Titles - dimensions and grid after

Hello, I simply need to have chapter title exactly placed, not on grid (25mm from left, top of all letters on the edge of the whole grid). I have tried: \setupbodyfont[termes,11pt] \setupinterlinespace[line=14pt] \definefont[nadpisy][SansBold at 22pt] \setuphead[chapter][% before={\dontleavehmode\blank[-0.26cm]\hskip 25mm}, number=yes, style=\nadpisy after={\blank[11*line]}, ] This works fine but the text after is NOT on grid (don't know how to). The second thing is it is NOT skipped 25mm but so cca 30mm. %\def\mychapterstyle#1#2{\framed[frame=on,location=top, offset=0pt,width=\textwidth,height=57mm,align=top]{{\hskip 25mm#1 #2}}} \setuphead[chapter][% number=yes, style=\nadpisy command=\mychapterstyle, after={\blank[11*line]}, ] This works fine but the problem is that in case of some charons or other diacritics the whole title is due to it slightly moved down. What could solve my problem? (How to get the text after on grid and have exactly 25mm \hskip OR How to have a framed titles where the diacritical marks are above the top of the frame?) Thanks, Honza Hejzl
participants (1)
Honza Hejzl