Bibtex: how to make autohang work?

Hello again, I'm using this setup for my bibliography: \setuppublications[alternative=apa, refcommand=short, autohang=yes, numbering=short, sorttype=bbl, criterium=cited] So the keys are sometimes 7 characters long and thus overwrite the actual bibliography. That's way I thought I should use "autohang=yes". Yet, there's not any change. Did I miss anything? Thanks for advice Hubertus

Hubertus wrote:
Hello again, I'm using this setup for my bibliography: \setuppublications[alternative=apa, refcommand=short, autohang=yes, numbering=short, sorttype=bbl, criterium=cited]
So the keys are sometimes 7 characters long and thus overwrite the actual bibliography. That's way I thought I should use "autohang=yes". Yet, there's not any change. Did I miss anything?
autohang mode is (should be) using the 'samplesize' key from \setuppublicationlist in the bbl data to measure the required width. If altering that doesn't work, we will need a test file. Best wishes, Taco

Dear Taco,
autohang mode is (should be) using the 'samplesize' key from \setuppublicationlist in the bbl data to measure the required width. If altering that doesn't work, we will need a test file. Well, RTFM... but still it's not the way it probably should be. This is to be found in my bbl-file: \setuppublicationlist[samplesize={NDVRT{\etalchar{+}}02},totalnumber=224] but it has no effect what so ever. If I copy: \setuppublicationlist[samplesize={NDVRT{\etalchar{+}}02}] to my tex-file, however, it works. More RTFM?
Here an entry from my bbl-file: \startpublication[k=N.D.Vieira2002,t=article, a={{N.~D.~Vieira},{}},y=2002,o={10.1016/S0925-8388(02)00359-6}, n=137,s=NDVRT{\etalchar{+}}02] \artauthor[]{Jr.}[J.]{}{N.~D.~Vieira} \artauthor[]{I.~M.}[I.~M.]{}{Ranieria} \artauthor[]{L.~V.~G.}[L.~V.~G.]{}{Tarelhoa} \artauthor[]{N.~U.}[N.~U.]{}{Wettera} \artauthor[]{S.~L.}[S.~L.]{}{Baldochia} \artauthor[]{L.}[L.]{}{Gomesa} \artauthor[]{P.~S.~F.}[P.~S.~F.]{de}{Matosa} \artauthor[]{W.}[W.]{de}{Rossia} \artauthor[]{G.~E.~C.}[G.~E.~C.]{}{Nogueiraa} \artauthor[]{L.~C.}[L.~C.]{}{Courrolb} \artauthor[]{E.~A.}[E.~A.]{}{Barbosab} \artauthor[]{E.~P.}[E.~P.]{}{Maldonadoc} \artauthor[]{S.~P.}[S.~P.]{}{Morato} \pubyear{2002} \arttitle{Laser development of rare-earth doped crystals} \journal{Journal of Alloys and Compounds} \volume{344} \issue{1-2} \pages{231-239} \month{Oct} \stoppublication Thanks Hubertus

Hubertus wrote:
Dear Taco,
autohang mode is (should be) using the 'samplesize' key from \setuppublicationlist in the bbl data to measure the required width. If altering that doesn't work, we will need a test file.
Well, RTFM... but still it's not the way it probably should be. This is to be
found in my bbl-file: \setuppublicationlist[samplesize={NDVRT{\etalchar{+}}02},totalnumber=224] but it has no effect what so ever.
That is clearly a bug. Mkiv or mkii?
If I copy: \setuppublicationlist[samplesize={NDVRT{\etalchar{+}}02}] to my tex-file, however, it works. More RTFM?
Best wishes, Taco

That is clearly a bug. Mkiv or mkii? I think I use texlive (current debian unstable). I also think I found the problem :) I've been using the + project file and it seems that there's something wrong with the order of the commands. The original verion:
\startproduct prd_phd \project project_phd \starttext \setuppublications[alternative=apa, refcommand=short, autohang=yes, numbering=short, sorttype=bbl, criterium=all] \placepublications[criterium=all] \stoptext \stopproduct This does not work. This, however, works: \setuppublications[alternative=apa, refcommand=short, autohang=yes, numbering=short, sorttype=bbl, criterium=all] \starttext \startproduct prd_phd \project project_phd \chapter{Bibliography} \placepublications[criterium=all] \stopproduct \stoptext So, I don't know if it's a bug or not or if it's the way it should be and was just an inattention by the one who wrote the original product-file. Cheers, Hubertus

Hubertus wrote:
That is clearly a bug. Mkiv or mkii? I think I use texlive (current debian unstable). I also think I found the problem :) I've been using the + project file and it seems that there's something wrong with the order of the commands. The original verion:
\startproduct prd_phd \project project_phd \starttext \setuppublications[alternative=apa,
This is indeed unsafe, \setuppublications should come before \starttext (or even before \startproduct) Best wishes, Taco

On Fri, Apr 02 2010, Hubertus wrote:
\startproduct prd_phd \project project_phd \starttext
Hello, I don't think, that \startproduct and \starttext are to be used together. When you have a single document, you put the text between \starttext and \stoptext and when you have a project-product-component structure, then you use \startproduct ... \stopproduct.
So, I don't know if it's a bug or not or if it's the way it should be and was just an inattention by the one who wrote the original product-file.
e-phd.tex is an environment file. Since it's about 5 years old, it's unlikely that it works with current context out of the box. It's just on the web-site, to show what settings I've used to get the resulting pdf-file. Cheers, Peter -- Contact information:

Dear Peter,
e-phd.tex is an environment file. Since it's about 5 years old, it's unlikely that it works with current context out of the box. It's just on the web-site, to show what settings I've used to get the resulting pdf-file. I think I got those files from ages ago. I've been using it as a draft and have been changing it quite a lot but got some good ideas from it. There's always to learn something new.
Thanks for the support Hubertus
participants (3)
Peter Münster
Taco Hoekwater