (even in minimal one, see below) the sample document is typeset just fine.
This is the buffer vladimir.output with emacs
-------------------------------- 8< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running `ConTeXt' on `vladimir' with ``PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context vladimir'' resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' mtx-context | warning: no (local) file './vladimir', proceeding mtx-context | run 1: luatex --fmt="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en" --jobname="vladimir" --lua="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.20 17:47 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.20 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv' using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled'
lua error > lua error on line 10 in file /home/aragorn/vladimir.tex:
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: attempt to call a nil value (global 'getid') stack traceback: ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: in upvalue 'getexpansion' ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:343: in function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:338> ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:437: in local 'boxtomp' ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1894: in function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1891> (...tail calls...)
1 2 \setupsynctex[state=start] 3 4 \startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} 5 draw outlinetext.f 6 ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") 7 (withcolor "red") 8 ysized 50pt ; 9 \stopusableMPgraphic 10 >> 11 \unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% 12 {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}} 13 14 \setuphead% 15 [chapter]% 16 [command=\HeadTitle,% 17 headstyle=\ss,% 18 numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber] 19 20 \unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2%
I didn't see nothing suspicios, only the message with lua error, I didn't see it in terminal and in Emacs. Last try, could you make a backup of your ~/.emacs file and use attached one to test your system (Emacs+AUCTeX). Just 1. make a copy of your original ~/.emacs; 2. change it's context to the provided one; 3. start new Emacs session; 4. open a test file and 5. do C-c C-c on it. Be sure that you choose the "ConTeXt" target. Besides that check the *Messages* buffer, may be you find something unusual there. [...] --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- Ship it.

Hi Vladimir,
I just made a new standalone context install and added this to my ~/.profile
: source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex
It finally seems to work !
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin
source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/bin
Le lun. 27 août 2018 à 06:07, Vladimir Lomov
Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-25 01:23:28 +0200]:
Hi Vladimir, I use ConTeXt Full following this question asked on the forum https://mailman.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2017/089501.html Then, if I compile with ConTeXt, the problem is not solved and the file vladimir.log is empty !
I don't know what trigger this error, in my configuration (even in minimal one, see below) the sample document is typeset just fine.
This is the buffer vladimir.output with emacs
-------------------------------- 8<
Running `ConTeXt' on `vladimir' with ``PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context vladimir'' resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' mtx-context | warning: no (local) file './vladimir', proceeding mtx-context | run 1: luatex
--no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name
system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.20 17:47 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.20 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name
system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name
system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as
using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled'
lua error > lua error on line 10 in file /home/aragorn/vladimir.tex:
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: attempt to call a nil value (global 'getid') stack traceback: ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: in upvalue 'getexpansion' ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:343: in function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:338> ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:437: in local 'boxtomp' ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1894: in function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1891> (...tail calls...)
1 2 \setupsynctex[state=start] 3 4 \startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} 5 draw outlinetext.f 6 ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") 7 (withcolor "red") 8 ysized 50pt ; 9 \stopusableMPgraphic 10 >> 11 \unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% 12 {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}} 13 14 \setuphead% 15 [chapter]% 16 [command=\HeadTitle,% 17 headstyle=\ss,% 18 numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber] 19 20 \unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2%
I didn't see nothing suspicios, only the message with lua error, I didn't see it in terminal and in Emacs.
Last try, could you make a backup of your ~/.emacs file and use attached one to test your system (Emacs+AUCTeX). Just 1. make a copy of your original ~/.emacs; 2. change it's context to the provided one; 3. start new Emacs session; 4. open a test file and 5. do C-c C-c on it. Be sure that you choose the "ConTeXt" target.
Besides that check the *Messages* buffer, may be you find something unusual there.
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov
-- Ship it.
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Hi Vladimir,
I just realized that does not work anymore
(setq ConTeXt-mode-hook
(lambda () (setq TeX-command-extra-options "--purgeall")))
Le lun. 27 août 2018 à 11:51, Fabrice Couvreur
Hi Vladimir, I just made a new standalone context install and added this to my ~/.profile : source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex It finally seems to work !
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/bin
Thanks Fabrice
Le lun. 27 août 2018 à 06:07, Vladimir Lomov
a écrit : Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-25 01:23:28 +0200]:
Hi Vladimir, I use ConTeXt Full following this question asked on the forum https://mailman.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2017/089501.html Then, if I compile with ConTeXt, the problem is not solved and the file vladimir.log is empty !
I don't know what trigger this error, in my configuration (even in minimal one, see below) the sample document is typeset just fine.
This is the buffer vladimir.output with emacs
-------------------------------- 8<
Running `ConTeXt' on `vladimir' with ``PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context vladimir'' resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' mtx-context | warning: no (local) file './vladimir', proceeding mtx-context | run 1: luatex
--no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name
system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.20 17:47 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.20 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name
system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name
system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as
using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled'
lua error > lua error on line 10 in file /home/aragorn/vladimir.tex:
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: attempt to call a nil value (global 'getid') stack traceback: ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: in upvalue 'getexpansion' ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:343: in function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:338> ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:437: in local 'boxtomp' ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1894: in function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1891> (...tail calls...)
1 2 \setupsynctex[state=start] 3 4 \startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} 5 draw outlinetext.f 6 ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") 7 (withcolor "red") 8 ysized 50pt ; 9 \stopusableMPgraphic 10 >> 11 \unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% 12 {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}} 13 14 \setuphead% 15 [chapter]% 16 [command=\HeadTitle,% 17 headstyle=\ss,% 18 numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber] 19 20 \unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2%
I didn't see nothing suspicios, only the message with lua error, I didn't see it in terminal and in Emacs.
Last try, could you make a backup of your ~/.emacs file and use attached one to test your system (Emacs+AUCTeX). Just 1. make a copy of your original ~/.emacs; 2. change it's context to the provided one; 3. start new Emacs session; 4. open a test file and 5. do C-c C-c on it. Be sure that you choose the "ConTeXt" target.
Besides that check the *Messages* buffer, may be you find something unusual there.
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov
-- Ship it.
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-27 15:47:41 +0200]:
Le lun. 27 août 2018 à 11:51, Fabrice Couvreur
a écrit : Hi Vladimir, I just made a new standalone context install and added this to my ~/.profile : source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex It finally seems to work !
I'm glad it works for you though
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/bin
don't understand how these lines help you. As you said you were able to typeset a sample document in terminal, so all settings in terminal (bash I presume) were fine, especially taking into account that 'setuptex' exports only PATH variable with correct path for Standalone ConTeXt. They might change environment from which Emacs is launched but again, you use full path to run context so they must be irrelevant here. In one of previous messages (https://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ntg.nl/msg88742.html) you told that you use Archlinux, did you install texlive-* packages? Did you update your system? I use Archlinux and have not only ConTeXt standalone/suite and TeX Live (TUG) installed but also I have installed texlive-* packages from distribution repository and don't have any problem with the example either in terminal or Emacs(+AUCTeX), I suspect that your Emacs configuration might be the cause of the problem.
Hi Vladimir, I just realized that does not work anymore !
(setq ConTeXt-mode-hook (lambda () (setq TeX-command-extra-options "--purgeall")))
Why you insist on using hooks when you specify in full the custom target? Just add this option to the custom target: (eval-after-load "context" '(setq TeX-command-list (cons '("ConTeXt" "PATH=/usr/local/opt/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context --purgeall %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run context (MarkIV)") TeX-command-list)) )
Thanks Fabrice
[...] --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- It is necessary for the welfare of society that genius should be privileged to utter sedition, to blaspheme, to outrage good taste, to corrupt the youthful mind, and generally to scandalize one's uncles. -- George Bernard Shaw

Hi Vladimir,
I do not use Arch Linux repositories to install texlive 2018 packages but
I installed texlive 2018 "scheme-full" with tlmgr -gui in /home/aragorn
/texlive/2018. I then make regular updates in the same way. No texlive
traces in the \usr\share\ directory or elsewhere. Standalone Context is
also installed in my home directory. However, Emacs is installed from the
Arch Linux repositories and is located in /usr/share/emacs.
So I have to add the path of texlive 2018 ?
Maybe you do not need to add the Context Standalone path ?
My ~/.profile file would be this :
source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex
export PATH = $ PATH: /home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux
export PATH = $ PATH: /home/aragorn /bin
Le mar. 28 août 2018 à 07:57, Vladimir Lomov
Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-27 15:47:41 +0200]:
Le lun. 27 août 2018 à 11:51, Fabrice Couvreur < fabrice1.couvreur@gmail.com> a écrit :
Hi Vladimir, I just made a new standalone context install and added this to my ~/.profile : source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex It finally seems to work !
I'm glad it works for you though
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/bin
don't understand how these lines help you. As you said you were able to typeset a sample document in terminal, so all settings in terminal (bash I presume) were fine, especially taking into account that 'setuptex' exports only PATH variable with correct path for Standalone ConTeXt. They might change environment from which Emacs is launched but again, you use full path to run context so they must be irrelevant here.
In one of previous messages (https://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ntg.nl/msg88742.html) you told that you use Archlinux, did you install texlive-* packages? Did you update your system? I use Archlinux and have not only ConTeXt standalone/suite and TeX Live (TUG) installed but also I have installed texlive-* packages from distribution repository and don't have any problem with the example either in terminal or Emacs(+AUCTeX), I suspect that your Emacs configuration might be the cause of the problem.
Hi Vladimir, I just realized that does not work anymore !
(setq ConTeXt-mode-hook (lambda () (setq TeX-command-extra-options "--purgeall")))
Why you insist on using hooks when you specify in full the custom target? Just add this option to the custom target:
(eval-after-load "context" '(setq TeX-command-list (cons '("ConTeXt" "PATH=/usr/local/opt/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context --purgeall %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run context (MarkIV)") TeX-command-list)) )
Thanks Fabrice
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov
-- It is necessary for the welfare of society that genius should be privileged to utter sedition, to blaspheme, to outrage good taste, to corrupt the youthful mind, and generally to scandalize one's uncles. -- George Bernard Shaw
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-28 11:18:58 +0200]:
Hi Vladimir,
I do not use Arch Linux repositories to install texlive 2018 packages
Some texlive-* packages could be installed as dependencies of other packages. You may check if your system has any texlive package: $ pacman -Qs texlive
but I installed texlive 2018 "scheme-full" with tlmgr -gui in /home/aragorn /texlive/2018. I then make regular updates in the same way. No texlive traces in the \usr\share\ directory or elsewhere.
I prefer to rely on package manager.
Standalone Context is also installed in my home directory. However, Emacs is installed from the Arch Linux repositories and is located in /usr/share/emacs.
$ pacman -Qs emacs
So I have to add the path of texlive 2018 ? Maybe you do not need to add the Context Standalone path ? My ~/.profile file would be this :
source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex export PATH = $ PATH: /home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux export PATH = $ PATH: /home/aragorn /bin
This part is a bit strange: - in message https://mailman.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2018/092418.html you mentioned that commands run in terminal worked fine, but you invoked them by full path; - in the same message you set PATH in emacs as (setenv "PATH" "/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/:$PATH" t) (I have to admit that I didn't know it is possible to use '$PATH' in setenv), so it prepends path to context binary to PATH list. The above lines do opposite: they append path to context binary to the end of PATH list. The first line, 'source ...', helps here because 'setuptex' in turns prepend path to context binary to PATH. When you invoke 'context' in terminal (I assume it is bash shell) the shell searches program in current directory (depends on configuration) and then in PATH, the first wins. So to use context from ConTeXt standalone you may simply do $ export PATH=$HOME/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH either in terminal or in ~/.profile. You may always check if this is true by runnig $ command -v context (for bash shell) or $ which context Returning to your problem. I looked closely again in messages with output from context and I don't understand what may cause the error. Seems that Emacs uses correct context (according to loading files). Could you show in full your ~/.emacs file? Do you use AUCTeX or bare Emacs?
Regards, Fabrice
[...] --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- Uncontrolled power will turn even saints into savages. And we can all be counted on to live down to our lowest impulses. -- Parmen, "Plato's Stepchildren", stardate 5784.3

Hello, Before considering modifications, here's what I get when I do which context : Setting "/home/aragorn/context/tex" as ConTeXt root. [aragorn@fab ~]$ which context /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/context [aragorn@fab ~]$ $ pacman -Qs texlive
[root@fab aragorn]# pacman -Qs texlive [root@fab aragorn]# $ pacman -Qs emacs
[root@fab aragorn]# pacman -Qs emacs local/emacs 26.1-2 The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor local/emacs-python-mode 6.2.3-1 Python mode for Emacs [root@fab aragorn]# you mentioned that commands run in terminal worked fine, but you
invoked them by full path;
To be able to test with the
texlive context binary and context standalone context binary
The next in the next message after restarting my PC ...
Le mer. 29 août 2018 à 04:58, Vladimir Lomov
Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-28 11:18:58 +0200]:
Hi Vladimir,
I do not use Arch Linux repositories to install texlive 2018 packages
Some texlive-* packages could be installed as dependencies of other packages. You may check if your system has any texlive package:
$ pacman -Qs texlive
but I installed texlive 2018 "scheme-full" with tlmgr -gui in /home/aragorn /texlive/2018. I then make regular updates in the same way. No texlive traces in the \usr\share\ directory or elsewhere.
I prefer to rely on package manager.
Standalone Context is also installed in my home directory. However, Emacs is installed from the Arch Linux repositories and is located in /usr/share/emacs.
$ pacman -Qs emacs
So I have to add the path of texlive 2018 ? Maybe you do not need to add the Context Standalone path ? My ~/.profile file would be this :
source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex export PATH = $ PATH: /home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux export PATH = $ PATH: /home/aragorn /bin
This part is a bit strange: - in message https://mailman.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2018/092418.html you mentioned that commands run in terminal worked fine, but you invoked them by full path;
- in the same message you set PATH in emacs as
(setenv "PATH" "/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/:$PATH" t)
(I have to admit that I didn't know it is possible to use '$PATH' in setenv), so it prepends path to context binary to PATH list. The above lines do opposite: they append path to context binary to the end of PATH list.
The first line, 'source ...', helps here because 'setuptex' in turns prepend path to context binary to PATH.
When you invoke 'context' in terminal (I assume it is bash shell) the shell searches program in current directory (depends on configuration) and then in PATH, the first wins. So to use context from ConTeXt standalone you may simply do
$ export PATH=$HOME/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH
either in terminal or in ~/.profile. You may always check if this is true by runnig
$ command -v context
(for bash shell) or
$ which context
Returning to your problem. I looked closely again in messages with output from context and I don't understand what may cause the error. Seems that Emacs uses correct context (according to loading files). Could you show in full your ~/.emacs file? Do you use AUCTeX or bare Emacs?
Regards, Fabrice
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov
-- Uncontrolled power will turn even saints into savages. And we can all be counted on to live down to our lowest impulses. -- Parmen, "Plato's Stepchildren", stardate 5784.3
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Hello, Here is the content of my file ~/.profile : export PATH=$HOME/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH export PATH=$HOME/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH $ command -v context
[aragorn@fab ~]$ command -v context /home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux/context [aragorn@fab ~]$ I then tested the vladimir.tex file \setupsynctex[state=start] \startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} draw outlinetext.f ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") (withcolor "blue") ysized 50pt ; \stopusableMPgraphic \unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}} \setuphead% [chapter]% [command=\HeadTitle,% headstyle=\ss,% numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber] \unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2% {\framed% [frame=off,% bottomframe=on,% width=broad, align={broad,nothyphenated,left}]% {#1\blank[nowhite]#2}} \starttext \startchapter[title=First chapter] \input ward \stopchapter \stoptext ~/ % Local Variables: % mode: context % TeX-master: t % End: Here is the output vladimi r .output Running `ConTeXt' on `vladimir' with ``PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context --purgeall vladimir'' resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' mtx-context | warning: no (local) file './vladimir', proceeding mtx-context | run 1: luatex --fmt="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en" --jobname="vladimir" --lua="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv" This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled. resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.25 10:04 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.25 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv' using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled' open source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' close source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' backend > xmp > using file '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 2, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' close source > level 1, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' mkiv lua stats > used config file: selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path: /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.008 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 31 found files, scanned paths: /home/aragorn/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 437 modules (0.227 sec), 93 tables (0.015 sec), 530 chunks (0.241 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1328, freed: 5, unreachable: 1323 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 58 nodes, 9 lists of 455 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 kern, 2 penalty, 14 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 4 attribute_list, 2 temp, 2 user_defined mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 8 unique task lists, 6 instances (re)created, 55 calls mkiv lua stats > synctex tracing: 2 referenced files, 5 files ignored, 3 objects flushed, logfile: vladimir.synctex mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: internal: 177, file: 180, direct: 2, late: 2, function 534, total: 895 mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: vladimir.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 4 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-bold.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.104, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 9 instances, 3 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.216 seconds mkiv lua stats > metapost: 0.001 seconds, loading: 0.017, execution: 0.001, n: 1, average: 0.019, instances: 1, luacalls: 8, memory: 2.635 M mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.08 with functionality level 6731, banner: this is luatex, version 1.08.0 (tex live 2018) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 46537 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 81 MB (ctx: 81 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.538 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.859 pages/second mtx-context | run 2: luatex --fmt="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en" --jobname="vladimir" --lua="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=2 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=2 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv" This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled. resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.25 10:04 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.25 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv' using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled' open source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' close source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' backend > xmp > using file '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 2, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' close source > level 1, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' mkiv lua stats > used config file: selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path: /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.008 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.001 seconds, 0 shared scans, 31 found files, scanned paths: /home/aragorn/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 437 modules (0.238 sec), 93 tables (0.015 sec), 530 chunks (0.253 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1328, freed: 5, unreachable: 1323 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 58 nodes, 9 lists of 455 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 kern, 2 penalty, 14 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 4 attribute_list, 2 temp, 2 user_defined mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 8 unique task lists, 6 instances (re)created, 55 calls mkiv lua stats > synctex tracing: 2 referenced files, 5 files ignored, 3 objects flushed, logfile: vladimir.synctex mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: internal: 177, file: 180, direct: 2, late: 2, function 534, total: 895 mkiv lua stats > randomizer: initialized with value 0.55005725985393 mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: vladimir.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 4 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-bold.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.104, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 9 instances, 3 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.227 seconds mkiv lua stats > metapost: 0.001 seconds, loading: 0.017, execution: 0.001, n: 1, average: 0.019, instances: 1, luacalls: 8, memory: 2.635 M mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.08 with functionality level 6731, banner: this is luatex, version 1.08.0 (tex live 2018) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 46536 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 81 MB (ctx: 81 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.562 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.779 pages/second mtx-context | run 3: luatex --fmt="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en" --jobname="vladimir" --lua="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=3 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=2 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv" This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled. resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.25 10:04 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.25 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv' using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled' open source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' close source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' backend > xmp > using file '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 2, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' close source > level 1, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' mkiv lua stats > used config file: selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path: /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.007 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 31 found files, scanned paths: /home/aragorn/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 437 modules (0.217 sec), 93 tables (0.015 sec), 530 chunks (0.232 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1328, freed: 5, unreachable: 1323 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 58 nodes, 9 lists of 455 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 kern, 2 penalty, 14 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 4 attribute_list, 2 temp, 2 user_defined mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 8 unique task lists, 6 instances (re)created, 55 calls mkiv lua stats > synctex tracing: 2 referenced files, 5 files ignored, 3 objects flushed, logfile: vladimir.synctex mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: internal: 177, file: 180, direct: 2, late: 2, function 534, total: 895 mkiv lua stats > randomizer: resumed with value 0.55005725985393 mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: vladimir.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 4 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-bold.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.104, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 9 instances, 3 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.221 seconds mkiv lua stats > metapost: 0.001 seconds, loading: 0.018, execution: 0.001, n: 1, average: 0.019, instances: 1, luacalls: 8, memory: 2.635 M mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.08 with functionality level 6731, banner: this is luatex, version 1.08.0 (tex live 2018) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 46536 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 86 MB (ctx: 85 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.536 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.866 pages/second mtx-context | purged files: vladimir.log, vladimir.tuc system | total runtime: 2.525 seconds TeX Output finished at Wed Aug 29 11:54:03 Could you show in full your ~/.emacs file? Do you use AUCTeX or bare
Emacs ?
I use AUCTEX but I d not know bare Emacs
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(ConTeXt-Mark-version "IV")
'(ConTeXt-engine "luatex")
'(TeX-command-extra-options "-shell-escape")
[default default default italic underline success warning error])
["#242424" "#e5786d" "#95e454" "#cae682" "#8ac6f2" "#333366" "#ccaa8f"
'(custom-enabled-themes (quote (leuven)))
(yasnippet-snippets auto-complete-auctex context-coloring nova-theme
'(tab-width 4))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
;; SERVER Download (MELPA):
(when (>= emacs-major-version 24)
(require 'package)
'("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/")
(eval-after-load "context"
'(setq TeX-command-list
(cons '("ConTeXt"
"PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context --purgeall
TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run context (MarkIV)")
;;(add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook
;; (setq TeX-command-default "ConTeXt Full")))
(setq-default cursor-type 'bar)
(set-cursor-color "#ff0000")
(setq TeX-view-program-list '(("Evince" "evince %o"))
TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "Evince")))
(setq make-backup-files nil) ; stop creating backup~ files
(setq auto-save-default nil) ; stop creating #autosave# files
;; auto close bracket insertion. New in emacs 24
(electric-pair-mode 1)
;; turn on highlight matching brackets when cursor is on one
(show-paren-mode 1)
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/asymptote")
(autoload 'asy-mode "asy-mode.el" "Asymptote major mode." t)
(autoload 'lasy-mode "asy-mode.el" "hybrid Asymptote/Latex major mode." t)
(autoload 'asy-insinuate-latex "asy-mode.el" "Asymptote insinuate LaTeX." t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.asy$" . asy-mode))
(setq column-number-mode t)
(setq line-number-mode t)
(setq py-install-directory "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/python-mode.el-6.1.1")
(add-to-list 'load-path py-install-directory)
(require 'python-mode)
;;(add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook
;;(lambda ()
;; (setq indent-tabs-mode t
;; indent-line-function 'indent-relative)))
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(add-to-list 'TeX-command-list '("LuaTeX" "%`lualatex%(mode)%'
%t" TeX-run-TeX nil t))
(setq TeX-command-default "LuaTeX")
(setq TeX-save-query nil)
(setq TeX-show-compilation t)))
(setq-default TeX-engine 'luatex
TeX-PDF-mode t)
Le mer. 29 août 2018 à 11:39, Fabrice Couvreur
Hello, Before considering modifications, here's what I get when I do which context :
Setting "/home/aragorn/context/tex" as ConTeXt root. [aragorn@fab ~]$ which context /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/context [aragorn@fab ~]$
$ pacman -Qs texlive
[root@fab aragorn]# pacman -Qs texlive [root@fab aragorn]#
$ pacman -Qs emacs
[root@fab aragorn]# pacman -Qs emacs local/emacs 26.1-2 The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor local/emacs-python-mode 6.2.3-1 Python mode for Emacs [root@fab aragorn]#
you mentioned that commands run in terminal worked fine, but you
invoked them by full path;
To be able to test with the texlive context binary and context standalone context binary .
The next in the next message after restarting my PC ...
Le mer. 29 août 2018 à 04:58, Vladimir Lomov
a écrit : Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-28 11:18:58 +0200]:
Hi Vladimir,
I do not use Arch Linux repositories to install texlive 2018 packages
Some texlive-* packages could be installed as dependencies of other packages. You may check if your system has any texlive package:
$ pacman -Qs texlive
but I installed texlive 2018 "scheme-full" with tlmgr -gui in /home/aragorn /texlive/2018. I then make regular updates in the same way. No texlive traces in the \usr\share\ directory or elsewhere.
I prefer to rely on package manager.
Standalone Context is also installed in my home directory. However, Emacs is installed from the Arch Linux repositories and is located in /usr/share/emacs.
$ pacman -Qs emacs
So I have to add the path of texlive 2018 ? Maybe you do not need to add the Context Standalone path ? My ~/.profile file would be this :
source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex export PATH = $ PATH: /home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux export PATH = $ PATH: /home/aragorn /bin
This part is a bit strange: - in message https://mailman.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2018/092418.html you mentioned that commands run in terminal worked fine, but you invoked them by full path;
- in the same message you set PATH in emacs as
(setenv "PATH" "/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/:$PATH" t)
(I have to admit that I didn't know it is possible to use '$PATH' in setenv), so it prepends path to context binary to PATH list. The above lines do opposite: they append path to context binary to the end of PATH list.
The first line, 'source ...', helps here because 'setuptex' in turns prepend path to context binary to PATH.
When you invoke 'context' in terminal (I assume it is bash shell) the shell searches program in current directory (depends on configuration) and then in PATH, the first wins. So to use context from ConTeXt standalone you may simply do
$ export PATH=$HOME/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH
either in terminal or in ~/.profile. You may always check if this is true by runnig
$ command -v context
(for bash shell) or
$ which context
Returning to your problem. I looked closely again in messages with output from context and I don't understand what may cause the error. Seems that Emacs uses correct context (according to loading files). Could you show in full your ~/.emacs file? Do you use AUCTeX or bare Emacs?
Regards, Fabrice
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov
-- Uncontrolled power will turn even saints into savages. And we can all be counted on to live down to our lowest impulses. -- Parmen, "Plato's Stepchildren", stardate 5784.3
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-29 12:01:46 +0200]:
Hello, Here is the content of my file ~/.profile :
export PATH=$HOME/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH export PATH=$HOME/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
$ command -v context
[aragorn@fab ~]$ command -v context /home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux/context [aragorn@fab ~]$
And this means that when you run 'context' in shell (terminal) the context from TeX Live will be used. Note the above 'export' commands. The first prepend the path to ConTeXt Standalone binaries, the next on prepends TeX Live binaries, so TeX Live binaries will be used if you run 'context' in terminal/shell.
I then tested the vladimir.tex file
\startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} draw outlinetext.f ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") (withcolor "blue") ysized 50pt ; \stopusableMPgraphic
\unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}}
\setuphead% [chapter]% [command=\HeadTitle,% headstyle=\ss,% numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber]
\unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2% {\framed% [frame=off,% bottomframe=on,% width=broad, align={broad,nothyphenated,left}]% {#1\blank[nowhite]#2}}
\starttext \startchapter[title=First chapter] \input ward \stopchapter \stoptext ~/
% Local Variables: % mode: context % TeX-master: t % End:
Here is the output vladimir output
I suppose this is from within Emacs.
Running `ConTeXt' on `vladimir' with ``PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context --purgeall vladimir'' resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' mtx-context | warning: no (local) file './vladimir', proceeding mtx-context | run 1: luatex --fmt="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en" --jobname="vladimir" --lua="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.25 10:04 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.25 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv' using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled' open source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' close source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' backend > xmp > using file '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 2, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' close source > level 1, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv'
mkiv lua stats > used config file: selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path: /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.008 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 31 found files, scanned paths: /home/aragorn/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 437 modules (0.227 sec), 93 tables (0.015 sec), 530 chunks (0.241 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1328, freed: 5, unreachable: 1323 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 58 nodes, 9 lists of 455 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 kern, 2 penalty, 14 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 4 attribute_list, 2 temp, 2 user_defined mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 8 unique task lists, 6 instances (re)created, 55 calls mkiv lua stats > synctex tracing: 2 referenced files, 5 files ignored, 3 objects flushed, logfile: vladimir.synctex mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: internal: 177, file: 180, direct: 2, late: 2, function 534, total: 895 mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: vladimir.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 4 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-bold.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.104, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 9 instances, 3 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.216 seconds mkiv lua stats > metapost: 0.001 seconds, loading: 0.017, execution: 0.001, n: 1, average: 0.019, instances: 1, luacalls: 8, memory: 2.635 M mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.08 with functionality level 6731, banner: this is luatex, version 1.08.0 (tex live 2018) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 46537 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 81 MB (ctx: 81 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.538 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.859 pages/second mtx-context | run 2: luatex --fmt="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en" --jobname="vladimir" --lua="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=2 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=2 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.25 10:04 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.25 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv' using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled' open source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' close source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' backend > xmp > using file '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 2, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' close source > level 1, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv'
mkiv lua stats > used config file: selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path: /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.008 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.001 seconds, 0 shared scans, 31 found files, scanned paths: /home/aragorn/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 437 modules (0.238 sec), 93 tables (0.015 sec), 530 chunks (0.253 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1328, freed: 5, unreachable: 1323 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 58 nodes, 9 lists of 455 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 kern, 2 penalty, 14 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 4 attribute_list, 2 temp, 2 user_defined mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 8 unique task lists, 6 instances (re)created, 55 calls mkiv lua stats > synctex tracing: 2 referenced files, 5 files ignored, 3 objects flushed, logfile: vladimir.synctex mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: internal: 177, file: 180, direct: 2, late: 2, function 534, total: 895 mkiv lua stats > randomizer: initialized with value 0.55005725985393 mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: vladimir.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 4 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-bold.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.104, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 9 instances, 3 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.227 seconds mkiv lua stats > metapost: 0.001 seconds, loading: 0.017, execution: 0.001, n: 1, average: 0.019, instances: 1, luacalls: 8, memory: 2.635 M mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.08 with functionality level 6731, banner: this is luatex, version 1.08.0 (tex live 2018) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 46536 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 81 MB (ctx: 81 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.562 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.779 pages/second mtx-context | run 3: luatex --fmt="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en" --jobname="vladimir" --lua="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=3 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=2 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.25 10:04 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.25 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv' using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled' open source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' close source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' backend > xmp > using file '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 2, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' close source > level 1, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv'
mkiv lua stats > used config file: selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path: /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.007 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 31 found files, scanned paths: /home/aragorn/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 437 modules (0.217 sec), 93 tables (0.015 sec), 530 chunks (0.232 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1328, freed: 5, unreachable: 1323 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 58 nodes, 9 lists of 455 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 kern, 2 penalty, 14 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 4 attribute_list, 2 temp, 2 user_defined mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 8 unique task lists, 6 instances (re)created, 55 calls mkiv lua stats > synctex tracing: 2 referenced files, 5 files ignored, 3 objects flushed, logfile: vladimir.synctex mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: internal: 177, file: 180, direct: 2, late: 2, function 534, total: 895 mkiv lua stats > randomizer: resumed with value 0.55005725985393 mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: vladimir.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 4 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-bold.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.104, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 9 instances, 3 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.221 seconds mkiv lua stats > metapost: 0.001 seconds, loading: 0.018, execution: 0.001, n: 1, average: 0.019, instances: 1, luacalls: 8, memory: 2.635 M mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.08 with functionality level 6731, banner: this is luatex, version 1.08.0 (tex live 2018) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 46536 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 86 MB (ctx: 85 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.536 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.866 pages/second mtx-context | purged files: vladimir.log, vladimir.tuc system | total runtime: 2.525 seconds
TeX Output finished at Wed Aug 29 11:54:03
So no error this time, how about the resulted PDF file?
Could you show in full your ~/.emacs file? Do you use AUCTeX or bare Emacs ?
I use AUCTEX but I d not know bare Emacs
I assumed that you installed auctex package, like $ sudo pacman -S auctex and do (load "auctex") in your ~/.emacs file. If you do not use auctex or not load it the Emacs will use it's own (builtin) support for LaTeX and ConTeXt file (a limited one).
(custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(ConTeXt-Mark-version "IV") '(ConTeXt-engine "luatex") '(TeX-command-extra-options "-shell-escape") '(ansi-color-faces-vector [default default default italic underline success warning error]) '(ansi-color-names-vector ["#242424" "#e5786d" "#95e454" "#cae682" "#8ac6f2" "#333366" "#ccaa8f" "#f6f3e8"]) '(custom-enabled-themes (quote (leuven))) '(package-selected-packages (quote (yasnippet-snippets auto-complete-auctex context-coloring nova-theme auctex))) '(tab-width 4)) (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. )
;; SERVER Download (MELPA):
(when (>= emacs-major-version 24) (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/") t))
(eval-after-load "context" '(setq TeX-command-list (cons '("ConTeXt" "PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context --purgeall %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run context (MarkIV)") TeX-command-list)) )
;;(add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook ;;(lambda() ;; (setq TeX-command-default "ConTeXt Full")))
(setq-default cursor-type 'bar)
(set-cursor-color "#ff0000")
(setq TeX-view-program-list '(("Evince" "evince %o")) TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "Evince")))
(setq make-backup-files nil) ; stop creating backup~ files (setq auto-save-default nil) ; stop creating #autosave# files
;; auto close bracket insertion. New in emacs 24 (electric-pair-mode 1)
;; turn on highlight matching brackets when cursor is on one (show-paren-mode 1)
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/asymptote") (autoload 'asy-mode "asy-mode.el" "Asymptote major mode." t) (autoload 'lasy-mode "asy-mode.el" "hybrid Asymptote/Latex major mode." t) (autoload 'asy-insinuate-latex "asy-mode.el" "Asymptote insinuate LaTeX." t) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.asy$" . asy-mode))
(setq column-number-mode t)
(setq line-number-mode t)
(setq py-install-directory "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/python-mode.el-6.1.1")
(add-to-list 'load-path py-install-directory)
(require 'python-mode)
;;(add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook ;;(lambda () ;; (setq indent-tabs-mode t ;; indent-line-function 'indent-relative)))
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda() (add-to-list 'TeX-command-list '("LuaTeX" "%`lualatex%(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX nil t)) (setq TeX-command-default "LuaTeX") (setq TeX-save-query nil) (setq TeX-show-compilation t)))
(setq-default TeX-engine 'luatex TeX-PDF-mode t)
These settings looks good. Hope you resolved your problem. P.S. Why you install auctex as MELPA and don't use Archlinux package?
Thanks Fabrice
[...] --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- A memorandum is written not to inform the reader, but to protect the writer. -- Dean Acheson

Hello Vladimir, I suppose this is from within Emacs.
File compiled with Emacs . I assumed that you installed auctex package, like
$ sudo pacman -S auctex
and do
(load "auctex")
No with MELPA. P.S. Why you install auctex as MELPA and don't use Archlinux package ?
I do not know !
What is the difference between both ?
If it's better to do it with Arch Linux, I do it !
Is it necessary to add this at the end of each file ?
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: context
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End:
Le mer. 29 août 2018 à 16:12, Vladimir Lomov
Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-29 12:01:46 +0200]:
Hello, Here is the content of my file ~/.profile :
export PATH=$HOME/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH export PATH=$HOME/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
$ command -v context
[aragorn@fab ~]$ command -v context /home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux/context [aragorn@fab ~]$
And this means that when you run 'context' in shell (terminal) the context from TeX Live will be used. Note the above 'export' commands. The first prepend the path to ConTeXt Standalone binaries, the next on prepends TeX Live binaries, so TeX Live binaries will be used if you run 'context' in terminal/shell.
I then tested the vladimir.tex file
\startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} draw outlinetext.f ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") (withcolor "blue") ysized 50pt ; \stopusableMPgraphic
\unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}}
\setuphead% [chapter]% [command=\HeadTitle,% headstyle=\ss,% numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber]
\unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2% {\framed% [frame=off,% bottomframe=on,% width=broad, align={broad,nothyphenated,left}]% {#1\blank[nowhite]#2}}
\starttext \startchapter[title=First chapter] \input ward \stopchapter \stoptext ~/
% Local Variables: % mode: context % TeX-master: t % End:
Here is the output vladimir output
I suppose this is from within Emacs.
Running `ConTeXt' on `vladimir' with ``PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context --purgeall vladimir'' resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' mtx-context | warning: no (local) file './vladimir', proceeding mtx-context | run 1: luatex
--no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name
system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.25 10:04 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.25 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name
system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name
system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as
using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled' open source > level 3, order 4, name
close source > level 3, order 4, name
backend > xmp > using file
pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 2, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' close source > level 1, order 4, name
mkiv lua stats > used config file:
mkiv lua stats > used cache path:
mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.008 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 31 found files, scanned paths: /home/aragorn/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 437 modules (0.227 sec), 93
/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e tables
(0.015 sec), 530 chunks (0.241 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1328, freed: 5, unreachable: 1323 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 58 nodes, 9 lists of 455 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 kern, 2 penalty, 14 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 4 attribute_list, 2 temp, 2 user_defined mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 8 unique task lists, 6 instances (re)created, 55 calls mkiv lua stats > synctex tracing: 2 referenced files, 5 files ignored, 3 objects flushed, logfile: vladimir.synctex mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: internal: 177, file: 180, direct: 2, late: 2, function 534, total: 895 mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: vladimir.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 4 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-bold.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.104, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 9 instances, 3 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.216 seconds mkiv lua stats > metapost: 0.001 seconds, loading: 0.017, execution: 0.001, n: 1, average: 0.019, instances: 1, luacalls: 8, memory: 2.635 M mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.08 with functionality level 6731, banner: this is luatex, version 1.08.0 (tex live 2018) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 46537 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 81 MB (ctx: 81 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.538 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.859 pages/second mtx-context | run 2: luatex
--no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=2 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=2 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name
system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.25 10:04 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.25 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name
system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name
system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as
using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled' open source > level 3, order 4, name
close source > level 3, order 4, name
backend > xmp > using file
pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 2, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' close source > level 1, order 4, name
mkiv lua stats > used config file:
mkiv lua stats > used cache path:
mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.008 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.001 seconds, 0 shared scans, 31 found files, scanned paths: /home/aragorn/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 437 modules (0.238 sec), 93
/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e tables
(0.015 sec), 530 chunks (0.253 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1328, freed: 5, unreachable: 1323 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 58 nodes, 9 lists of 455 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 kern, 2 penalty, 14 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 4 attribute_list, 2 temp, 2 user_defined mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 8 unique task lists, 6 instances (re)created, 55 calls mkiv lua stats > synctex tracing: 2 referenced files, 5 files ignored, 3 objects flushed, logfile: vladimir.synctex mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: internal: 177, file: 180, direct: 2, late: 2, function 534, total: 895 mkiv lua stats > randomizer: initialized with value 0.55005725985393 mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: vladimir.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 4 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-bold.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.104, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 9 instances, 3 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.227 seconds mkiv lua stats > metapost: 0.001 seconds, loading: 0.017, execution: 0.001, n: 1, average: 0.019, instances: 1, luacalls: 8, memory: 2.635 M mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.08 with functionality level 6731, banner: this is luatex, version 1.08.0 (tex live 2018) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 46536 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 81 MB (ctx: 81 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.562 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.779 pages/second mtx-context | run 3: luatex
--no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=3 --c:fulljobname="./vladimir" --c:input="./vladimir" --c:kindofrun=2 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name
system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.25 10:04 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.25 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name
system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name
system > files > jobname 'vladimir', input './vladimir', result 'vladimir' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' system > synctex functionality is enabled, expect 5-10 pct runtime overhead! fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as
using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled' open source > level 3, order 4, name
close source > level 3, order 4, name
backend > xmp > using file
pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 2, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/vladimir.tex' close source > level 1, order 4, name
mkiv lua stats > used config file:
mkiv lua stats > used cache path:
mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.007 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 31 found files, scanned paths: /home/aragorn/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 437 modules (0.217 sec), 93
/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e tables
(0.015 sec), 530 chunks (0.232 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1328, freed: 5, unreachable: 1323 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 58 nodes, 9 lists of 455 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 kern, 2 penalty, 14 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 4 attribute_list, 2 temp, 2 user_defined mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 8 unique task lists, 6 instances (re)created, 55 calls mkiv lua stats > synctex tracing: 2 referenced files, 5 files ignored, 3 objects flushed, logfile: vladimir.synctex mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output) mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: internal: 177, file: 180, direct: 2, late: 2, function 534, total: 895 mkiv lua stats > randomizer: resumed with value 0.55005725985393 mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: vladimir.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 4 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-bold.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.104, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 9 instances, 3 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.221 seconds mkiv lua stats > metapost: 0.001 seconds, loading: 0.018, execution: 0.001, n: 1, average: 0.019, instances: 1, luacalls: 8, memory: 2.635 M mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.08 with functionality level 6731, banner: this is luatex, version 1.08.0 (tex live 2018) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 46536 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 86 MB (ctx: 85 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.536 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.866 pages/second mtx-context | purged files: vladimir.log, vladimir.tuc system | total runtime: 2.525 seconds
TeX Output finished at Wed Aug 29 11:54:03
So no error this time, how about the resulted PDF file?
Could you show in full your ~/.emacs file? Do you use AUCTeX or bare Emacs ?
I use AUCTEX but I d not know bare Emacs
I assumed that you installed auctex package, like
$ sudo pacman -S auctex
and do
(load "auctex")
in your ~/.emacs file. If you do not use auctex or not load it the Emacs will use it's own (builtin) support for LaTeX and ConTeXt file (a limited one).
(custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(ConTeXt-Mark-version "IV") '(ConTeXt-engine "luatex") '(TeX-command-extra-options "-shell-escape") '(ansi-color-faces-vector [default default default italic underline success warning error]) '(ansi-color-names-vector ["#242424" "#e5786d" "#95e454" "#cae682" "#8ac6f2" "#333366" "#ccaa8f" "#f6f3e8"]) '(custom-enabled-themes (quote (leuven))) '(package-selected-packages (quote (yasnippet-snippets auto-complete-auctex context-coloring nova-theme auctex))) '(tab-width 4)) (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. )
;; SERVER Download (MELPA):
(when (>= emacs-major-version 24) (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/") t))
(eval-after-load "context" '(setq TeX-command-list (cons '("ConTeXt" "PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context --purgeall %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run context (MarkIV)") TeX-command-list)) )
;;(add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook ;;(lambda() ;; (setq TeX-command-default "ConTeXt Full")))
(setq-default cursor-type 'bar)
(set-cursor-color "#ff0000")
(setq TeX-view-program-list '(("Evince" "evince %o")) TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "Evince")))
(setq make-backup-files nil) ; stop creating backup~ files (setq auto-save-default nil) ; stop creating #autosave# files
;; auto close bracket insertion. New in emacs 24 (electric-pair-mode 1)
;; turn on highlight matching brackets when cursor is on one (show-paren-mode 1)
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/asymptote") (autoload 'asy-mode "asy-mode.el" "Asymptote major mode." t) (autoload 'lasy-mode "asy-mode.el" "hybrid Asymptote/Latex major mode." t) (autoload 'asy-insinuate-latex "asy-mode.el" "Asymptote insinuate LaTeX." t) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.asy$" . asy-mode))
(setq column-number-mode t)
(setq line-number-mode t)
(setq py-install-directory "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/python-mode.el-6.1.1")
(add-to-list 'load-path py-install-directory)
(require 'python-mode)
;;(add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook ;;(lambda () ;; (setq indent-tabs-mode t ;; indent-line-function 'indent-relative)))
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda() (add-to-list 'TeX-command-list '("LuaTeX" "%`lualatex%(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX nil t)) (setq TeX-command-default "LuaTeX") (setq TeX-save-query nil) (setq TeX-show-compilation t)))
(setq-default TeX-engine 'luatex TeX-PDF-mode t)
These settings looks good. Hope you resolved your problem.
P.S. Why you install auctex as MELPA and don't use Archlinux package?
Thanks Fabrice
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov
-- A memorandum is written not to inform the reader, but to protect the writer. -- Dean Acheson
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Hello, ** Fabrice Couvreur [2018-08-29 11:39:07 +0200]:
Hello, Before considering modifications, here's what I get when I do which context :
Setting "/home/aragorn/context/tex" as ConTeXt root. [aragorn@fab ~]$ which context /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/context [aragorn@fab ~]$
Ok, context from ConTeXt Standalone.
$ pacman -Qs texlive
Ok, your system doesn't have any texlive packages.
[root@fab aragorn]# pacman -Qs texlive [root@fab aragorn]#
Running commands as root is a bit dangerous.
$ pacman -Qs emacs
[root@fab aragorn]# pacman -Qs emacs local/emacs 26.1-2 The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor local/emacs-python-mode 6.2.3-1 Python mode for Emacs [root@fab aragorn]#
Your system has only these two packages.
you mentioned that commands run in terminal worked fine, but you
invoked them by full path;
To be able to test with the texlive context binary and context standalone context binary .
Got it.
The next in the next message after restarting my PC ...
[..] --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- I think that I shall never see A thing as lovely as a tree. But as you see the trees have gone They went this morning with the dawn. A logging firm from out of town Came and chopped the trees all down. But I will trick those dirty skunks And write a brand new poem called 'Trunks'.

On Mon, 27 Aug 2018, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
I just made a new standalone context install and added this to my ~/.profile : source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex It finally seems to work !
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/bin
I haven't read the whole thread, but why are you adding BOTH context-minimal and texlive to path. The whole idea of `source ...setuptex` is to set the PATH so that `context` resolves to the script provided by context-minimals rather than texlive. You can check this by running `which context` in a terminal. Aditya

Hello, I installed texlive 2018 and context standalone in my home directory. It seems to me that I must therefore indicate the path where texlive is located 2018, but maybe I'm wrong. You can check this by running `which context` in a terminal.
Setting "/home/aragorn/context/tex" as ConTeXt root.
[aragorn@fab ~]$ which context
[aragorn@fab ~]$
Le lun. 27 août 2018 à 16:36, Aditya Mahajan
On Mon, 27 Aug 2018, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
I just made a new standalone context install and added this to my ~/.profile : source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex It finally seems to work !
export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin source /home/aragorn/context/tex/setuptex export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux export PATH=$PATH:/home/aragorn/bin
I haven't read the whole thread, but why are you adding BOTH context-minimal and texlive to path. The whole idea of `source ...setuptex` is to set the PATH so that `context` resolves to the script provided by context-minimals rather than texlive.
You can check this by running `which context` in a terminal.
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net

You get an error message because outlinetext doesn’t work. \starttext \startMPcode draw outlinetext.f ("A") () ; \stopMPcode \stoptext Wolfgang Fabrice Couvreur schrieb am 22.08.18 um 13:05:
Hello, Sorry to insist, but could anyone help me understand the problem I'm having in using Emacs with standalone context ? The following file compiles perfectly from a terminal :
/home/aragorn/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux/context test.tex
/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/context test.tex (latest beta)
With Emacs, it compiles perfectly if you use the 2018 texlive context binary.
If I want to use the latest beta context binary, I need to add this to my ~/.emacs file :
(setenv "PATH" "/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/:$PATH" t)
And there, I encounter a compilation problem :
Running `ConTeXt Full' on `pouf' with ``context --purgeall --nonstop pouf.tex''resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' mtx-context | run 1: luatex --fmt="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en" --interaction="nonstopmode" --jobname="pouf" --lua="/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e/formats/luatex/cont-en.lui" --no-parse-first-line --c:currentrun=1 --c:fulljobname="./pouf.tex" --c:input="./pouf.tex" --c:kindofrun=1 --c:maxnofruns=9 --c:nonstopmode --c:purgeall "cont-yes.mkiv"
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.08.0 (TeX Live 2018) system commands enabled.
resolvers > trees > analyzing 'home:texmf' open source > level 1, order 1, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv' job > passes > version mismatch: 1.3 <> 1.31 system > system > ConTeXt ver: 2018.08.20 17:47 MKIV beta fmt: 2018.8.20 int: english/english system > system > 'cont-new.mkiv' loaded open source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv' system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv close source > level 2, order 2, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv'
system > files > jobname 'pouf', input './pouf', result 'pouf' fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language 'en' is active open source > level 2, order 3, name '/home/aragorn/pouf.tex' fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded structure > sectioning > chapter @ level 2 : 0.1 -> First chapter metapost > initializing instance 'metafun:1' using format 'metafun' and method 'default' metapost > loading 'metafun' as '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv' using method 'default' metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled'
lua error > lua error on line 10 in file /home/aragorn/pouf.tex:
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: attempt to call a nil value (global 'getid') stack traceback: ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-nut.lua:190: in upvalue 'getexpansion' ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:343: in function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:338> ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua:437: in local 'boxtomp' ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1894: in function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua:1891> (...tail calls...)
1 2 \startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} 3 draw outlinetext.f 4 ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") 5 (withcolor "lightgray") 6 ysized 50pt ; 7 \stopusableMPgraphic 8 9 \unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% 10 >> {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}} 11 12 \setuphead 13 [chapter] 14 [command=\HeadTitle, 15 headstyle=\ss, 16 numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber, 17 ] 18 19 20 \unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2%
open source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' close source > level 3, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/common/ward.tex' backend > xmp > using file '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 close source > level 2, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/pouf.tex' close source > level 1, order 4, name '/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-yes.mkiv'
mkiv lua stats > used config file: selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua mkiv lua stats > used cache path: /home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/5fe67e0bfe781ce0dde776fb1556f32e mkiv lua stats > resource resolver: loadtime 0.007 seconds, 1 scans with scantime 0.000 seconds, 0 shared scans, 31 found files, scanned paths: /home/aragorn/texmf mkiv lua stats > stored bytecode data: 437 modules (0.226 sec), 93 tables (0.015 sec), 530 chunks (0.241 sec) mkiv lua stats > traced context: maxstack: 1328, freed: 5, unreachable: 1323 mkiv lua stats > cleaned up reserved nodes: 58 nodes, 9 lists of 455 mkiv lua stats > node memory usage: 2 glue, 2 kern, 2 penalty, 14 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 4 attribute_list, 2 temp, 2 user_defined mkiv lua stats > node list callback tasks: 8 unique task lists, 6 instances (re)created, 55 calls mkiv lua stats > used backend: pdf (backend for directly generating pdf output)mkiv lua stats > jobdata time: 0.001 seconds saving, 0.000 seconds loading mkiv lua stats > callbacks: internal: 179, file: 180, direct: 2, late: 1, function 529, total: 891 mkiv lua stats > loaded patterns: en::2, load time: 0.000 mkiv lua stats > result saved in file: pouf.pdf, compresslevel 3, objectcompresslevel 3 mkiv lua stats > loaded fonts: 4 files: latinmodern-math.otf, lmroman10-bold.otf, lmroman10-regular.otf, lmroman12-regular.otf mkiv lua stats > font engine: otf 3.104, afm 1.513, tfm 1.000, 9 instances, 3 shared in backend, 3 common vectors, 0 common hashes, load time 0.238 seconds mkiv lua stats > metapost: 0.001 seconds, loading: 0.018, execution: 0.000, n: 1, average: 0.019, instances: 1, luacalls: 7, memory: 2.608 M mkiv lua stats > used platform: linux-64, type: unix, binary subtree: texmf-linux-64 mkiv lua stats > used engine: luatex version 1.08 with functionality level 6731, banner: this is luatex, version 1.08.0 (tex live 2018) mkiv lua stats > control sequences: 46533 of 65536 + 100000 mkiv lua stats > lua properties: engine: lua 5.3, used memory: 61 MB (ctx: 61 MB), hash type: lua, hash chars: min(64,40), symbol mask: utf (τεχ) mkiv lua stats > runtime: 0.613 seconds, 1 processed pages, 1 shipped pages, 1.631 pages/second mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 1
TeX Output exited abnormally with code 1 at Wed Aug 22 13:01:54
######## test.tex ########
\startusableMPgraphic{NumberHead} draw outlinetext.f ("\bf\namedheadnumber{chapter}") (withcolor "lightgray") ysized 50pt ; \stopusableMPgraphic
\unexpanded\def\processMPheadnumber#1% {\useMPgraphic{NumberHead}}
\setuphead [chapter] [command=\HeadTitle, headstyle=\ss, numbercommand=\processMPheadnumber, ]
\unexpanded\def\HeadTitle#1#2% {\framed [frame=off, bottomframe=on, width=broad, align={broad,nothyphenated,left}] {#1\blank[nowhite]#2}}
\starttext \startchapter[title=First chapter] \input ward \stopchapter \stoptext
Thanks Fabrice
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net ___________________________________________________________________________________

Hello, ** Wolfgang Schuster [2018-08-23 20:58:01 +0200]:
You get an error message because outlinetext doesn’t work.
\startMPcode draw outlinetext.f ("A") () ; \stopMPcode
The example that Fabrice Couvreur presented works fine on my side, besides
Fabrice Couvreur schrieb am 22.08.18 um 13:05:
Hello, Sorry to insist, but could anyone help me understand the problem I'm having in using Emacs with standalone context ? The following file compiles perfectly from a terminal :
----------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [...] --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.
participants (5)
Aditya Mahajan
Fabrice Couvreur
Hans Hagen
Vladimir Lomov
Wolfgang Schuster