Re: [NTG-context] right item marks for associative questions?

You can use different alignment settings to move the bullet points to the right side of your lists.
Thank you Wolfgang, this is exactly what I need. One more question: I am typesetting those questions in lua, because lua vectors were more convenient for reading the whole but I am not sure how should I pass the righttoleft option. I read the cld manual and my guess is I should use function() but looks like I lack some understanding of context proceeding. This is what I did so far \startluacode userdata = userdata or {} function ListeAleatoireGauche(t) context.startitemize {"8","packed","random"} for k=1,#t do context.startitem() context.lefttoright(t[k]) context.stopitem() end context.stopitemize() end function ListeAleatoireDroite(t) context.startitemize {"8","packed","random"} for k=1,#t do context.startitem() context(t[k]) context.stopitem() end context.stopitemize() end function QCMAssociatif(t,u) context.startxtable {"frame=no","columndistance=3cm"} context.startxrow() context.startxcell() ListeAleatoireGauche(t) context.stopxcell() context.startxcell() ListeAleatoireDroite(u) context.stopxcell() context.stopxrow() context.stopxtable() end \stopluacode \starttext \startluacode Author = {"Nietzsche","God"} Quote = {"God is dead","Nietzsche is Dead"} QCMAssociatif (Author,Quote) \stoptext Damien Thiriet

On 4/15/22 2:24 PM Damien Thiriet via ntg-context wrote:
I read the cld manual and my guess is I should use function() but looks like I lack some understanding of context proceeding.
This is what I did so far [...]
In function 'ListeAleatoireGauche' calling startitemize as below should help: context.startitemize ({"8","packed","random"}, {align="righttoleft"}) Further, I think you might also need to put the entry into stream in a group: context.start() context.lefttoright(t[k]) context.stop() Sreeram
participants (2)
Damien Thiriet