Problem loading a DLL with the latest Ctx beta

How exactly do you mean to combine "ffi" and "--shell-escape" to work with latest ConTeXt/LuaTeX?
In usual luatex, ffi needs --shell-escape, since ffi is dangerous from the point of view of the security. As you know, ConTeXt allows --shell-escape, so the following works with context test.tex. % % context test.tex % \starttext \placeformula \startformula j_1(2.387) = \startluacode local ffi = require("ffi") ffi.cdef[[ double _j1(double x); ]] local mscrt = ffi.load("msvcrt") tex.print(mscrt._j1(2.387)) \stopluacode \stopformula \stoptext In the above example, a function _j1(x) in msvcrt.dll is evaluated. The msvcrt.dll must be loaded as above, because standard C library is linked statically. The following DLLs can be used without loading, because luatex knows them: SHLWAPI.dll WSOCK32.dll USER32.dll ADVAPI32.dll SHELL32.dll KERNEL32.dll WS2_32.dll GDI32.dll Note that you may not be able to use "DLL Lua Modules" in this way. I don't know details. Try various cases. Best, Akira
participants (1)
Akira Kakuto