TeX i-Package updated, Easy Mac font support for PDFTeX

The TeX i-Package has been updated. It now contains support for several Mac fonts using the gtamacfonts package. Both LaTeX and ConTeXt are supported. Note: only PDFTeX (not TeX+dvips) is supported. PS trickery like font expansion and pstricks is not supported. This is all because of the formats of the fonts (truetype). Apple ships the fonts packed in socalled "font suit cases". PDFTeX can only use the fonts unpacked. To unpack them a tool called fondu can be used. There is an i-Package for fondu. If fondu is installed *before* TeX is installed, the TeX i-Package will automatically unpack the Mac fonts in the right TeX directory. Note that distributing the Apple fonts (packed or unpacked) is a breach of copyright, hence I do not distribute the fonts and nor should you. After installing fondu and TeX, you can us it like this: To use these fonts with LaTeX, put e.g. the following in your file: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{gtamachoefler} Such a style file will make Hoefler Text the serif (roman) text font and Gill Sans the sans serif font. The following basic styles are available: gtamacbaskerville.sty gtamacdidot.sty gtamacgeorgia.sty gtamachoefler.sty There are more. See the manual for details. For the same effect using ConTeXt, enter e.g.: \usetypescriptfile[type-gtamacfonts] \usetypescript[Hoefler][ec] \setupbodyfont[Hoefler,12pt] Support for ConTeXt is better than support for LaTeX for the simple reason that ConTeXt is more powerful. Example documents and a manual can be found in the texmf.gwtex/doc/ fonts/gtamacfonts subdirectory. To get the manual you can type "texdoc gtamacfonts" in a Terminal window. Also check out "texdoc GTAHoeflerSymbols" in a Terminal window. G PS. I expect to do one more update with this with some changes to the manual and such, but nothing fundamental.
participants (1)
Gerben Wierda