Bibliography : wrong order of references when rendered by chapter

Hi, I try to use multiple renderings to place a bibliography list at the end of each chapters. I use the option 'criterium=chapter' to place the bibliography and i also use the options 'repeat=yes,method=local' because I want each chapter to have its own bibliography with an independant numbering (starting from 1 for each chapter). However, it doesn't wwork as expected. When a reference that exists in a previous chapter appears again in another one, the ordering is broken (I tried th option 'continue=no' but I don't know what it does). I don't know if it's very clear so here's a minimal 'non' working example (in the second chapter, ward reference should be numbered 1 and knuth should be 2, following the order of appearence in the bibliography list): % mnwe.tex \usebtxdataset[biblio.bib] \setupbtxrendering [repeat=yes, continue=no, method=local] \startdocument \startchapter[title=First chapter] \input knuth \cite[knuth]\blank \placelistofpublications[criterium=chapter] \stopchapter \startchapter[title=Second chapter] \input ward \cite[ward,knuth]\blank \placelistofpublications[criterium=chapter] \stopchapter \stopdocument % end % biblio.bib @book{knuth, title = "Title", author = "Knuth", publisher = "Publisher", year = "2019", } @book{ward, title = "Title", author = "Ward", publisher = "Publisher", year = "2019", } % end Thank you for your help. Best. -- Romain Diss
participants (1)
Romain Diss